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View Full Version : Whats involved in preping a car for paint

04-27-2005, 09:05 AM
Im probably going to buy Michael's Gen1 he has for sale, its a nice truck, but needs paint. I cant really justify going and spending thousands and thousands for paint when thats all im paying for the truck alone. If it was a serious show truck or heck, even a nice Sunday driver I can understand... but this will be a daily driver, occasional work delivery truck, haul stuff, etc...

I want to get a decent paint job, but like I said... doesnt have to be a perfect $5k job either. I figure the first day I drive it away from paint job, im gonna get rocks thrown up on hood, etc anyway....

so all that being said, i was hoping to stay around $1000 or less for paintjob. I know that sounds low, but i was thinking maybe if i did prep work myself, i could end up getting a good paint for a good deal. Clark bros said they would do right around $1k if it was ready to go...

anyone have any information on how to prep a car for paint, I know all emblems, moldings, etc should be off... but im more interested in how to sand, fill in small dents (real small) and rock chips.... id like to take it and all it needs is primer and paint...(maybe i can even primer myself with spray cans, i have no idea).....


04-27-2005, 09:09 AM
If you paint it Yellow you will get your ass kicked. Consider yourself warned. :throw:

04-27-2005, 09:12 AM
lol, id keep it black... but now you got me thinking

Tex Arcana
04-27-2005, 12:44 PM

04-27-2005, 12:49 PM
Its the quality of the prep work that determines the quality of the end result ....


04-27-2005, 12:52 PM
thats what i heard, so thats why i wanted to take my time and do prep work myself... figure i can do myself and have a better end result than finding someone to paint AND prep with budget....

Tex Arcana
04-27-2005, 12:56 PM
thats what i heard, so thats why i wanted to take my time and do prep work myself... figure i can do myself and have a better end result than finding someone to paint AND prep with budget....

So do this:

Cheap and easy. :d

Mark #2
04-27-2005, 03:21 PM
For a daily driver

04-27-2005, 03:44 PM
are they like Maaco and just gonna paint over dirt, overspray into glass, whatever.... or they do decent work?

04-27-2005, 06:08 PM
Its the quality of the prep work that determines the quality of the end result ....


Couldn't have said it better myself. If you dont have any experience, dont try it. It just makes more work for someone to go back and have to fix the mistakes. I have trained several guys at work to do prep work on small things and none of them can prep worth a sh!t. I kinda comes naturally. I would say that I could help, but I dont have the time with work and school. I know some guys that might prep it and prime it for about $500.

04-27-2005, 06:24 PM
jake, check your PMs

04-27-2005, 09:07 PM
jake, check your PMs

Check yours brotha

04-27-2005, 09:14 PM
What happend to your hook up that painted your hood and ground effects on the Gen 2

04-27-2005, 10:02 PM
The problem is black shows the surface texture (prep) like no other color. My blue truck is just as rough as Mike's gen 1 but its color hides the damage a LOT better. The prep has to be perfect to make black look good. Earl Shieb or Macco will do it for 800 bucks for a nice single stage paint. Anyone else will be 2-3K for a decent two part finish. Or drive through South Dallas and find someone to do it cheaper:twitch:

04-28-2005, 01:36 AM

04-28-2005, 08:21 AM
Or drive through South Dallas and find someone to do it cheaper:twitch:

East Dallas man get it right! The vatos over there can paint some lowriders!

04-28-2005, 10:23 AM
It doesn't look that bad for a daily driver/work truck. Wait and save then do it right down the road:cool:

04-28-2005, 10:47 AM
its got a freakin white hood!!!! not to mention a key mark from one spot, 360 degrees around back to the begining....

Tex Arcana
04-28-2005, 10:49 AM
its got a freakin white hood!!!! not to mention a key mark from one spot, 360 degrees around back to the begining....

What do you want for next-to-nothing?? If ya want a nice vehicle, keep yer Lightning, otherwise put up witht he fact your'e gonna *have* to deal with a beater for a while.

04-28-2005, 10:53 AM
lol, i understand that... but i dont see anything wrong with my beater looking nice and MATCHING... if i can get it painted for around $1k, then i still wont even have invested what the market value is on it. if come to understanding im not gonna have a nice 12sec truck anymore, and im ok with that... but im too nit picky, i at least need it to look nice

BC Lightning
04-28-2005, 10:55 AM
Right now minus the key marks, its a clean straight truck with minimal work needing to go into it for a daily driver.

I sold the ram air hood to Fred who's lightning is white. My plan at first was to get the whole truck painted and could sell it for 6,000-6,500.

Since you need to get rid of you gen 2 and need a truck to drive, and I need to get out of the gen 1 I'm selling it for in and around what I paid for the truck, which is a fair price.

Plus what does it matter what color hood it is if your plans are to get it painted? There's plenty of people rollin with different color hoods, bumpers, missing parts etc.

04-28-2005, 10:59 AM
i think im getting a good deal on the truck, dont get me wrng... thats why Im even thinking about getting it painted. Im just saying, i cant leave it as is and be happy with it....

BC Lightning
04-28-2005, 11:00 AM

Tex Arcana
04-28-2005, 11:01 AM
lol, i understand that... but i dont see anything wrong with my beater looking nice and MATCHING... if i can get it painted for around $1k, then i still wont even have invested what the market value is on it. if come to understanding im not gonna have a nice 12sec truck anymore, and im ok with that... but im too nit picky, i at least need it to look nice
I already SHOWED you what you should do.. it won't cost you hardly anything, and you do'nt have to worry about ANY imperfections!!

BC Lightning
04-28-2005, 11:05 AM
I actually did use glossy black spray paint on my 79 CJ-7 Jeep, it was ghetto, but from a distance it all looked the same, and bought me time before I got it painted :D

04-28-2005, 11:07 AM
I already SHOWED you what you should do.. it won't cost you hardly anything, and you do'nt have to worry about ANY imperfections!!

i already got threatned for yellow, can u imagine if i did camo!!!

Tex Arcana
04-28-2005, 11:08 AM
I actually did use glossy black spray paint on my 79 CJ-7 Jeep, it was ghetto, but from a distance it all looked the same, and bought me time before I got it painted :D
Hell, my ex brother-in-law rebuilt his old tchebbie truck, and when he painted it, he used flat Rustoleum all over it. Again, from a distance, it looked decent, and it disappeared at night.

But then again, this was the guy who put in a tranny with a lockup TC into a truck without lockup provisions, so he mounted a light switch to the dash to lock the TC. :d And his old For F100 pickup with the straight-6 had over 300k miles on it, and had angle iron welded into the frame and subframe to deal with the rust-thru... :eek2:

Tex Arcana
04-28-2005, 11:09 AM
i already got threatned for yellow, can u imagine if i did camo!!!
It'd be UNIQUE!! :d

04-28-2005, 08:11 PM
i think im getting a good deal on the truck, dont get me wrng... thats why Im even thinking about getting it painted. Im just saying, i cant leave it as is and be happy with it....
So Mike sold the nice black Cervini's hood off of the truck and traded for a crap arse stock white hood. So he pockets that dough and you still want the truck with hood that doesnt match:rll: . You are grasping for straws now, just keep your L the payments are cheaper than dumping cash for this and bringing it back to driving shape:hammer: .

04-28-2005, 08:52 PM
The key to a good paint job really is in the prep work:
1. Remove all of the chrome and trim parts
2. Check on the final sanding requirements for the paint you are going to use -- Ditzler paint use to require a final sanding with 400 grit paper.
3. You will block sand each panel 2 times with guidecoat
4. Use Primer for filler wherever possible
5. Do not Change the color of the body unless you are willing to take out the interior, all of the windows, and carpets.
6. Clean the body thoroughly with a grease remover and tack rag before the color is applied.
7. Apply the color as thinly as possible.
8. Apply at least two coats of clear.
9 Color sand the clearcoat.

Hope this helps.:cool: