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09-21-2002, 02:10 AM
A bunch of guys made it down to Ennis by 4:00 for the first round of Top Truck qualifying. This will be the biggest Top Truck class of the year without a doubt. Two more qualifying rounds tomorrow and the first round eliminations at 5:00. Got to hear Justin's truck run today and it sounds pretty serious.

Garrett, James, Doug, Justin, and I had a nice dinner while Sam and Mark went on what turned out to be a 2-hour beer run. :p Also had to retire to a room about midnight after the Hotel manager said we were keep folks awake. :rolleyes: Guess it was obvious that we don't get out much. :cool:

Ran a 13.6 in my qualifying run today with a terminal speed of 90 :eek: mph using the stock Lightning program. Seems I was trying to run with too little gas in the tank. Apparently, as the truck launched, the gas went to the back of the tank allowing the fuel pump to gulp some air. Just after the 1,000 foot mark the truck went dead as a hammer. Had to shift into neutral while on the track and restart the truck while doing about 70 mph. Pretty weird, but I still beat the red Lightning I was running by a tenth. A .533 light didn't hurt. :banana:

My Swanson chip did not come in so I brought my Super Chip to the track and Jim (JDM) was good enough to burn a CUX-2 program for me to try tomorrow. I was on the pace to run a 13.2-13.3 run without a chip so it will be interesting to see what difference the chip makes. I'm thinking probably 12.8-12.9 on program #1 (street program). Maybe a couple of tenths less for the race program (#2).

Flats Man
09-21-2002, 08:36 AM
Hey Six, maybe that could be a new FFW event. You know, there is a 0 to 60 to 0 time. This event will stage, launch and at the 1/8th you have to turn your key off, restart and continue through the 1/4! Cool!! Hope you didn't go too lean when it quit. That is why I am putting a sump system in the Beast or should I say Go_dzila?

Flats Man
09-21-2002, 08:39 AM
I forgot to ask what Justin's idle sounded like with those cams. Did it have a lope to it? I think my cams are a little wilder than His if I remember correctly!

Flats Man
09-22-2002, 06:39 AM
OK Six, You and Doug are having way too much fun down there. Get back to work posting to us po Folks that couldn't make it. Lemonade Doug, we need some LEMONADE!

09-22-2002, 08:51 AM
Justin got screwed by Bankston in the reassembly

Here are asome pics of the races

And some lemonade
More to follow when I am NOT on dial up

09-22-2002, 09:22 PM
Saturday's first qualifying run with the JDM chip produced a 12.97 at 104.9mph. Not really all that good of an ET, but very consistant power and a heck of a lot more fun to drive. Jim altered the program for the third qualifying run and the ET went to 13.03 at 104.9mph. The main difference in the ET was the 60' time. First round of eliminations scheduled for Saturday afternoon were moved to Sunday morning (FFW should consider moving True Street to a Friday night program, IMO).
Checked the pairings for first round and I get Lupe Davila (2001 Top Truck Champion). :rolleyes: Anyway, Sunday's weather is a little cooler, but there is a pretty good head wind. What do I do? I'm thinking I might pick up some time from the 3rd round qualifying time because the program got several miles of extra working on Saturday night. I am running against a 12.87 dial with different conditions and only one pass on the chip program. Long story short. I don't take off any weight and run a 13.03 and Lupe runs a 11.90 on a 11.80 dial; I'm dead. His reaction time was .531 to my .600. The gap between my dial of 12.87 and run of 13.03 made it impossible to win even if I would have gotten a perfect .500 light. I didn't hang around long enough to see additional rounds of Top Truck, but several of our guys made it on to the second round. :tu:

I'm sure someone will fill us in when they get back home. FFW makes for a really long weekend. :cool:

09-22-2002, 11:01 PM
Well I leave Irving 6:00 A.M. Sunday morning en route to South Fort Worth (McCart & Everman School Rd) to pick up Texan Mechanix dude for Ennis....and low and behold I run over some metal debris on I35 right at the Everman exit. I hear hissing :mad: and proceed up the road 1-2 miles to buddy Brent' house. I get out and see what appears to be a piece of metal (scrap) 2 inches wide by what ever depth :confused: and proceed to the front and see another piece of metal about 1/4" by 3 inches long :mad: So 1 Nitto 555 waiting for road hazard warranty in the bed. Got a ride to Ennis in a slow Ford Pickup :eek: When I got back to FW I patched the front tire with Wally World's Miracle Tire Plug.....I bit my tongue for the rest of the day....end of story :mad:

