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03-30-2005, 11:28 PM
I am shutting down my laptop to attempt a repair on my laptop. The power connection is loose internally and won't charge or power the thingy. So I am gonna try and disassemble and solder the doohicky. If you never hear from me again it didn't work:hammer: .

03-31-2005, 12:10 AM
I have 2 laptops that have the same problem.:cool:

03-31-2005, 10:21 AM
I guess it worked??????

03-31-2005, 10:25 AM
No, I took the hard drive, RAMs, drives etc out about 2 dozen different screws and still didn't get it open. But I did get a goo enough look at the plug that is is not soldered to a board. It is a well designed socket with leads going to a board. So I cleaned the contacts and tweaked them a little so it works now. I twaut to hard:hammer:

04-24-2005, 01:20 AM
I'm a IBM Technician, I work on them all on the side, for you or all who are interested.

04-24-2005, 10:15 AM
I'm a IBM Technician, I work on them all on the side, for you or all who are interested.


I have an IBM t20 that works but the screen has red streaks that go from the colors to the right ... For example when it boots XP the dos text looks fine, then when the xp logo come up on black background it has red streaks that run from the logo to the right ...

I took it apart and it seems all the connections are tight. The External video looks fine.

The one thing I found is that the Video ribbon cable has a little wing on it that seems to connect to the chassis for a ground - well that little wing has ripped off - not sure if it was ripped off by me when I took it apart or prior

I was going to buy a cable on Ebay but its a 13.3 inch screen and all the parts on ebay are for 14.1 screens - plus 2 ebay vendors were suspended recently so the stock of parts has decreased.

Have you ever seen these red streaks before ??


04-24-2005, 11:35 PM
yes, and the reason it does it is the screen is actually burnt on the inside, the reason you don't see it on Dos is because it only uses like 16 colors, where windows is true or high at 256.

That is usually caused by the screen being damaged by something rubbed across it on the outside, sometimes it takes awhile to effect it, it causes a lets say "hairline Fracture" of sorts in the material on the inside, then the ultraviolet lights burn away at the seapage caused by the crack until you see scars. Smile

Theres other crap to, but you need a new screen,lol.
IBM doesn't even have replacements listed for that model anymore, ( I looked for ya, I can get a Huge Discount) so your best bet is to try to find a used laptop dealer, or just do some web, google searches for it, either for parts or a used one. Sorry

The grounding wire is supose to be on, but thats mainly for static shock purposes.

04-24-2005, 11:54 PM
yes, and the reason it does it is the screen is actually burnt on the inside, the reason you don't see it on Dos is because it only uses like 16 colors, where windows is true or high at 256.

That is usually caused by the screen being damaged by something rubbed across it on the outside, sometimes it takes awhile to effect it, it causes a lets say "hairline Fracture" of sorts in the material on the inside, then the ultraviolet lights burn away at the seapage caused by the crack until you see scars. Smile

Theres other crap to, but you need a new screen,lol.
IBM doesn't even have replacements listed for that model anymore, ( I looked for ya, I can get a Huge Discount) so your best bet is to try to find a used laptop dealer, or just do some web, google searches for it, either for parts or a used one. Sorry

The grounding wire is supose to be on, but thats mainly for static shock purposes.

Oh well.. I have 0 dollars invested in a partially broken laptop... Ill see if I can get a deal on a parts laptop from ebay

Thanks for the feedback

04-25-2005, 04:07 PM
Pass it on, it's my biz :)