View Full Version : Lightning Fest Meet-UP
08-23-2005, 10:34 PM
How many of us will meet-up for the drive to Kansas?? DATE/ TIME/ LOCATION?:confused: :tongue:
08-23-2005, 10:37 PM
i know us arlington guys are going probly going to be meeting up
08-23-2005, 10:41 PM
I belive that tom said we are proball going to meet in Denton around 7 or 8 and head up from there. But he said he would get it all togather after the Group Photo.
08-24-2005, 10:56 AM
I was hoping for 30+ on the cruise up there. Every1 heading up that Thurday morn?
08-24-2005, 11:16 AM
We had over 30 in the convoy last year, and I hope to at least have that. Most everyone heading up from DFW will be heading up Thursday since the event kicks off on Friday morning.
Keep it tuned in here...I'll be putting together details on the convoy as soon as this weekend is over...too much to think about with the pic this weekend. We'll probably meet at a truckstop up in Denton and roll out from there. I'm not sure whether or not we will be picking up trucks as we go this year, as I have not really advertised the convoy yet (we picked up a bunch of trucks in Oklahoma and Kansas last was pretty cool seeing all the trucks lined up on the highway waiting for us).
TP Derrick D
08-24-2005, 08:51 PM
Like Tom said,
All that did not go last year stay tuned to the threads, its OK we will take care of you. Start saving quarters for the toll road, make a "take" list...
helmet & jacket (if necessary), cooler & contents, chair,camera, radios set to 5-4, truck washing supplies. And of course your TALON or Lightning shirts.. :tu: I probably forgot something but thats why I posted this up a month early so you can get started and add /delete to your taste.
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