DNS=do not start
DNQ=do not qualify
DNF=do not finish
DNPGDNC$200=do not pass go, do not collect $200.00

this will be the 3rd Road Hazard Warranty out of 4 tires within' 6 months....NADA....Toyo or F1's next round...the Nitto's are like thick condoms or something :crying:

I did enjoy watching the runs though....some fast rides out there :D

09-22-2002, 11:17 PM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!
Justin got screwed by Bankston in the reassembly

Here are asome pics of the races

And some lemonade
More to follow when I am NOT on dial up

My .02. Regardless of Bankston's incompetence's.....JD/You get knocked down on one play, you have to get up and get ready for the next.....resiliency, stamina, determination....that's how you suceed....there is power lurking in that thar engine bay.... :D

09-22-2002, 11:35 PM
It was sad to see J.D's Lightning setting there ,its place was supposed to be on the track. Sometimes these learning exeriences are hard on us Lightning owners.:( J.D you will get it smoking soon and we can meet in Hallsville are somewhere. Hay we need another race event during cooler weather, where's them Talon planners?:beer:

09-23-2002, 01:10 AM
Paul Gamino made it to the Finals against Jerrod Gross.. Gamino had fuel starvation problem and didnt run his number.

Gamino won Second in the points race for the year as well... Also got an award for bext newcomer...

Andy Cain made it a couple rounds. My slicks helped a little one round...

More details and pictures later. I have 1400 pictures or so and I know James Watson has a bunch. We'll see how he does now that he has volunteered to help out with pictures and the web stuff...


09-23-2002, 06:35 AM
Boy was I tired when I got home. Just started looking thru my pics. I managed to take (between pics & a few mpeg's) 322 pics that's over 431MB!!

So, after I catchup on all the stuff I didn't do this weekend, I'll start posting pics.

I had a great time there! It was nice to put some faces to names and to meet and hang out with everyone!


09-23-2002, 07:47 AM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!
Paul Gamino made it to the Finals against one of the Halo guys..
Cant remember his name but he won...

Two Halo guys in the final, cool. Correct if I'm wrong, but wasn't this the first time ever that a streetable Lightning has won the Top Truck class? What a difference a year makes (thanks to the sportsman tree). 44 trucks in all made it the largest Top Truck class of the year. Should only get bigger next year with the S/C Harley crowd starting to get more involved in racing. :banana:

Did I mention that I think FFW should move True Street to a Friday or Saturday night event? :hammer:

09-23-2002, 09:15 AM
Just finished burning down the video of the Qualifiers from the camcorder to the laptop and then to cd in mpeg format...with no sound (not sure why...it has sound on the tape, but lost it in transfer to laptop) and in normal resolution turned out just over 550 meg.
I have both qualifiers from Saturday for all of the class that ran TT qualifiers on Saturday (both runs).
Awsome footage of the burn out from our Jerrod and Andree, as well as the final run from Sunday between Paul and Jarred.
I will be mailing the cd's to both Doug and Andree for them to post footage as they wish.
I had to break the footage into about six pieces but everyones runs are on there.
All in all, it was a great time...and "Tony 2000", those fajitas were out of this world.:beer:
Doug...Thanks again for the use of the slicks to hit that 13.09 run on the 13.08 dial:D

09-23-2002, 09:37 AM
I had a great time in Ennis this weekend. It was fun to finally get to meet a bunch more lightning owners from all over texas. The hospitality from all made us feel like we were at home. Look forward to any and all future events and gatherings. This was my first time racing ever and was very happy to make it past the first round, unfortunately in the second I too had a little fuel starvation problem and got shut out. Thanks to everyone that contributed in this event and Hello to all of our new friends......
See ya again soon

09-23-2002, 12:28 PM
I just went into the garage so I could take the grill out of the truck and put it back on the patio - and then it hit me! POW! The powerful remaining smell of Fajitas!!! Tony, thanks again! They were great... just wish I had some for lunch today after smelling them again just now! :d


09-23-2002, 01:59 PM
It was a long weekend but well worth the time and money spent.
Overall I was able to make 10 runs between qualifing/Time trials/ brackets for my $100.

I made it 3 rounds in my lowly non chipped 99 so I was pleased:D
I need to work on those reaction times:
1st Round .529
2nd Round .714
3rd Round .324 (choke):flaming:

It was cool hanging out with everyone and good to put some faces to names on the boards.

JD's truck sounds very good and sure it will be awesome once he gets all the kinks worked out.

Where was I when those Fajitas were grilling? DOH:hammer:

09-23-2002, 06:36 PM
Had a blast in Ennis this weekend.........Was a pleasure meeting some of the TALON members.......lets do it again soon...:tu:

09-23-2002, 07:50 PM
Had a great time. The JDM crew welcomed everyone like family.

Need to start looking forward to next year. FOrd is giving a New F150 to the Winner and a 2 year lease to the runner up.
Info Here



PS Did anyone count the trucks around the tent ?

09-23-2002, 11:18 PM
it was great out there, just hanginig out and bs all three days
thanks to all the talon, halo, Austin and San Antonio members for the great hospitality and Jdm for the great service that they had going.
We apriciate the comments on the food,
Julie and I are glad that you'll liked it.
would of liked to have it done earlier so that everyone would of enjoyed it, but we were busy at the car show.

Thanks again and looking forward for the next reunion of the Texas Lightnings :burnout: :burnout:

you'll can count on us with the fajitas :twitch:

Whats the deal with cold tortillas?
Is it a white thing?:confused:
:banana: :banana: :banana:

09-24-2002, 07:57 AM
Just posted First 250 Pictures from FFW - Fridays activities are up. Another 1000 or so coming from Sat and Sun



Flats Man
09-24-2002, 08:03 AM
Doug, Your too much! Great job!!!

09-24-2002, 10:46 AM
Nice job Doug!

I should have my pics up by the end of today. I decided to reload my laptop yesterday, and that's consumed a fair amount of time.

BTW, you did get some pics of my truck! :D Looks like Fri qualifying! Cool!

OK. I'm back to painting (my house)


09-24-2002, 10:51 AM
cold tortillas :flaming: , yummmm

It's not just a white thing anymore, it's a lightning thing !

09-24-2002, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by OneRedTXBolt
Nice job Doug!

BTW, you did get some pics of my truck! :D Looks like Fri qualifying! Cool!


Glad to hear it !! I was concerned that after you agreed to helpoing out with pictures and stuff that I didnt get a decent pic of your truck in action...
Whew.... Dodged that bullet

09-24-2002, 11:54 AM
WHOA!! ....... :eek2:
Great job, Doug!

09-24-2002, 02:07 PM
Great Job Doug, and It was great seeing all you Talon guys this weekend :) It turned out to be a nice HALO weekend as well :tu:

Mark #2
09-24-2002, 02:19 PM
Thanks for all the great pictures, and lots of my truck too.:) Great job as always.


09-24-2002, 03:04 PM
Once I get them all posted
If you see one of your truck you like
Send me the picture number and Ill print it and bring it next week to the meeting


09-24-2002, 04:07 PM
Doug is doing a great job on this web project....my .02


09-24-2002, 06:13 PM

Thanks for getting back on line here. I can Finally post again!! :banana:

09-25-2002, 08:38 AM
Badcarma - I didnt change anything. Must have been AOL issue that resolved itself +


Just finished posting the rest of the pictures from The Fun Ford Finals.

Still need to clean em up a bit but they are on the web...

Enjoy !!

If any of you posted in the original thread, ran in Top Truck and didnt get a Print at the track send me an email with the JPG number that you want of your truck and we'll work it out..


09-25-2002, 02:19 PM
You really have done an outstanding job Doug...I think I speak for all of us when I say, "You Rock. Thanks a million"
BTW, sent the CD of the FFW video to you today via FedEx...look for it Friday.
All in .Mpg format, 550 meg worth:D :D

09-25-2002, 08:08 PM
Doug, I want to 2nd that motion. You do a heck of a job at FFW and I for one am very thankful for having such a friend. Thanks a million for the anniversary picture, it's now my screen saver and scores points for me every time my wife see's it.


