View Full Version : So, I had this little squeak...

06-27-2005, 10:10 AM
Several months ago, my truck developed a squeak when the A/C was switched on. After a while, it started doing it anytime the vehicle was warmed up. But it was still sometimes a little intermittent. Well, as the weather has heated up, so has the squeaking gotten louder.

So, I took it into Bankston last Tuesday, got it back Friday. Turns out that one of the pulleys on the drive belt was MISSING, and the belt had been rubbing on the engine block for some time, and was about completely through. It wasnt like that when I bought it, so it much have fallen off. :confused:

Anyway, if you guys hear any squeaks, you might want to make sure you arent dropping a trail of parts on the road as you drive. :mad: