View Full Version : Top Gear reviews the Lightning

08-09-2005, 01:23 PM
I clipped the review for the Lightning that aired on Sunday in the UK. Enjoy!


Be prepared, they aren't kind! :rolleyes:

08-09-2005, 03:57 PM
Entertaining. They typically bash American-made iron. From the quick shots they had of the interior, I can understand why they gave it low marks... they must've gotten an abused truck b/c my '99 never looked that bad (poor fit and finish was their biggest complaint).

I'm surprised they bitched about the brakes. They complained about the size, but maybe the guy never actually tried to use them. While there is always room for improvement, the stock brakes on the L do a better job of hauling its weight down quickly than I'd guess 70+% of the vehicles on the road.

I do understand why they don't _need_ full-size trucks over there. He makes some valid points.

08-09-2005, 04:29 PM
My main beef is that the truck isnt marketed there, and the fit and finish is bad because it was a crappy RHD conversion.

Entertaining though :)

Mark #2
08-09-2005, 06:26 PM
Okay, I'm a file transfer virgin.
Please help with directions
Thanks from the WWFB garage, I know how to borrow bandwidth;)

08-09-2005, 07:00 PM
I have seen this program a few times before. One has to realize they test mostly high end sports cars or other high end cars.. face it, we didnt buy an L for the luxury factor, if that is what we wanted, we would have bought out all the Lincoln Blackwoods when they came out.. we bought it for the one thing that he didnt spend much time on, the acceleration.
His fit and finish was poor, but I agree with the earlier post that looked like a botched RHD conversion..

I love my truck and I know why I do.. it does exactly what I want it to do..


08-09-2005, 08:46 PM
That guy is a fag anyways. I agree that the conversion is the reason for the shoddy interior. And for that, those b*****s need to learn to drive on the right side of the road.

08-09-2005, 09:01 PM
I couldn't watch the whole thing. I stopped it when he said:

If this small village were in America the people would probably be having incest.

This guy needs an attitude adjustment. Preferably with something big and heavy like a 2x4. :flaming:

08-09-2005, 09:28 PM
Ah, dont take it too personally. I watch the show all the time, and he pokes fun at everybody.

08-09-2005, 09:41 PM
Okay, I'm a file transfer virgin.
Please help with directions
Thanks from the WWFB garage, I know how to borrow bandwidth;)

You should just have to click the link .. im on dial up so I didnt test it


Mark #2
08-09-2005, 09:50 PM
You should just have to click the link .. im on dial up so I didnt test it


Okay, I assumed without reading the original.

08-10-2005, 12:15 AM
You know what I think...Fu#k the brits. That dude can kiss my American ass I'll turn around and kick him square in his crooked d!ck suckin teeth...Insest?? ....Doing whatever Americans do?? Doing whatever Brits do....screw dudes.

I know thats kinda harsh, sorry, but to me a Lightning is an American icon, truck, raw horsepower.

I dont know about you but I cant wait to get to the frontier in my wagon / truck and get eaten by a bear!

Its funny, all them coffee sippin, poppy sead bread eaton elegant fuc*in Brits would be speakin German if it wasn't our "non-sophisticated" industrialized ass in WWII. Its sad the AC cobra ever met Carroll, it didn't deserve the American Iron. He would have been better off using an Alfa Romero Spider or something. Thats my 2 cents. :tu:

08-10-2005, 09:01 AM
Yeah I used to like those guys as they test drovet all those high end sport cars. But when he said "what ever it is they do incest" that draws the line. So I agree with BLACKSUNSHINE F*** HIM.

08-10-2005, 05:49 PM
You know what I think...Fu#k the brits. That dude can kiss my American ass I'll turn around and kick him square in his crooked d!ck suckin teeth...Insest?? ....Doing whatever Americans do?? Doing whatever Brits do....screw dudes.

I know thats kinda harsh, sorry, but to me a Lightning is an American icon, truck, raw horsepower.

