View Full Version : I just got a strange call on the phone

05-29-2005, 10:39 AM
Someone called me from Baskin Robbins just now ( I didn't know they were still around) She told me that if I can name 31 flavors in 31 seconds she would give me $31. WTF. I cant even say 31 words in 31 seconds! At first I thought it was a recording so I said "**** who knows 31 flavors" The girl goes "so you can't do it?" I said "No I'm sorry I can't" Anyone else have a call like this? It was a 469 number. Really wierd.

05-29-2005, 10:45 AM
I got about ten calls from a fax number Friday. Then a customer in Japan kept bumping his phone and calling me three times Thursday night about 2:30-3:30am.

True Blue Aggie
05-29-2005, 11:19 AM

Thats funny.....

05-29-2005, 11:31 AM
Is your refrigerator running? :D

05-29-2005, 01:32 PM
i had prank call about the 31 flavors bullshit about 7 years ago, i immdiately gave the phone to my mother, at which point the friend (that was prankcalling me) on the other end of the line gave up when he heard my mom on the line. it was funny.

other than that, ive had a few bad prank calls, like old enemies or stuff like that seriously insulting me thinking they were being anonymous...doesnt take long for me to figure that crap out.

05-29-2005, 02:48 PM
Ive had my same phone number since 8th grade. I love getting the phone calls that are just wrong numbers. Like someone looking for a person. Im always nice and just tell them they have the wrong number. But some get mad and say that there friend just got this phone number or a girl gave them this number. Its funny how sad the guys sound when the find out they got a bogus number from a girl.

05-29-2005, 05:35 PM
Do you have Prince Albert in a can?

Tex Arcana
05-29-2005, 05:40 PM
Do you have Prince Albert in a can?

No, but I have Prince Ranier in a box... knana

Tex Arcana
05-29-2005, 05:41 PM
Ive had my same phone number since 8th grade.
Well, that's nothing special, since you've just fresh out of 9th grade... :d :banana: :evil

05-29-2005, 05:45 PM
Well, that's nothing special, since you've just fresh out of 9th grade... :d :banana: :evil

hey hey im not the youngest of the group anymore. Bastard. :rolleyes:

05-30-2005, 12:50 AM
No Baskin-Robbin calls, but I received 2 death-threats back in '99 when I lived in Plano. While this jack@ss was ranting away, I could hear his buddies laughing w/music in the background. He somehow thought I was "pursuing" his girl. :rolleyes: I thought for someone who knew SO much about me and what I "supposedly" did, he never mentioned my name.:hammer:

That's OK, I did a reverse telephone search on the Arlington number, found the persons name/addr. and gave it to Plano PD along with the statement. :hammer: :D

As far as calls my college buddies and I made, we would think of crazy/random calls to make on the others. I'll always remember "YOU'D BETTER GET YOUR DAMNED DOG OUTTA' MY YARD BEFORE I SHOOT THE SON OF A B*TCH !!!!!" ... then hang up. :rll:

Tex Arcana
05-30-2005, 01:04 AM
Aren't you supposed to be in bed by now?? :nono:

05-30-2005, 01:25 AM
We use to prank random numbers late at night for entertainment. One time I accidentally called my own house:hammer: . But that was back before "caller ID":D

05-31-2005, 08:56 AM
Someone called me from Baskin Robbins just now ( I didn't know they were still around) She told me that if I can name 31 flavors in 31 seconds she would give me $31. WTF. I cant even say 31 words in 31 seconds! At first I thought it was a recording so I said "**** who knows 31 flavors" The girl goes "so you can't do it?" I said "No I'm sorry I can't" Anyone else have a call like this? It was a 469 number. Really wierd.

SBC keeps calling me to switch to their service. They get about 5 mins into their spill and then they hang up on me. This has happened about 4 times.