09-26-2002, 09:19 AM
Andre - Glad you like it. I am really pleased that the weekend went off as welll as it did.

Did I print the anniversary shot for you ? If not send me your address in an email and Ill send it

All- James Watson posted some GREAT panoramic shots. I added 2 to the FFW ennis page....


09-26-2002, 10:16 AM

Originally posted by 1BADTK
Thanks a million for the anniversary picture.....
Dang, Doug took that picture? I thought that was one of those Glamour Shots. :p

Great picture and congratulations on the anniversary. :tu:

09-26-2002, 10:19 AM
I can understand the error 6, it happens to me all the time :tu:

09-26-2002, 11:17 AM
I had a great time at FFW Ennis. I only went on Saturday. Wasn't racing, only spectating. Spoke with a guy from the Austin area about his drop and his bumper cover on his red Lightning, and another guy about various BS. Saw a lot of member's trucks that I've never seen in person. Most people seemed standoff-ish, maybe it was just the heat. It was cool seeing so many Lightnings gathered around one tent. I really need to hit up the local meets sometimes. My friend (Thumper SVO on here) works Thursday nights so he can't make it, and I'd feel wrong for going without him. Also, my Mustang stompin grounds site also has our meets on Thursday nights. I sure wish we could change the day.

Don's Bolt
09-26-2002, 04:18 PM
I like this picture

To bad Paul can't get any weight transfer out of his beast


Hey Paul I see you got new rims, what are you doing with the Welds??? Want to sell them????

09-26-2002, 04:28 PM
Originally posted by Don's Bolt
I like this picture

To bad Paul can't get any weight transfer out of his beast


Hey Paul I see you got new rims, what are you doing with the Welds??? Want to sell them????

Don look at the sunday pictures.. THat one os photoshopped... Itis right next to the original... Didnt take much work to photoshop it..


J.D. Blackwell
09-26-2002, 04:28 PM
I think everyone needs to chip in to get Doug a golf cart.lol He walked I don't know how many miles this past weekend. I helped him shave a few miles.:D I didn't mind given him or anyone else a ride. BTW, I believe there was only 2 galf carts in our group. I guess I either need to start bringing both of my carts or build a trailer like the shuttles at Six Flags.:burnout:

Flats Man
09-26-2002, 04:37 PM
Like I think Doug should get a Silver 3 wheel Harley with a big Cooler in the back....or something!

09-26-2002, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by KJ94GT
Most people seemed standoff-ish, maybe it was just the heat.

I'd hate to agree with this statement, but I do. There did seem to be a large quotient of people who weren't all that friendly.

Oh well.. the people I did talk to were all cool as hell. Had a great time... Maybe next year I'll meet even more? :D

09-27-2002, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by OneRedTXBolt
I'd hate to agree with this statement, but I do. There did seem to be a large quotient of people who weren't all that friendly.

Oh well.. the people I did talk to were all cool as hell. Had a great time... Maybe next year I'll meet even more? :D

Yea, since I wasn't racing the truck, I just went to hopefully meet some of you guys, but everyone seemed to keep to themselves. Oh well, it's still badass!

Thumper SVO
09-27-2002, 01:23 AM
I concur with KJ94GT, went out there and it seemed that most if not all L owners tippd their nose up in the air:confused: One , maybe two if that were nice enought to talk shop and chew the fat with me.

Most of the other time i felt like I was in their way:(

I hope ppl don't get that impression of me and my truck when i am at stoplights or just cruising around.

Thumper SVO
09-27-2002, 01:27 AM
btw, KJ, clean out your PM box. It's full.

09-27-2002, 07:52 AM
Originally posted by Thumper SVO
I concur with KJ94GT, went out there and it seemed that most if not all L owners tippd their nose up in the air:confused: One , maybe two if that were nice enought to talk shop and chew the fat with me.

Most of the other time i felt like I was in their way:(

I hope ppl don't get that impression of me and my truck when i am at stoplights or just cruising around.

Originally pOsted by KJ94GTYea, since I wasn't racing the truck, I just went to hopefully meet some of you guys, but everyone seemed to keep to themselves. Oh well, it's still badass!

Ok This is starting to **** me off... :hammer:

There were 4 main groups of people there. Halo, Talon, ALOC and OTHERS. The groups tended to hang with themselves but that is human nature.

I cant speak for everybody but I saw lots of people meeting and BS ing with lots of people. I am NOT an outgoing person. I was extremely busy and likely came across that way but I was there to do a job.

All you folks that are *****ing that people were standoffish, did you introduce yourself ?

I was in and around my truck all the time - It should have been easy to spot me but I dont remember you guys coming up and introducing yourselves. :rolleyes:

Next time knock the chip off your shoulder or thiers and introduce yourself. If it turns out they are a prick - move on and try the next one. If the TALON guys were all pricks I wouldnt waste my time and money with the forum and website....


09-27-2002, 08:15 AM
I met Gray, Stan, and several other people I had never met before, but mostly I was cleaning my truck or changing tires, or messing with the chip. I mostly hung around guys I know, but I didn't meet a single person that was rude or obnoxious. "Coolest" FFW I have been to thanks to the big JDM tent. :cool:

09-27-2002, 10:58 AM
Ok, wasn't trying to **** anyone off with the observation I made. This went in the completely wrong direction.

J.D. Blackwell
09-27-2002, 01:25 PM
Here is me on the right with Madness from the HALO club.

Now I know you saw me there.lol I was in the tent from 10 am Friday til 9 pm Sunday. I am probably one of the most easiest person's to get along with. I like anybody and everybody who has a L. All you had to do is come up to me and say hey man, my name is ______. I know you on the boards, but never seen many of you in person. How do I know what everyone suppose to look like. I did see quite a few people come up and look at my truck, but never even gave me eye contact, so I didn't have a chance to introduce myself. Catch me next time.:D

09-27-2002, 02:08 PM
I did my best to try and meet as many folks as I could, however I stayed fairly close by the HALO club as well, we hang kinda tight becouse we are always working on someones truck! :) If anyone saw me, and thought I was stand offish or not very nice, please letme know... I didnt mean to give that impression,

JD thats a fine ride, cant wait till its ready to pull the 1/4! I want a ride in that truck when it runs 11's :tu:

I introduced myself to every Talon person I could see. This FFW was the best I have been too! it simply ROCKED!

Next year in Houston, HALO will make sure that we have a good get together with you Talon guys! I left Ennis already getting excited about the next FFW.

too all I got to meet, or already knew and got to see again! it was an honor and a pleasure!

MadNess :)

09-27-2002, 02:28 PM
Although I did meet a ton of new people, there were still a bunch that wouldn't even make eye contact with me. Now I think anyone that knows me would agree that I am very easy to get along with and pretty friendly. I did make a lot of effort in trying to meet new people. Now, ask me how many of those people I remember, that's another story altogether! :d

I agree with what KJ said above... at least for me, it was a simple observation, not bi***ing about anyone or anything.

I had a GREAT time (even though my racing sucked ASS! :crying: ). And I do remember meeting you MADNESS :)

I always look forward to the meetings and events and always try to meet new people. I was just saying that some of the folks weren't as friendly as others. It was somewhat rhetorical. That's gonna happen anywhere you go.


Mark #2
09-27-2002, 02:38 PM
Okay, enough, all of the TALON guys are dicks, at least to other TALON guys:)

And it appeared to me that the HALO guys don't treat each other much differently either.:)

Had a great time, met a few HALO guys, Paul(I believe) beat me in second round.

Now if we all could be better at remembering names.
How many of you will talk to someone for a 1/2 hour and walk away saying nice guy, now what was his name?


09-27-2002, 03:18 PM
Well I made lousy company too....I bit my tongue the whole time I was there...refused to drink beer due to the fact that If I started I would have never stopped :D I fully intended to take the truck out there and run it at least once.... (see previous post) I had mucho tire problemo....and arrived with buddy brent in a slow ford truck :rolleyes: My apologies for missing the Cold Tortillas etc. I had a commitment the next morning at 9:00 so I left. I did watch the whole gig in the stands... :banana: I did get to shake the hand of the infamous JD Blackwell...and met Andre and shook his hand out on the lineup....talked to SixPipes a few and went about my way...

Please be advised: Discount Tire Certificates-Discount Tire of Texas has the right to charge the customer the following upon receipt of the Discount Tire Certificate Program.

1. Pay for another Certificate Policy
2. Pay for Lifetime Balancing

I did not know this as this was the 3rd tire Nitto 555 I have blown to smithereens since buying them less than 6 months ago. They are looking at me with "Beady Eyes" :mad:

09-27-2002, 06:52 PM
Justin was the first Talon guy I met a year or so ago. And realized that there was a boat load to learn about L's. Justin is "top notch".

The second was Sixpipes. The first thing he asked me was "How did you find us?" :rolleyes:

Go figure ... :D

Thumper SVO
09-27-2002, 11:21 PM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!
Ok This is starting to **** me off... :hammer:

There were 4 main groups of people there. Halo, Talon, ALOC and OTHERS. The groups tended to hang with themselves but that is human nature.

I cant speak for everybody but I saw lots of people meeting and BS ing with lots of people. I am NOT an outgoing person. I was extremely busy and likely came across that way but I was there to do a job.

All you folks that are *****ing that people were standoffish, did you introduce yourself ?

I was in and around my truck all the time - It should have been easy to spot me but I dont remember you guys coming up and introducing yourselves. :rolleyes:

Next time knock the chip off your shoulder or thiers and introduce yourself. If it turns out they are a prick - move on and try the next one. If the TALON guys were all pricks I wouldnt waste my time and money with the forum and website....


Doug, as was stated before, it was simply an O-B-S-E-R-V-A-T-I-O-N, none other than that. Neither KJ or I intended to flame anyone nor any Lightning group/forum. Can we not speak freely about the way we felt??? Unlike you Doug, I AM an outgoing person and do NOT "have a chip on my shoulder" about anything. I put my pants on one leg at a time just like yourself. I make EVERY oppurtunity to introduce myself and ask knowledgable questions about topics at hand. Ask any of my aquaintances OR close friends.

I'm sorry that there was a "job to do" But I was under the impression, at least the last 6 times I've went to FFW Ennis/Bayton etc, it was all about meeting ppl and having fun. Since when did we start clocking in for our hobbies:rolleyes: :confused:

I would have liked to meet you as well Doug, considering there were many many Lightning owners around I had a hard time distinguishing which one was you.

I DID make it a point to introduce myself AND my g/f at the same time, so with the above comment that you stated in your previous post I fail to see the correlation between that and the fact that "SOME" Lightning owners seemed standoffish.

Once again, as stated before, if I DID know what you looked l;ike I would have introduced myself. Seeing as there were PLENTY of Silver Lightning owners there it's hard to cover them all.:rolleyes:

The main reason I went was to meet and greet YOU and many other TALON members, but I apologize if me stating what I felt ****ed you off. I will try and remember that next time I meet you, in which case I meet you soon. :beer:

Please post a pic of yourself so I know to "knock the chip off your shoulder" and introduce myself:tu:

BTW, great informative site, and I can't wait to meet more of TALON members in the near near future.

Keith Francikowski

09-28-2002, 12:11 AM

Sorry I missed the chance to meet you. I also meant to meet Kyle Kent from House of Speed - One of our vendors - But like you I didn't know what he looked like and just didn't get the chance.

The reason I got upset was that I and others thought it was one of the best gatherings of Lightning owners we have had... In the past the Halo guys had their own pit and we didn't get to assemble that many owners together.

Since FFW there is a renewed interest among the clubs to get together as a group in the future. I didn't want that to get skewed

Mine was the Silver Lightning with SVTLightnings.com decals all over it. And a SVTLightnings.com Magnet on the tailgate and magnetic flames on the doors.

I have taken pictures at most of the FFW events around the country. Next year I will be going to all of them. Ford is supposed to be paying my expenses. So in that sense I treat it like a job... The reason I ONLY take pictures of the one class is so I have the chance to socialize in between. You wil find that most of teh serious racers take racing serious. Since Im no good at racing I take pictures.