I dont know about you but I cant wait to get to the frontier in my wagon / truck and get eaten by a bear!

Its funny, all them coffee sippin, poppy sead bread eaton elegant fuc*in Brits would be speakin German if it wasn't our "non-sophisticated" industrialized ass in WWII. Its sad the AC cobra ever met Carroll, it didn't deserve the American Iron. He would have been better off using an Alfa Romero Spider or something. Thats my 2 cents. :tu:

Gee Mike, I hate it when you sugar coat things that way :cool: ... but I agree..

08-10-2005, 10:28 PM
Kinda harsh I guess, sorry I went off. But you know I dont see any American automobile tv show reviewing British autos and bashing the British people or Britian in itself. I just sensed American hatred in that video, an automotive review could not be any more biased, how unprofessional.

Im sure there are plenty of biased American auto reviews but going to the extent of saying Americans do incest? Thats like reviewing a Jag then saying "this thing rides like piece of sh!t! and its so low! , but I guess it dosnt matter because the brits have no paved roads just skinny little cobblestone paths made for a mule" , "so you get to cruise slow at cobblestone speed and watch what the countryside and whatever brits do, like screw sheep".

A little out of line I think, but I guess its not like is was aired on BBC or anything.

08-10-2005, 11:38 PM
Incest? Look who's "running" their country, any ways.. gas is tooo expensive over there, they also test drive cars that cost on the average 3 times as mush as a new L. But for what we were looking for, power, they said it would beat, and of course they only know thats of the expensive cars they drive, a porsche.

08-11-2005, 05:24 AM
Im sure there are plenty of biased American auto reviews but going to the extent of saying Americans do incest?

I understand but didnt take as much offense as you did since I have heard my share of Kentucky, Tennessee, etc jokes about "incest is best", "if your family isnt good enough for you then they aint good enough for me" jokes, that I took all of it as typical British humor, typically very "tongue in cheek".


08-11-2005, 07:36 AM
A little out of line I think, but I guess its not like is was aired on BBC or anything.

Actually, it airs on BBC Two in the UK. It basically comes on during prime time on Sunday nights.

08-11-2005, 11:40 AM
That pompous jacka$$ bashes Ford while FoMoCO owns over 1/2 of their auto manufactures.
Talk about getting owned..........
Jaguar is a has been a subsidiary of Ford Motors since '88.
Ford also owns Land Rover (2000 - bought from BMW)
Aston Martin - Ford takes controlling interest of them in 1993.
Even their most prestigious automobile, Bently and Rolls are owned and manufactured by Volkswagen......... Volkswagen.
And if the Sweeds want to talk smack, GM owns them.
Mini Coopers........ BMW owned w/ a Chrysler engine.
Chrysler also owned Sunbeam and Rootes (bought in 1978)
Until American automakers took over their companies, none of them were successful in the US. MG, Triumph, Morris..... all failures in US market.
Triumph by the way tried to make a comeback in 1981 w/ Honda underpinnings and drivetrain but failed as well. They have been controlled by BMW since 1994 when they took over the other large British Company.... The Rover Group.

Besides, that "Fit and Finish" looked staged. It looks like the cup holder and cig lighter doors were propped open to me.

08-11-2005, 12:19 PM
He doesnt hate all Fords. He thinks the Focus is great. The Ford Mondeo is a best seller over there. He loves the Ford GT (apart from the faulty alarm system).

As far as GM, they love the Vauxhall Monaro (Pontiac GTO). They love other ones too...

08-11-2005, 10:05 PM
f*** that guy that dash looked like **** from the bootleg conversion. tell that F*** stick to drive one here, mine is on and redy to roll. my stall might not be sophisticated enough but 0-60 wouldn't be in 5.8 seconds:burnout: ." this ugh truck is quit loud and has a very abnoxious whine but moves rather quickly, launches quite hard at 2600 rpm. throws you in the seat very hard, but..... " :beer: I could almost hear that fag and i'm not talking about a cigg.:D
