View Full Version : Newbie help!! PLEEEASE!
04-14-2005, 05:47 PM
Hey all, i've been directed here by one of the chaps from F150online in hope that someone can help me!
I'm from the UK and in the process of finding myself an L. I think i've found the ideal one in the Granbury area and have been emailing/chatting to the present owner and all seems good. I've seen a fair few photos etc and it looks in superb condition (i know photos can be deceiving though!).
Would there be anyone in the Granbury area willing to go and have a looky around the truck for me to give it the all clear before i transfer any money? Obviously i won't hold the person responsible if its not but would rather have a third party opinion of the condition etc from a present owner! I would obviously re-imburse them any costs that they incur.
If so, please could you email me on ( or reply on here and ill give out the details etc. He apparantly has another chap going to view it again next Wednesday probably with some money in his hand so ideally needs to be before then so I can get in there first!!
It would be a great help!!! - damn we need more of these trucks over in the UK!!!!
Chris :tu:
04-14-2005, 06:45 PM
I am the one that pointed you here
BE very carefull in asking for help here.
Recently there have been a LOT of scams running around. Especially people claiming to be from UK or elsewhere who want to but something locally and over pay for it. You may very well be legit but be aware that there are lots of scammers around ...
I give you credit for using a UK based IP to login here
04-14-2005, 09:52 PM
i have some co workers that live out there.... if he wants to drive it up to burleson i can take a look at it at work and run a oasis report on it....
04-15-2005, 12:54 AM
Hi again Doug!!
I understand where your coming from with the scammers. We get a lot of it in the UK. My last car (Mitsubishi Evo 7) had about 4 or 5 different people claiming to pay silly money for it with Western Union or something! Dont these people have anything better to do!!!! I am 1000% legit!! Your right in saying my IP Address is a pipex one!! (my broadband supplier!).
PoorSVTman - thanks for the offer mate. Ill see if he's up for driving up there. Is it far?
Chris :)
04-15-2005, 08:25 AM
Hi again Doug!!
I understand where your coming from with the scammers. We get a lot of it in the UK. My last car (Mitsubishi Evo 7) had about 4 or 5 different people claiming to pay silly money for it with Western Union or something! Dont these people have anything better to do!!!! I am 1000% legit!! Your right in saying my IP Address is a pipex one!! (my broadband supplier!).
PoorSVTman - thanks for the offer mate. Ill see if he's up for driving up there. Is it far?
Chris :)
YOu can see how far things are by going to can get driving directions and mileage ....
04-15-2005, 11:28 AM
its not real far.... but closer than you are and probly half the guys on talon... I can look at it on anyday next week... im here from 8-6..
Im going out of town this weekend.
I work at a chevy dealer ship out in burleson
If he wants to bring it here let me know....
04-15-2005, 06:23 PM
thanks ever so much for your help but the chap isnt willing to take it anywhere due to being busy. Also turns out that the supposed MINT truck has chips on the front, scuffs on the lower bumper and both fog lights cracked!!:eek: Looks like im still on the lookout for another one!!
Anyone know of a red or silver 2000 or newer L with under 50k for around 17000 - 19000???!!
Chris :)
04-15-2005, 09:48 PM
hi ,i live in uk ,i own a ford lightning ,,2004 ,think i posted some pics here a while back ,but i imported a while back ,,,,,,,,, well last year a new one ,, a few things u need no
tax office mayde me pay 10 grand ,,,yup ,tax is £ around $18000 dollars , or £10,000 pounds
next is southhampton ,,,,,,,,dodge place they will steal from u ,,,they blackmailed me ,
also my truck was for sale on ebay as she sat on the boat i informed vat office they got container and seiled it
they are classed as a comercail and carry major tax ,ok
lil tip ,stick a camper back on it then take it into country no tax ,waha sorted huh ,or very lil tax ,,
yeah i know u learn from your mistakes ,
anyprops give me a call,,,,i know more cause i have done it before
04-16-2005, 03:34 AM
cheers for the advice matey :). YEah the tax thing is silly getting it over! 22% duty on the value and shipping, the 17.5% VAT on the value of the car, the shipping cost AND the duty!!! Then theres SVA etc!!!! Bloomin rip-off Britain! Still its fr cheaper than buying one here!!
04-16-2005, 08:44 PM
oh should have said ,,,,
they use the commercail thing to tax us right ,,,
well works both ways ,,the sva test is nothing its a walk through ,
look it up commercial vechiles only need to check the wieghts and tyres ,thats it ,,,,,see if u have to bar ,watch ,i was ok ,i stated towable weight and over wieght,,thats the only one ,u dont need to change the lights or anything ,,,,,,,i did ,but that was my choice ,,,,,i know what wires to cut and move to change your lights,,
but ,, to sva it ,,take towbar of or state the towable weight and overall weight ,
i bought one cos cosworth wont build me another fast ford,,
my last one was famouse car escort monte one of only 79 carring 400 bhp ,,,,
so this truck is tame ,,,
i aint to sure on this some of the guys here could tell ya ,and terry is the l wizard ,,,,, what he dont know about em aint worth knowing ,
but i heard ,,watch for the spark plugs on older models they slacken off, and ripp the threads ,,,,,,,,,,, i know a guy in uk who stripped em,,, 2002 model
i aint to sure on what ones are bad or if they all the same ,, but just check em all the time , oh yeah u needs funny skinny long arms to get em , they are well in there,,,,
good luck buddy , send me pics when u get it if ya need help just call
04-17-2005, 08:23 PM
How many other L clubs can say they have two guys from the UK talking to each other via their sites???:rll:
Tex Arcana
04-20-2005, 09:57 PM
YOu can see how far things are by going to can get driving directions and mileage ....
Aw, c'mon, Doug, you know he has no concept of distance... I mean, hell, he lives on an island about the size of Arlington... :d
j/k Chris... it's a fine island... :D
04-20-2005, 10:34 PM
How many other L clubs can say they have two guys from the UK talking to each other via their sites???:rll:
f150online can......
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