View Full Version : Yello Belly drap strip

07-01-2005, 03:02 PM
I'm sure most will have negative things to say about this track...so before you say anything negative about it...i already know...http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/cool.gif the track's been open for 50 years...countless assaults, stabbings, and perhaps a couple of murders/rapes...i would suggest not looking for trouble there because you will find it. nough said. http://www.yellobellydragstrip.com/

Anyways, the track is now open Saturday nights. This past weekend was their first official Saturday night in a couple of decades. The lighting is acceptable now & they actually spent a little bit of time & $$ preping the track (60') w/ trackbite. There was only about 10-20 cars running and nobody rarely waited to run. There was no crowd as you can see from the video clip if you'd like. I was actually kinda impressed...being Yello Belly and all...lol. There were several cars running mid 7's and a couple possibly running in the high 6's/low 7's. Their tree was functioning properly (yes, all the lights were working from the drivers perspective) and their times seemed to be somewhat accurate. It was 25ish bucks to get me & a buddy in to race.

7.40 with a NOS bottle that had pressure (700psi), but no liquid (no white purge)http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/mad.gif . but hey...it was only my second time to use (or at least try to use) the phu-knee stuff.

Luminosity: decent
# of security guards on site: 2
Crowd: none saturday night
Track condition: hookin up
Good times: always
Distance: 20 minutes from N Dallas
Beer consumption: encouraged

07-01-2005, 07:27 PM
A friend of the family owns that track....We go there every year and shoot fireworks and party..I think we're doing it again this coming monday?

07-01-2005, 10:25 PM
I got mine! Lets roll.