View Full Version : pulled over in lewisville

04-01-2005, 03:04 AM
about 20 min ago......1:30amish, no front plate.......there's like 3 cars on main street, im the only going east (just passing intersection with cabana). He is going the other way and whips this nasty u turn hits the lights and pulls me over. He was a real jackass considering the situation..just giving me a hard time. After he blinds me, he approaches like i'm some convict, hidin in my blind spot asking if the vehicle is in park. Overall, a very unnecessary pull over, and he went out of his way to do it.....The weirdest part was when he asked where my plate was, I said I was waiting on the brackets b/c I didn't have any yet (i've heard this used many times...so I had to) THEN he goes, "Is there any other reason that it's not on?".......what can you say to that???? why else wouldn't it be??!??! He ended up just giving me a warning so I can't complain too much, pretty shady police work though. Kinda funny that I washed my truck and put on the new registration sticker about 2 hours ago...I think it just looked so good he was bored and had to pull me over. ;) Boooo Lewisville cops.

To put the front plate on or to not put the front plate on, that is the question.... :hammer:

04-01-2005, 04:45 AM
To put the front plate on or to not put the front plate on, that is the question.... :hammer:

Its like drugs, JUST SAY NO :burnout:


04-01-2005, 08:31 AM
Texas requires a licence plate on the front of the vehicle. I'm not sure if proping it up in the windshield counts or not.

If I were a cop, it was 1:30 in the morning, had nothing going on otherwise, and I saw a Toyota P.O.S. with no front tag, I would pull it over. The chances of nabbing someone at that time of night for DUI are excellent. If you are otherwise not doing ANYTHING wrong, but don't have a front plate, expect to get pulled over.

The Lightning, like a lot of other nice vehicles out there, look way better without the front plate. You should see the holes I had to drill in the front of my wife's S4! But if you don't have the front plate on, you have zero room for complaint about getting stopped. Granted, it's a stupid law, but to a cop, it's the same as intentionally disconnecting a tail light.

Not meant to be a flame, but you brought that on yourself.

Now, let the arguments begin!!!http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/devil.gif

04-01-2005, 08:42 AM
I had a 2000 WS6 T/A for 2 years, and never got pulled over for no front plate. Had my 2002 L for two years with no front plate and never got stopped for that reason either.

IMO, it just depends on the officer, what time of day/night it is, and where you are. I have a good friend that's a TX State Trooper, and according to him, you would not believe how many felons they catch because they pulled them over for minor, or seemingly insignificant stuff. It is for that very reason, that law stays on the books.

I too refuse to put a front plate on a beautiful vehicle. Just not gonna do it(unless I'm absolutely forced), but I'm willing to accept the fact that it gives them a reason to pull me over....

04-01-2005, 09:09 AM
I had a 2000 WS6 T/A for 2 years, and never got pulled over for no front plate. Had my 2002 L for two years with no front plate and never got stopped for that reason either.

IMO, it just depends on the officer, what time of day/night it is, and where you are. I have a good friend that's a TX State Trooper, and according to him, you would not believe how many felons they catch because they pulled them over for minor, or seemingly insignificant stuff. It is for that very reason, that law stays on the books.

I too refuse to put a front plate on a beautiful vehicle. Just not gonna do it(unless I'm absolutely forced), but I'm willing to accept the fact that it gives them a reason to pull me over....

You are absolutely right. It all boils down to the individual officer. I ran down to Austin and back one time right after I bought the L. I did not have the front plate on, but had plans to do so. I got stopped for speeding (go figure) but only got a verbal warning. The DPS trooper never said a word about the front plate, which he could have seen from where he was shooting his laser. I thought that was wierd because they like to aim at the front plate.

I would definately prefer to not have the plate on the front, but I would really hate to get stopped after a night out on the town. If I were blotto and was all over the road, I would deserve, and even need to get stopped. But if I were doing nothing wrong, other than having had a few drinks, it would suck to get stopped for something as dumb as not having the front plate on. If I never went out and had a few drinks from time to time, I might not have put it on. Still, it's a stupid law that probably won't be changed in our lifetime.

04-01-2005, 09:10 AM
No front plates no problems. Your Jedi powers are weak:D . I charge extra to work on vehicles with front plates:hammer:

04-01-2005, 09:15 AM
I disagree officer according to my radar I was only going 137mph:D . They love that line:twitch:
Those memories bring tears to my eyes:crying: . I wish I could have gotten a pic of the vette at 197+ at night but I was a little busy driving. I thought it was about to fly or rip the headlights off:rolleyes: . I could care less about the vettes but it will be a long time before I bond with a vehicle like I did that Lightning:bows .

04-01-2005, 09:23 AM
Found this link in a thread over on NLOC


I would consider it but since I work in Ronoake no need to explain they are A**holes, just ask Ronald

04-01-2005, 11:44 AM
No front plates no problems. Your Jedi powers are weak:D . I charge extra to work on vehicles with front plates:hammer:

That's why I just buy parts from you!!!:tongue:

04-01-2005, 12:27 PM
Found this link in a thread over on NLOC


I would consider it but since I work in Ronoake no need to explain they are A**holes, just ask Ronald
Raonoke has been a pain for me. Pulled over once for a tail light out on my motorcycle trailer. Just got a warning. then pulled over again for doing 65 in a 55. I thought the speed limit was 65. Oh well. Good thing is - he didn't write up the front place missing - even after walking around to the front of the truck.

Tex Arcana
04-01-2005, 01:58 PM
I feel your pain. I was driving up today to sit the store for the wife while she went to lunch, and got pulled by a McKinney cop. He had me dead-to-rights, tho, 'cuz I had the White Zombie turned up :d and forgot to turn up the Valentine to match it, and he nailed me before I saw him. Dammit.

Well, I pulled over the second he hit the lights, had my DL and insurance out in my hands on the wheel. He stopped in the blind spot, like with you (this is for their safety, so I have no problem with that), asked for the stuff, verified address (haven't changed the DL yet), and asked where I was going. I told him, he walked back to the car, and less than 2 minutes later, comes back and asks me if "this stop will slow me down today?" I say "yes", of course, and he lets me go!! :eek2:

Damn, I got lucky today. And no mention about my front plate. :confused:

04-01-2005, 07:28 PM
Yeah I can't really blame him at all, young kid in a Lightning at 1:30am on a thursday night, ya never know. I assume he was surprised that I'd never been pulled over before, much less get a ticket or in a wreck *knock on wood*