View Full Version : So you want to eat MY dog? (long/graphic)

08-13-2005, 11:32 PM
Let my dogs out at 10:30 tonight to do their business. Within 3 minutes my Shepard mix (and the smarter dog) was pounding on the back door, demanding to be let back in like she does when it thunders. I opened the door and let her in, whistled for the other dog (Bandit), who didn't arrive, and went back inside. It's not uncommon for the 2nd dog to stay out a little longer, as she's usually looking for a field mouse for an after dinner snack. A few minutes later the 2nd dog still hadn't showed up on the back porch, so I went into the garage, turned on all the flourescent lights, opened the garage door, and picked up a spotlight. Still not having heard Bandit I swung the beam of the spotlight across the pasture, and saw at least two, maybe three, sets of green eyes glowing back at me as they cleared the fence between my pasture and my neighbor. Since Bandit's eyes glow red (devil dog), I knew the green eyes were coyotes. Fearing they had already killed my dog, and expecting they'd be long gone before I could retrieve a rifle, I ran back inside, scooped up my trusty coyote killer, and hauled a** back out through the garage. As I ran to the fence I was releived to hear Bandit barking on the back porch. I got to the fence, balanced the spotlight on the top fence wire with my left hand, and laid the forend of the rifle across the top fence wire, holding the pistol grip in my right hand. Hit the spotlight and saw two coyotes had stopped about 1/2 way across my neighbors pasture, looking back at me. Steadied up as best I could on the left one and squeezed the trigger. As the report started to fade I very clearly heard the THWACK of a bullet impacting flesh, but both coyotes had disappeared. Went back to the house, let an uninjured, but frightened Bandit in, got some shoes on, and headed back out. With the aid of the ATV and the spotlight I quickly located my wanna-be dog eater. Laser said he was 212 yards from my fence line. You can see the bullet entry on the side of his head. knana The bad news is I was aiming for the body, but with that contorted, half crouched, lousy position I took I'll call any hit a good hit. :tu: Teach them to try and eat my pups. :throw: .




08-13-2005, 11:37 PM
Good shot I guess all of those police training missions you have done are know paying off.

08-14-2005, 12:21 AM
That is a pretty good size coyote:eek: . Believe it or not we have a problem with those SOB's in my neighborhood here in Plano. There is a creek with a "greenbelt" along it running down one side of our sub-division. I am about 500 yards off it. I have seen packs as large as 6-8 running up and down the creek at night. Stray dogs and cats don't exist around here...:twitch: . If your pet gets out and you haven't found him by dark, he becomes food.

I would love to do a little hunting myself, but I don't think the Plano law would see the humor in me shooting up the place...:D .

Damn, I can't get over how long the legs on that coyote are. Two or three of them would be deadly to the average house dog.


08-14-2005, 02:10 AM
Fine shooting as always, Brian! :bows

This particular coyote differs somewhat from the one's I've seen alot of while deer hunting in OK. whereas they were much more "wooly" and not as long-legged. Granted, I saw them late Nov.

We saw plenty of them in Plano off of Legacy/Preston, too.

I'm feeling the whitetail "itch", myself. :)

08-14-2005, 02:28 AM
Damn! I always miss out on the action:hammer: . Good shooting and keep the area safe! That is a healthy young coyote! He would have been a real threat to your dumber dog. In his younger days my 96lb disgruntled Shepherd intimidated coyotes. But 7 years later, now 13 he is possible prey himself:( .

08-14-2005, 05:10 AM
Nice SHot! Coyotes are an issue over here too since the area has had so much developement over the last few years.

08-14-2005, 07:35 AM
We've been getting some calls at work about Yorkies and cats disappearing from back yards. One guy watched a yote clear his fence, snatch up his Yorkie, and then jump the fence with Yorkie in mouth. Dry summers seem to cut down the field mouse and cottontail populations, and the yotes start taking more domesticated critters. Bandit was definitely on the menu last night. I'd always been told that dogs over about 50 lbs were safe from coyote attack, but I know someone who had a Newfoundland killed by several yotes working together, so I figure any domestic dog is potentially at risk.

08-14-2005, 10:21 AM
Nice Kill

08-14-2005, 10:43 AM
We've been getting some calls at work about Yorkies and cats disappearing from back yards. One guy watched a yote clear his fence, snatch up his Yorkie, and then jump the fence with Yorkie in mouth. Dry summers seem to cut down the field mouse and cottontail populations, and the yotes start taking more domesticated critters. Bandit was definitely on the menu last night. I'd always been told that dogs over about 50 lbs were safe from coyote attack, but I know someone who had a Newfoundland killed by several yotes working together, so I figure any domestic dog is potentially at risk.

The same thing happened to my Aunt in California. Yote jumped fence grabbed her little dog right in front of her and jumped back over the fence with it in his mouth.
All they could find was the dogs collar. :mad:

08-14-2005, 11:51 AM
Same thing is happening here in Plano. We have more than our fair share of anti-hunting nuts. But it is funny how quick they all want blood when little sparky shows up as a spine and collar.

Smart folks look around the back yard real good at night before letting their little fur balls out to pee.

08-14-2005, 12:10 PM
By the title I originally thought this post was about a chinese restaraunt:D

08-14-2005, 12:16 PM
By the title I originally thought this post was about a chinese restaraunt:D

I think you mean Vietnamese.:D

08-14-2005, 12:25 PM
I think you mean Vietnamese.:D

Terry gets his racial stereotypes mixed up sometimes. :cool:

08-14-2005, 02:38 PM
If it were a Chinese restaurant we'd be talking about cats.

08-14-2005, 06:24 PM
If it were a Chinese restaurant we'd be talking about cats.

Nice shot, particularly under the situation, too bad it wasn't a double. We have major problems with them at our farm, they come up in the back yard.

This is our medicine for coyotes:

That is a GEN II scope with Gen III tubes. 65,000 light amplification.

08-14-2005, 08:32 PM
That is a GEN II scope with Gen III tubes. 65,000 light amplification.

I want night vision!!!!!!!!!!:tu:

08-14-2005, 08:42 PM
I want night vision!!!!!!!!!!:tu:

This one is available for you to try :beer:

BTW, that looks like a young coyote --- too bad for him, he will not be an old coyote:rll:

08-15-2005, 12:37 AM
I think some of you fellers are thinking of the Koreans, actually - there it's referred to as "Wok the Dog" :tongue:

Seriously, I'd be heart-broken to know that my Red-Heeler/Dingo Junior met his demise at the hands of a pack of damned mangey coyotes. :mad:

Over morning coffee, Mom/Dad have seen coyotes many times run up on nursing does/fawns at the home-place front pasture trying to make an easy kill. Dad tries to find the M1 carbine or something asap, but yells at them a few times and the coyote takes off.
Time for a Gen. IV night-vision setup and a varmint call, Brian. knana

08-15-2005, 01:03 AM
Gen 4 is a myth;) .

08-15-2005, 07:58 AM
Gen 4 is a myth;) .

Actuall Gen 5 is not a myth!!

08-15-2005, 01:02 PM
if you will hang a dead one the fence or some off a tree it will keep em away for about a year and then you will have to do it all over again

08-16-2005, 02:05 PM
if you will hang a dead one the fence or some off a tree it will keep em away for about a year and then you will have to do it all over again

And if you shoot 'em in the head it seems to keep 'em away forever. :rll: