View Full Version : Things strangers ask/tell you about your L?

06-10-2005, 02:50 PM
I got to thinking about this today at the Frisco Sonic when I pulled in there with the new daily-hooptie (Elaine's retired '95 T-Bird) and the car-hop asked me where my "pretty red truck" was. :rolleyes:

The last time was some little-old-lady at the W-Mart SuperCenter - "Young man, you have such a pretty truck!" :hammer::D

I've also been asked/told by complete strangers "How much did you pay for it?", "How fast have you had it up to?" and "Hey, nice SVT."

Anyone else get this? :cool:


06-10-2005, 03:09 PM
I got to thinking about this today at the Frisco Sonic when I pulled in there with the new daily-hooptie (Elaine's retired '95 T-Bird) and the car-hop asked me where my "pretty red truck" was. :rolleyes:

The last time was some little-old-lady at the W-Mart SuperCenter - "Young man, you have such a pretty truck!" :hammer::D


What do you expect people to say about a RED truck? :throw:

I've had "Have you dynoed it?", "How much horsepower?", somebody asked me for "numbers", "How fast have you gone with it?". The funniest was today. Young kids in an old Jeep Cherokee...the driver started gripping the steering wheel and doing that rev/brake thing, causing the Jeep to rock back and forth. Even after we took off from the light (I was just cruising) he was still doing it and looking over at me. I just had to laugh. Easy kill if I would have been willing to sacrifice a little $2.30/gal gas on his ass. Funny how guys in hoopties want to run you just to see you leave their asses in the dust. Poor guy didn't get what he wanted tho.


06-10-2005, 03:43 PM
Other than the standard, "how fast does it go?", "How much horsepower?", and how many tickets have I gotten?".

The best one I ever got was, "so you got a truck huh, do you go off-roading in it much?
What are you supposed to say to something like that when they are standing there looking at a lowered street truck?

06-10-2005, 04:14 PM
Other than the standard, "how fast does it go?", "How much horsepower?", and how many tickets have I gotten?".

The best one I ever got was, "so you got a truck huh, do you go off-roading in it much?
What are you supposed to say to something like that when they are standing there looking at a lowered street truck?

"Only when I hit a bump while smoking a Ram SRT-10...that's the only time I go 'off-road'" of course....:burnout:


06-10-2005, 04:25 PM
I get all the standard questions but the best was the other day:

I was sitting at a light with the lane next to me open. I see a cop coming in my right hand mirror as he stops at the rear corner of my truck and gets on the radio. He then slowly cruises by me giving my truck the once over and stops a little past the front looking at the front end. I'm checking this guy out as he slowly backs up to get even with me. He rolls down his window so I roll down mine. He's still on the radio but gives me a :tu: and says "Nice truck, dude". The light turned green, I went my way and he his.

06-10-2005, 04:33 PM
i once raced these 2 kids in a rumble bee, and I smoked their doors off like 4 times in a row, it wasnt even close... then we got to red light and he insisted i roll my windows down and he yelled out "what the hell you got in that thing" and i said, just a 5.4L... and he said... "damn, seems like you have a SC or something...." :rolleyes:

i just thought it was funny cuz i figure any young guy with a sport truck already, would know what a Lightning is....

Tex Arcana
06-11-2005, 12:25 AM
I was driving home to Frisco about a year ago, and got a guy in a blue Dakota Sport tailing me in NDT traffic, he was doing his best to keep up, struggling a bit, but I could'nt put him down hard because of the traffic... well, he follows me off the tollway past 121 (after the extension was done), follows me to Warren, can't hang with me while I hammer the turn and the chicane at the head of the two-lane section, falls further behind on the end chicane, and when I pull the turn at Legacy, I dive into the parking lot at that corner, and he starts to drive by off the right turn, but sees me in the lot, and turns around and comes back... turns out he recognized it, and wanted to see what it could do, so I spent about half an hour answering questions, showing off the motor, and discussing his truck--he knew he had no chance, just wnated to have some fun. :tu:

06-11-2005, 11:35 AM
I get all the usual ones.. Everytime I get pulled over and after i sign the ticket the cop usualy asks what ive done to it and how fast it is.

But the best was at the track last year. Had the hood poped open. A group of young guys were walking by as I was checking my oil and such. So they start asking me the usualy questions then ask if I have a Supercharger on it. :throw: I just said yes and pointed it out. His buddy smacked him in the back of the head as they walked off. :rll:

06-11-2005, 01:12 PM
I simply like the fact that I can drive several miles and not see another truck just like mine. I have also noticed you see several of the same kind, even color at the same intersection at the same time. I kind of like being the oddball.

Ed knana knana

Tex Arcana
06-11-2005, 01:54 PM
The best story I have was the day i got pulled over by a state trooper on 190 one morning on my way to work (WORK?? WTF IS THAT??? OMFG!!:eek2:)

[:ron:](rocks, page down, this is too long for ya :tongue: )
I was headed westbound on 190 one morning, and as I was approaching the Midway tollgates, there was some idjit biatch playing Ayrton Senna in a Nissan Xterra, and doing her damnedest to roll it. Well, after a couple of hard lane changes in front of me, I said "screw it", jumped a lane, and punched it.

