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View Full Version : kennedale tonight anyone?

06-05-2005, 01:19 PM
Anyone want to hit up kennedale tonight? Adam and I were talking about going yesterday. If so that means i need to put my traction bars back on.

06-05-2005, 01:22 PM
I'll be there. I think Jeff is going also.

06-05-2005, 01:29 PM
guess im going to go out and put the tbars on

06-05-2005, 02:46 PM
if i can talk my girl into going i will head out to watch. :rolleyes: ill be there about 6

06-05-2005, 03:08 PM
Tell her to come. My g/f is coming. :tu: Ill bring some chairs for them to soak in the sun. :throw:

06-05-2005, 03:31 PM
yea shes going i dunno if she needs to soak anymore sun or not. she will be black before too long :evil

06-05-2005, 03:35 PM
haha my g/f is the same way. Im not far behind, i basicly work outside all day.

06-05-2005, 09:23 PM
Had fun tonight. Got to play with the qa1s a bit. I need some taller slicks. But I think im done racing for now.

Nice meeting you Kyle

06-05-2005, 09:49 PM
Did you get my helmet Mike?

06-05-2005, 09:55 PM
yea it was fun. good meeting you guys, maybe next time i wont have a full tank of gas :rolleyes: and hopefully a 4#er and some other stuff will be on :beer: yea mike got your helmet.

BC Lightning
06-05-2005, 10:14 PM
I need some taller slicks.

I know where you can buy some slicks ;)

06-06-2005, 12:13 AM
I know where you can buy some slicks ;)

Only if i had the money to blow....

Yea adam I got your helmet. I called you soon as you were driving down the main road. Left a voice mail. Martina put it in my truck while i was changing my tires and you were racing.