Since I take most of the pictures there are few pictures of me...
I'm 6'3" about 270 and have a big chip on my shoulder... ;) I was wearing a tan floppy hat most of the day. Also had a VIP name tag and camera around my neck much of the day.

Just found a picture of me - Finishing off the last guy that ****ed me off online - ;) Im the one with the 12 gauge :burnout:http://www.svtlightnings.com/talon/brakes/MVC-071X.jpg


Thumper SVO
09-28-2002, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!

Sorry I missed the chance to meet you. I also meant to meet Kyle Kent from House of Speed - One of our vendors - But like you I didn't know what he looked like and just didn't get the chance.

The reason I got upset was that I and others thought it was one of the best gatherings of Lightning owners we have had... In the past the Halo guys had their own pit and we didn't get to assemble that many owners together.

Since FFW there is a renewed interest among the clubs to get together as a group in the future. I didn't want that to get skewed

Mine was the Silver Lightning with SVTLightnings.com decals all over it. And a SVTLightnings.com Magnet on the tailgate and magnetic flames on the doors.

I have taken pictures at most of the FFW events around the country. Next year I will be going to all of them. Ford is supposed to be paying my expenses. So in that sense I treat it like a job... The reason I ONLY take pictures of the one class is so I have the chance to socialize in between.

Since I take most of the pictures there are few pictures of me...
I'm 6'3" about 270 and have a big chip on my shoulder... ;) I was wearing a tan floppy hat most of the day. Also had a VIP name tag and camera around my neck much of the day.

Just found a picture of me - Finishing off the last guy that ****ed me off online - ;) Im the one with the 12 gauge http://www.svtlightnings.com/talon/brakes/MVC-071X.jpg


Doug, first off, nice selection of pictures to offer the newbie!LOL!

Now I REALLY want to meet you, just make sure it's not in an open field and I'm more than 100yards out ;)

I appreciate your return salvo Doug, and I'm sorry if we got off on the wrong foot. Seems to me we are back on track thus far. I had no idea that this was the first year of all of the Lightning associatiosn to come togethr under one HUGE tent and be recognized. I am new to the sport/hobby of Lightnings but am a seasoned indivdual when it comes to drag racing/cars/trucks/etc.

KJ and I both purchased our trucks at almost the same time and had no other person to talk to about mods/recalls/performance other than ourselves. Thenwe stumbled across the TALON board, which we both thought was a godsend due to the plethora of information and members nearby.

We will make it a habit to try and make it to more of the GTG's that you all have as well as tuning partys/graduatiuons/family get togethers or whatever else we are invited to come to. Thanks for clearing alot of that up Doug and hope to meet ALL if not most of the TALON members:tu:


09-28-2002, 10:24 AM

That picture really was from a TALON event. ;)

A couple of us got together to do brake pads out in the country, and killed some time shooting clays afterwards - here is link to rest of pictures. http://www.svtlightnings.com/talon/brakes/brakes.htm

We have meeting every first thursday ... Which means this coming thursday - Here is link to info on meeting

Hope to see you there...


Flats Man
09-28-2002, 12:56 PM
Here is a picture to further identify two of Talon's more famous members. Mr Sixpipes, "The Urban Legend," is on the left and Mr Doug Boss with his now famous hat is on the right. They are attempting to turn my regular ole F150 into one of those darn Lightning thingies
Both Guys are really nice if you give them mass quantities of Beer!

09-28-2002, 01:13 PM
Glad to see that I am still in stealth mode... No pictures so far to use as mug shots ...:D :p :tongue: :twitch:

Flats Man
09-28-2002, 01:16 PM
Yea, come to think of it, you are like that guy on Tim The Tool Man. We never see your face. I know there are some shots out there some where.

Flats Man
09-28-2002, 01:35 PM
Ha!! This is a really scarey picture taken in Florida at the begining of March. Guess which one is Doug and Sixpipes.
The food was very good and once again, there was mass quantities of Beer!

J.D. Blackwell
09-28-2002, 01:44 PM
Here is a picture of the lady's man.:D :banana:
