View Full Version : Anyone want to do this?

Mark #2
07-14-2005, 08:44 PM

Just wondering, if any of you would consider? I'll go.

07-15-2005, 01:48 AM
I just did the tandem jump 4th of July weekend. I am going sign up and do a solo soon.

07-15-2005, 07:33 AM
I tried to get my buddies to go with me on my birthday a few years back. They gave me all kinds of crap when the plane crashed on takeoff.:hammer:

07-15-2005, 08:00 AM
Did it twice when I was in college ....

Not doing it agian ...


07-15-2005, 05:09 PM
No way in hell am I willingly jumping out of an airplane. I can barely stand flying as it is. :crying:

Mark #2
07-15-2005, 08:00 PM
Did it twice when I was in college ....

Not doing it agian ...


I did it unwillingly from a c130 on a NARADCOM COOP job when I worked for the 82nd airborne. I think I still have the boot print in my ass. T10 chute on teather from ~300 feet.

A big joke for my 82nd Airborne softball teammates who unbeknownst to me were actually training me all summer by teaching(daring) me to jump off the top of the backstop with them and do the 5 point roll: feet, calf, thigh, ass, and push up, if I remember correctly.
This was always after our softball games and guess what? :beer:

I was an observing load master on the run for testing the rigging for a new howitzer for airdrop and they decided that I should go out too. It was over very fast, so I thought that I might like to do this again.

Reference post:

07-15-2005, 10:58 PM
I did it unwillingly from a c130 on a NARADCOM COOP job when I worked for the 82nd airborne. I think I still have the boot print in my ass. T10 chute on teather from ~300 feet.

A big joke for my 82nd Airborne softball teammates who unbeknownst to me were actually training me all summer by teaching(daring) me to jump off the top of the backstop with them and do the 5 point roll: feet, calf, thigh, ass, and push up, if I remember correctly.
This was always after our softball games and guess what? :beer:

I was an observing load master on the run for testing the rigging for a new howitzer for airdrop and they decided that I should go out too. It was over very fast, so I thought that I might like to do this again.

Reference post:

:ron:Mine was static line Mil surplus T10 as well. Modified for steering. Designed for 180 lb man from the miltary then the holes cut in it made the passenger fall faster. I was 220 - 230 at the time - I fell like a rock from 3000 feet and the second time there was no wind I came straight down felt like my knee caps were launched across the continent ... Really fortunate I had no permanent damage...

Been there done that - Check .. Next .... As i recall that was also my first serious introduction to Tequila - The jump guys liked Mescal with worm as I remember... Straight from the bottle.

07-16-2005, 01:54 PM

Just wondering, if any of you would consider? I'll go.

I'm in!!!! Always wanted to try it and seem liked every time I planned it, some other near death experience prevented the doctors from letting me go.

I also got a girl friend that wants to give it a try.

BC Lightning
07-16-2005, 02:24 PM

Just wondering, if any of you would consider? I'll go.

I'm in for sure :tu:

how many times do you have to jump before you can go by yourself?

*edit: just checked the site :hammer:

Mark #2
07-16-2005, 02:45 PM
No way in hell am I willingly jumping out of an airplane. I can barely stand flying as it is. :crying:

I hate small planes, almost can't get on them anymore(fear or claustrophobia?), that is why I want see if I can do this

07-16-2005, 02:52 PM
I hate small planes, almost can't get on them anymore(fear or claustrophobia?), that is why I want see if I can do this

I loaded into a Cessna 182 with 4 other jumpers and the pilot .... Talk about claustrophobia.... I was in the front where the co pilot would have been right next to the door. Biggest guy - 1st out. One advantage of getting out on the landing gear was being able to stretch my legs. Kinda freaky standing with one foot in the wheel and one on the step - look forward see the prop like 2 feet away, look 3000 feet down and see the ground.....

Jump master whacks your arm and you let go .....:ron:

07-16-2005, 05:32 PM
I'm in for sure :tu:

how many times do you have to jump before you can go by yourself?

*edit: just checked the site :hammer:
You can jump by yourself the first time. It's a 6 hr class, then you solo with two instructors. I am going to do that, hopefully soon. The tandem was cool ,and lets you know what it is like, but I have developed bad claustrophobia, since I had a head injury from a crash on my dirtbike. That is the part that a had the most trouble with the tandem.

If any of you go post up! I would love to go when someone else jumps, too.

Mark #2
07-16-2005, 06:06 PM
You can jump by yourself the first time. It's a 6 hr class, then you solo with two instructors. I am going to do that, hopefully soon. The tandem was cool ,and lets you know what it is like, but I have developed bad claustrophobia, since I had a head injury from a crash on my dirtbike. That is the part that a had the most trouble with the tandem.

If any of you go post up! I would love to go when someone else jumps, too.

This is a strange coincidence, I developed claustrophobia after my dirt bike incident and head injuries.

Now we want to jump out of airplanes?

07-16-2005, 10:47 PM
Maybe it's our way of fighting through it, who knows. All I know is when people say, "you hit your head one more time, you could be done for", I say that was true before I bumped the noggen.

All I know is if you are going to do it, I think solo is the way to go. you have to take that long-ass class, but you are not hooked to someone. But they are right there with you to help you if you have problems (at least until you pull the rip-chord. :tu:

06-07-2007, 04:53 PM
Bringing this one back from the dead, Mark did you go do this?

Mark #2
06-07-2007, 08:08 PM
Bringing this one back from the dead, Mark did you go do this?

No, I am again spending my life on airplanes, just hope the flights occur without issue now.

Lost my interest in jumping out of one.

But the motorcycle urge is back big time.;)

06-07-2007, 10:02 PM
They have a good gurantee, if your chute doesn't open bring it back and they'll give you another one.