View Full Version : Volunteers for Photo Organization Committee
06-06-2005, 03:54 PM
OK gang...we are going to need some folsk to help organize the pic beforehand and on the day of the event (similar to last time). We are going to have to really plan this thing out and be organized in getting everyone on the track and off. We will have whatever size time window we need, but the longer we take the more it'll cost. If we can get it done in two hours I'll be happy.
Who's in?
Also, we need someone that lives near TMS (I'm going to mention any names of who I am thinking of here <<COUGH>> JEFF <<COUGH>> to find us a cafeteria-type restaurant nearby that can support upwards of 60-100 people at one shot. We don't know how many people are going to be there, so we have to plan.
Again here's what we need:
Planning committee Rep and event helper #1 (Larry "Nuhklz")
Planning committee Rep and event helper #2 (Robert "PUMP")
Planning committee Rep and event helper #3 (Derrick "TP Derrick D")
Planning committee Rep and event helper #4 (Daniel "Cammin4V")
Planning committee Rep and event helper #5 (Mark "blueoval01")
Planning committee Rep and event helper #6 (Garett "98Cobra")
Person to pick up and haul lift to TMS (Ron "03LightningRocks) * if date is on a weekend without FFW
Photographer (Doug Silver_2000)(prolly)
Restaurant Organizer (<<COUGH>> JEFF "Alpine" <<COUGH>>) (or Daniel "Camin4V")
I think we need 6 event helpers for this thing because we are going to need people near the tunnel to let everyone know where to go (we may have to split the group in two, one group by turn 4 and another on the turn 1 side if we're going to set this up right), plus people to organize the trucks in staging and when we get on the track. These people will have to be first ones parked so they can line everyone up. Anyway, we can talk more about that when we start our planning meetings...cuz there will be a few, TRUST ME.
Thanks in advance for anyone that volunteers. Date TBD as of now.
Stay tuned!
06-06-2005, 04:27 PM
I volunteer
06-06-2005, 05:20 PM
PM me your contact info. Larry, I think I still have yours, but resend just to be sure.
06-06-2005, 05:21 PM
I volunteer, and can get to TMS very easily. I live about 15 minutes from it.
Also, if Jeff is too busy to find a restraunt or something, i could do that as well. I've got a lot of free time lately.
06-06-2005, 10:28 PM
I'll volunteer ........ :D
06-06-2005, 10:56 PM
I;ll volunteer!
06-06-2005, 11:16 PM
Kewl aid. Basically you guys are going to be the organizational workhorses that help make this thing happen. Over the next day or so I am going to prepare a checklist of things we need to decide upon (just like last year). Please provide contact info, including phone and e-mail, so I can get in contact with you and send you this stuff. We'll also need to decide on a time where we can all get together to discuss this. We might be able to do it via conference call, as I have access to a local bridge dial in we can use, but I'd prefer to talk this stuff over some beers.
Lots of stuff to do, but at least we have a venue and an idea of what we are going to do. Now we just have to organize it and make it happen.
06-06-2005, 11:17 PM
OK, I still need a backup for Ron in the event that the decided upon date falls on a FFW weekend. We'll need someone with access to a trailer to ahul the lift for us. Also need to know if Jeff will be our restaurant finder.
True Blue Aggie
06-06-2005, 11:18 PM
They serve beer at Bonedaddy's.......and wouldn't you know it, "everyone" will be there on Wednesday night. Sounds like a great place to talk over the logistics of the shoot....
Kewl aid. Basically you guys are going to be the organizational workhorses that help make this thing happen. Over the next day or so I am going to prepare a checklist of things we need to decide upon (just like last year). Please provide contact info, including phone and e-mail, so I can get in contact with you and send you this stuff. We'll also need to decide on a time where we can all get together to discuss this. We might be able to do it via conference call, as I have access to a local bridge dial in we can use, but I'd prefer to talk this stuff over some beers.
Lots of stuff to do, but at least we have a venue and an idea of what we are going to do. Now we just have to organize it and make it happen.
06-06-2005, 11:22 PM
They serve beer at Bonedaddy's.......and wouldn't you know it, "everyone" will be there on Wednesday night. Sounds like a great place to talk over the logistics of the shoot....
Very true. I'll try to put stuff together tomorrow and I'll try to make it Wednesday, but I cannot promise anything. My courses at work for second quarter are coming to a close and I've got lots of things to do...
06-17-2005, 07:18 PM
Those that volunteered please give me your contact info (phone and e-mail) if you have not done so all ready. I need to start thinking about some time for us to get together and work this thing out.
Jeff, any word on the after pic place to grub it up? I'd like to get that nailed down so we can start putting together a flier to distribute all over DFW.
Garett, is your buddy in to snap pics in the cherry picker with Doug? A few cameras might not be a bad idea. Keep in mind that his pay will be some alone time with Doug in the cherry picker, and we'll need to sort out tranferring his pics to Doug as well.
If we advertise this thing right, we could have well over 100 Lightnings show up (being optimistic). Of course if we have that many show up we'll have an interesting time getting things to work right, but that's the chance we take...
06-17-2005, 10:43 PM
I think i sent you my email and cell, but if you didnt get it ill send it again.
06-18-2005, 09:08 AM
Yup, I already passed along the date to him, and he will be there.
Tex Arcana
06-22-2005, 10:35 PM
Tom, ho'ws the cross-advertising going? Any news on the shoot and setup? Also note I'm volunteering to help in any way needed. :tu:
06-23-2005, 08:02 AM
Tom, ho'ws the cross-advertising going? Any news on the shoot and setup? Also note I'm volunteering to help in any way needed. :tu:
I'll start that up when I get back into town. I currently only have a dial up connection to the net and I can't do much from here. Can you put together a list of sites where we should send an ad request? I am going to be working on a flier soon that we could drop off at local performance shops and drop on stray Lightnings we see on the road. I'll keep you posted.
06-30-2005, 10:20 AM
Tex....where's my list? Slacker :rll:
PUMP...still don't have contact info for you.
Tex and Rocks....IM me or e-mail me your e-mail addresses....thet'll be easiest to get a hold of you.
Tex Arcana
07-01-2005, 10:05 PM
Tex....where's my list? Slacker :rll:
PUMP...still don't have contact info for you.
Tex and Rocks....IM me or e-mail me your e-mail addresses....thet'll be easiest to get a hold of you.
list:, hit the Lightning forums., they have one or two L's that I know of, might as well try., better chance of response from there.
And don't forget NLOC and F150, there's quite a contingent of local owners on both those boards.
PM sent on email.
what's the status of things as we sit?
07-02-2005, 08:07 AM
list: (, hit the Lightning forums. (, they have one or two L's that I know of, might as well try. (, better chance of response from there.
And don't forget NLOC and F150, there's quite a contingent of local owners on both those boards.
PM sent on email.
what's the status of things as we sit?
Status has not changed much. We're scheduled for Aug 27 and we have a preliminary time line. I need to call Jeff on our local dive for after the photo, and I need an update on the lift. When we meet we need to come up with a plan of where each of the volunteers will be stationed to help organize the trucks into the shot and how exactly we need to line everybody up. I figure on having a meeting in the coming weeks...possibly next weekend. I'll have a flier put together before then.
Tex Arcana
07-02-2005, 11:40 AM
Status has not changed much. We're scheduled for Aug 27 and we have a preliminary time line. I need to call Jeff on our local dive for after the photo, and I need an update on the lift. When we meet we need to come up with a plan of where each of the volunteers will be stationed to help organize the trucks into the shot and how exactly we need to line everybody up. I figure on having a meeting in the coming weeks...possibly next weekend. I'll have a flier put together before then.
Rememebr we have a meeting come thursday, so maybe we can get some preliminary work done. ;)
07-08-2005, 07:25 AM
Dammit....I haven't had time to really think about this thing. Hell, I still have to call Jeff on the after pic eatin place. I'll have 11 hours on a plane Monday, so that may give me the time I need to really think about this thing. We'll meet up and get this thing planned out some day!
Sorry about the hold up, fellers...
07-17-2005, 09:08 AM
I'm back from Brazil and ready to plan this thing out. I'm thinking the planning volunteers and I should have a meeting next weekend to get things ironed out. Someplace that everyone can make. Thoughts?
I'll send e-mails as well.
Tex Arcana
07-17-2005, 11:40 PM
I'm back from Brazil and ready to plan this thing out. I'm thinking the planning volunteers and I should have a meeting next weekend to get things ironed out. Someplace that everyone can make. Thoughts?
I'll send e-mails as well.
Just as long as you left that thong down in Brazil, everythign will be okay... :vomit:
Make it so, Number One...
08-04-2005, 10:36 AM
Volunteers, check your e-mail. Just sent a long one and would like some feedback.:tu:
08-04-2005, 10:36 AM
list: (, hit the Lightning forums. (, they have one or two L's that I know of, might as well try. (, better chance of response from there.
And don't forget NLOC and F150, there's quite a contingent of local owners on both those boards.
PM sent on email.
what's the status of things as we sit?
You want to hit these forums for me? I didn't try these...
08-18-2005, 04:08 PM
Reminder, the meeting at TMS is this coming Monday. Check your e-mails if you are part of the planning committee.:tu:
08-22-2005, 06:09 PM
OK's the deal. I am going to be there at 2:30 or so to look things over. Please plan to be there at 3 or 3:15. Also, make sure you bring your FRS radios. We'll have to coordinate that way.
Tex Arcana
08-22-2005, 10:12 PM
OK's the deal. I am going to be there at 2:30 or so to look things over. Please plan to be there at 3 or 3:15. Also, make sure you bring your FRS radios. We'll have to coordinate that way.
I've put in the request for permission to use the FM transmitter, but make sure the FRS radios are brought along, just in case.
It was a good afternoon, today... I think we have the plan laid out, and are ready to roll with this.
BC Lightning
08-22-2005, 11:26 PM
Sweet, I'm sure it will turn out to be a great time and a great pic, see ya this weekend :tu:
08-22-2005, 11:58 PM
OK's the deal. I am going to be there at 2:30 or so to look things over. Please plan to be there at 3 or 3:15. Also, make sure you bring your FRS radios. We'll have to coordinate that way.
Sounds Good Tom see you then. Im not sure if are Radios are FRS or not. Im not that technical but will find out. If so I have two to bring. See you@3:00
08-23-2005, 07:19 AM
Sounds Good Tom see you then. Im not sure if are Radios are FRS or not. Im not that technical but will find out. If so I have two to bring. See you@3:00
Do they have channels and then subchannels (I think some radios call them privacy codes)? i.e. channel 5, subchannel, 4? If they do, they will work. I've got two I'll charge up and bring, and I'm sure others have 2 or so, so we will probably have enough.
08-23-2005, 08:06 AM
Well, the little woman's 50th party is set for 4PM in Sanger (Babes) so I should have time to get there say by 5:30. Save me a spot for two blacks (GenI/GenII). Want to start a head count thread? :cool:
08-23-2005, 09:02 AM
<<Snippy snip>> Want to start a head count thread? :cool:
Good idear...
Well, the little woman's 50th party is set for 4PM in Sanger (Babes) so I should have time to get there say by 5:30. Save me a spot for two blacks (GenI/GenII). <<Snippy snip>>
You got it.
08-23-2005, 09:36 AM
I have an extra radio
08-23-2005, 11:00 PM
Do they have channels and then subchannels (I think some radios call them privacy codes)? i.e. channel 5, subchannel, 4? If they do, they will work. I've got two I'll charge up and bring, and I'm sure others have 2 or so, so we will probably have enough.
The two that I have will work
Do they have channels and then subchannels (I think some radios call them privacy codes)? i.e. channel 5, subchannel, 4? If they do, they will work. I've got two I'll charge up and bring, and I'm sure others have 2 or so, so we will probably have enough.
I picked up a pair of Motorola 4900 FRS on sale at Radio Shack for $15. I'll bring them along.
Tex Arcana
08-25-2005, 11:23 PM
Tom, I got permission to get the FM transmitter, I'll call them tomorrow and get it Saturday. Still bring the walkies, just in case. :tu:
08-26-2005, 07:10 AM
Tom, I got permission to get the FM transmitter, I'll call them tomorrow and get it Saturday. Still bring the walkies, just in case. :tu:
Fukn sweet. What station does it transmit to so I can print it on the rules sheet?
Tex Arcana
08-26-2005, 10:59 AM
Fukn sweet. What station does it transmit to so I can print it on the rules sheet?
It can be set on anything, it's been set on 91.1 since we started using it, so use that.
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