View Full Version : Tickets so far for 2005

06-04-2005, 07:54 PM
I thought this would be a good thread to list your traffic tickets so far for 2005.I have been lucky with 2 warnings so far. :nana2 knana

06-04-2005, 09:16 PM
Notta. :cool:

TP Derrick D
06-04-2005, 10:31 PM
" I refuse to answer on the grounds I may incriminate myself "......2, both in Arlington on 360.

06-04-2005, 11:41 PM
None since I went with the V-1 after my last two tkts.:)

06-05-2005, 06:28 AM
of course this post will jinx me...




06-05-2005, 12:19 PM
nothing for a year... *nocks on wood*

06-05-2005, 12:42 PM
1 ticket so far. Hartford CT in a rented Focus. :mad:

06-05-2005, 12:53 PM
I got an improper lane change in Dallas about two months ago, I didn't use my blinker to change lanes, this was off Oak Cliff......seems the police should be concentrating on more important things in that area, hten me not using my turn signal to switch lanes :rolleyes:

I also just got a FMFR-Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility ticket in Arlington, I didn't have my current insurance card in the 350, it expired last month. I got the new in there and showed the court proof of coverage and it was dropped.

I also got a warning for no front plate and for the tinted cover I have on the rear one at the same time :) I'll be sure to get those two remedied ASAP.....yeah right :rll:


06-05-2005, 02:51 PM
2 warnings, 1 in lewisville and 1 in austin by a state trooper for "blowing through a stop sign (which I didn't). I can't believe the state trooper let me off.

Tex Arcana
06-05-2005, 11:59 PM
**So far**??? Hmm... one warning, speeding, in McKinney. (crossing fingers)

06-06-2005, 06:47 AM
Nada so far for me. :tongue:

06-06-2005, 07:01 AM
None since I went with the V-1 after my last two tkts.:)
Any links to the V-1, and anyone got the PFR blinding system.Anyone here got one over a 100MPH. :d

06-06-2005, 09:01 AM
Here's the V-1 url: http://www.valentine1.com/

I don't have the M-40 Blinder, but I believe dboat has the M-20: http://www.blinder.dk/uk/m40.htm

Mine was a 77/55. :rolleyes:

Any links to the V-1, and anyone got the PFR blinding system.Anyone here got one over a 100MPH. :d

Tex Arcana
06-06-2005, 02:30 PM
Here's the V-1 url: http://www.valentine1.com/

I don't have the M-40 Blinder, but I believe dboat has the M-20: http://www.blinder.dk/uk/m40.htm

Mine was a 77/55. :rolleyes:

Please note that that ticket was with that previous POS you were using, and likely it never went off (iirc).

06-06-2005, 04:43 PM
Any links to the V-1, and anyone got the PFR blinding system.Anyone here got one over a 100MPH. :d

Yep, I have the M20... knana and a V1 too..

06-07-2005, 01:24 AM
Well Crap, how did I miss this thread? 1...just got it in the great POS state of Illinoise. Did I mention they suck in Illinoise?

77 in a 55...........fricking ass-hats.


06-07-2005, 01:28 AM
Hey fellers, what is the difference between the m20 and m40. is the m40 better protection? How do they work? How are they connected? what is the point of having a V1...and an m20/40?

06-07-2005, 02:31 AM
I was just reading some info and reveiws/tests of detectors. V1 came in second to escort x50. It mentions V1 being limp at detecting "instant on".


06-07-2005, 08:03 AM
Well Crap, how did I miss this thread? 1...just got it in the great POS state of Illinoise. Did I mention they suck in Illinoise?

77 in a 55...........fricking ass-hats.

Rocks:mad: That would have been 350.00$ in Dallas.My last was for speeding on harryhines by an unmarked white car , officer McMurry, who pulled me over 4 times in one year and never had nothing on me.The last time i saw him i was doin about 50 when i went by,and he tryed to sneek out and follow me.I saw him and did the speed limit, got pulled over anyway and wrote me up for 55 in a 45.He said he paced me :Bullshit .My radar Det. never even chirped, but he wrote me a ticket anyway quote unquote.He has a thing for black trucks and my last was a 98-150 nasscar with loud exhaust.He never came up to the window,(dark window tint) untill backup arrived everytime.What a wooooos!!!!!He hasnt even looked @ my new ride thats why i call it the stealth color.Anyway that ticket was 250.00$.. I did the deff. driv. thing and got it dropped.I still see that JACKASS everyother night and still no more problems. He has bust about 4-5 guys @ work with black trucks.Everytime i see him with the lights he has b-up with a black truck stoppped. :Bullshit

06-07-2005, 09:33 AM

The difference between the M-20 and the M-40 is that the M-40 has 4 transceivers and the M-20 has 2 transceivers for detecting/jamming the laser beam. http://www.blinder.dk/uk/m40.htm

With the M-40, you can mount the 2nd set of transceivers pointing aft to block laser from behind. I understand that when you're hit with laser while running the Blinder, the alarm goes off in the cab and it confuses the Trooper's laser unit for like ~3 seconds while you get on the brakes.

The Blinder only detects/blocks laser. The V1 detects radar/laser.

That's my understanding, anyway.

Hey fellers, what is the difference between the m20 and m40. is the m40 better protection? How do they work? How are they connected? what is the point of having a V1...and an m20/40?