View Full Version : Red Line Water Wetter
08-25-2005, 05:40 PM
Has anyone tried Red Line's Water Wetter or similar products?
Does it make a difference?
Does anyone NOT recommend using it?
I tried a bottle in my wife's car (guinnea pig!) and I did not notice a difference but then again I'm going by the factory guage.
08-25-2005, 06:18 PM
i run a bottle of water wetter and the rest water in my intercooler.. Never hooked a gauge up or anything but water cools better than antifreeze anyway.
My radiator is just antifreeze/water, Im about to flush it and will probly add a bottle of the water wetter just for the heck of it with the new antifreeze
08-25-2005, 06:19 PM
Yes I have used it in several vehicles and it worked for me as advertised. I use it in my L in the radiator and in the intercooler.
08-25-2005, 06:44 PM
In my intercooler I run 80% distilled water/20% antifreeze and a bottle of water wetter.
08-25-2005, 10:50 PM
Antifreeze is the main problem once you get rid of that water and wetter works better.
08-26-2005, 12:21 AM
Antifreeze is the main problem once you get rid of that water and wetter works better.
Yep... antifreeze dosent cool as good as 100% water. Antifreeze dose however have oils in it and anti corrosion stuff to help protect the system. But i believe water wetter has some of these same properties. Not sure.
08-26-2005, 01:23 AM
Long term you want to run glycol in there. It does prevent corrosion and lubricate. Antifreeze extends operating conditions from a normal water being 212F-32F to -80F to 280F+ boiling point. Of course the pressure cap helps to raise the boiling point. It is a compramise on what your goals are. If you are adding it to the stock antifreeze mix you won't see any benefit. The stock radiator and thermostat work to keep it 180 all the time. Now the intercooler is not thermostatically controlled and can benefit from better fluid.
08-26-2005, 05:42 AM
Long term you want to run glycol in there. It does prevent corrosion and lubricate. Antifreeze extends operating conditions from a normal water being 212F-32F to -80F to 280F+ boiling point. Of course the pressure cap helps to raise the boiling point. It is a compramise on what your goals are. If you are adding it to the stock antifreeze mix you won't see any benefit. The stock radiator and thermostat work to keep it 180 all the time. Now the intercooler is not thermostatically controlled and can benefit from better fluid.
I agree with everything Terry says, but when I was running it in the Mustang, I could see a real difference in the temp. Not so much in the L. The water wetter does change the surface tension of the fluid allowing it to stay more in contact with the engine and hence pulling more heat away from it. So does it help cool down the engine after a hot run, as long as the engine is running?
08-27-2005, 02:53 AM
Thanks again Guys, I swear I've learned more on the TALON site than I ever have on the Mustang and SVT sites from my Cobra days.
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