Now, mind you, this was a fine April morning, I had the windows open, the radio blaring, and forgot to turn the volume up on the V1. And the moment I got past the gates and back to normal tollway, I looked in my mirror, and saw the gumballs--barely, 'cuz they were almost too short to see over the tail of the truck, she was following so close.

So, I hit the brakes some, hit the turn signal, and pull off the tollway at Josey, and into the Target parking lot. When she got stopped behind me, and opened her door to get out, I pulled the V1 and put it under the seat. She walks up to me, and I hand her my info (already out) (she's a black state trooperette), and she asks me if I konw why I was pulled over. I say, "I guess speeding", and she says "You were doing OVER 90!! Why were you going so fast??" So I tell her the story of the biatch in the xterra. Then she asks if I'm late for work, and I say "well, kinda."

So she takes my stuff, and heads back to the Limpala to run it. When she comes back, she asks me where I'm living (the address on the license is wrong), and I explain that. She looks at the license/insurance, leans waaaay over to her left to look at the fender of the truck, looks at the stuff in her hand, looks at me, leans waaayyy over and looks at the fender again, looks at me, looks at the stuff, looks at me, hands me the stuff, and says: "Go renew your license and get that address changed. Have a nice day." :jawhittingfloor::eek2:[/:ron:]

Damn. :tu: I'd say that was the most "silent" acknowledgement of the abilities of an L I've ever seen. It's the only explanation. :confused:

Rocks, you can continue reading now... :d

06-11-2005, 03:10 PM
I got pulled over yesterday on the way to the Drive-in movie. I was passing through Midlothian and he spotted me, just minding my business, not speeding or anything. I pulled into the post office and he asks for my info and tells me that I have no front plate and that is why he stopped me. He told me that it was a state law to have a front plate and of course I acted like I didnt know that. I think that the only way that I got out of it was because I invited my mom to go see the movie with me. He probably knew that I was okay if I was hanging out with my mom on a Friday night. It made her day. That is part one to the thread. The second part answers the question about people saying stuff. The drive-in was just north of Ennis, so it was some-what country folk out there. I got about 3 separate guys saying that my wheels are badass and so is the truck. The other time was a car full of girls saying that they loved my truck. My mom said, "Those girls were flirting with you, .........until they saw you with your 50 year old mom." People love these trucks. Oh yeah, and one guy asked me if it was a real L. I kinda laughed and said it was. He said " I just asked because I know that they make fake ones."

06-11-2005, 03:26 PM
[QUOTE=jcblack]I got pulled over yesterday on the way to the Drive-in movie. I was passing through Midlothian QUOTE]

Good place to get pulled over and not get a ticket. Bobby was leaving a parkinglot in town one day and did his usual burnout and swung the ass end of the truck around on 287 right in front of a cop. The cop pulled him over and asked if he had been eating at Don Chano's (because Bobby stunk of Mexican food) he then asked why he was doing a burnout and told him to stop but have a nice day. Midlothian cops are the ****.:tu:

06-11-2005, 03:47 PM
[QUOTE=jcblack]I got pulled over yesterday on the way to the Drive-in movie. I was passing through Midlothian QUOTE]

Good place to get pulled over and not get a ticket. Bobby was leaving a parkinglot in town one day and did his usual burnout and swung the ass end of the truck around on 287 right in front of a cop. The cop pulled him over and asked if he had been eating at Don Chano's (because Bobby stunk of Mexican food) he then asked why he was doing a burnout and told him to stop but have a nice day. Midlothian cops are the ****.:tu:

My inspection was out and my windows are 3%. I guess that they are pretty cool.

06-13-2005, 12:21 PM
I'm sure I'll go to hell for this but It was funny at the time. I'm stopped at a light getting ready to turn right and there are two Mormon boys on their bikes stopped at the curb. I have both windows down and one leans into the window and says "hey, this is a nice truck" I say "thanks" and he says "Sir, have you found Jesus Christ"?.......here it goes......I say "Yea, I found him, raced him, kicked his ass". He looked a lot like this :eek2: . His buddy was laughing pretty hard. Maybe Jesus won't hold it against me later on.

06-13-2005, 01:25 PM
I'm sure I'll go to hell for this but It was funny at the time. I'm stopped at a light getting ready to turn right and there are two Mormon boys on their bikes stopped at the curb. I have both windows down and one leans into the window and says "hey, this is a nice truck" I say "thanks" and he says "Sir, have you found Jesus Christ"?.......here it goes......I say "Yea, I found him, raced him, kicked his ass". He looked a lot like this :eek2: . His buddy was laughing pretty hard. Maybe Jesus won't hold it against me later on.

:rll: that made my day- thanks for sharing:cool: