View Full Version : Another fuel $$ thread

08-29-2005, 10:37 PM
I was thinking about topping off today since the analysts say a 20-30 cent hike is expected following the hurricane's impact on refineries and something called the LOOP. This will bring to fruition my prophecy of $3 a gallon for Labor Day weekend. They always rape the drivers on 3 day weekends! Anyway, I am not a topper offer I like to do complete tank cycles. But I am afraid I may have waited too late and will awake to $10-15 cents higher pumps tomorrow! I will drive to a truck stop tomorrow and top it off with about 23 gallons. That will get me through the weekend if I am lucky. After that I will be subject to the higher rates present. The Lightning Fest fuel bill is not looking good at this point. I may leave my trailer at home just to save a hundred plus bucks on fuel. Anyone want to chip in for towing fuel to bring the trailer in case a club member breaks during the weekend? I will discuss this in more length in my forum:tu: .

08-29-2005, 11:07 PM
ya gas sucks but o well... i only make $8 an hour and can afford gas and the truck and whatever else yea it sucks but beer is breaking me over any of that :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer: :beer:

08-29-2005, 11:13 PM
Topped all 3 trucks today. When one runs dry I'll park it and drive another.

08-29-2005, 11:17 PM
Topped off the L and the T-Bird daily-driver for $80~. :hammer:

Habib at the Shell on the corner said there's going to be a $.30-$.50 spike tomorrow. :cool:

08-30-2005, 08:05 AM
Yep. I saw $2.69 for 93 at an Exxon yesterday which is good up here in Plano/Allen. I was only down to 1/3 tank, but went ahead and filled it up. I probably should check the wife's gas hog (Expedition) and see where it sits.

08-30-2005, 08:56 AM
Topped off the L and the T-Bird daily-driver for $80~. :hammer:

Habib at the Shell on the corner said there's going to be a $.30-$.50 spike tomorrow. :cool:

That shoud be illegal

Oil futures went up yesterday for about 2 hours during the storm panic then retreated to a little above the same level

The BS about opening the reserves is allpolitics because we dont have the refining capacity to turn the crude into gas... And refineries are being shut down and restricted for all kinds of stupid reasons ....

Interesting price comparison graph here


08-30-2005, 09:09 AM
While driving through west Texas I noticed a lot of pumps were shut off. Like Doug said they are maintaining higher prices in the US by limiting production.

08-30-2005, 09:55 AM
While driving through west Texas I noticed a lot of pumps were shut off. Like Doug said they are maintaining higher prices in the US by limiting production.

Yep. My family has a lot of mineral rights in NW Texas from land we used to own. There are a few pumps and wells there... but the govt limits production a LOT.

Part of this is probably in an effort to conserve our own resources in the event of some other massive catastrophe in the future when we'll then need them. The problem is that by the time you _need_ it, it takes too long to get everything moving (e.g.: Doug's point about the refining process).

I'm sure I'm in the vast minority, but I'm of the opinion that we could easily survive on our own supply for centuries (if not longer). But even if we tried something like that (thumbing our noses at the oil cartel), I'm not sure gas prices would be cheaper.

BC Lightning
08-30-2005, 02:57 PM
I didn't top off, however I did fuel up before I usually do. The low fuel light came on and usually I would be able to get another 50-60 miles (57 miles to be accurate) before it would start to cut out and then I would fill up. I'm like Terry I don't like to top off and like to cycle an entire tank before filling up again. Well with the talk of jumping prices I decided to fill up today. I only put 22 gallons in instead of the usual 24 (like I said sometimes the truck cuts out while turning into the gas station) 22 gallons at $62, not complaining, just adding to the thread

http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/data/500/medium/Gas_8-30-05.jpg (http://www.svtgalleries.net/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=15864&size=big)

08-30-2005, 08:33 PM
I noticed it was $2.89 for 93 at around noon at the same Shell - $2.99this evening.:rolleyes:

08-30-2005, 09:25 PM
Yep...the price of going to L-Fest is going up. But i think ill manage :beer: . I think im going to trade the wifes truck in for a mule. :eek:

08-30-2005, 09:32 PM
I filled up this morning on the way to work at Quiktrip $2.89, I never let it go below a 1/4 tank then I go fill up. I spend a avg. of 45.00 on each fill up. Maybee if the price starts to drop down sometime I may let it go below that.

08-30-2005, 09:43 PM
I felt lucky today when the pump was still 2.45 a gallon at 10am. On the way home it was 2.62:hammer: . I took on $70 bucks worth 28.18 gallons and had 350 miles with towing to TMS Saturday. So I averaged 12.5mpg... I am turning the A/C off at night and early morning, and using cruise control about 62mph. I got on the turbo to pass a jacker today and was like WOW this thing has some power. But I am so use to going slow I forget it is there:( .

08-30-2005, 09:50 PM
$2.98 across the street from my apt yet on another corner from the 2 stations that are $2.98 its $2.83 so i got a whole 10 gallons for $30 :Bullshit

08-30-2005, 10:18 PM
Hmm, I may fill up my two 55gallon drums tomorrow if it is still low anywhere. Watching the new it looks like it is going UP for a long time to come. The news reported 13 refineries out of commission on the coast which equates to over a million barrels a day.

BUT, is it worth it? If it goes up another 20 cents it is worth 20 bucks savings for 100 gallons. But that is a LOT of pumping with the rotary transfer pump... I am also thinking of the chances fuel gets scarce or hard to buy in the coming months...

08-30-2005, 11:13 PM
Fueled up the L and the Viper a few minutes ago and filled up the various containers for the lawn equipment. I spent well over $100 and the Viper was half full.

It isn't that large a deal, a few bucks in reality. There are so many other things that an average american can cut out of their spending that makes the difference in gas prices look miniscule.

I actually don't use a lot of gas as the wife and I carpool to work, so were taking one car to work and rotate through them during the week. I can keep from filling up a given car for a few weeks if I want to.( Except the Viper.....I don't mind filling it up, I get SMILES per gallon in that thing:D )


BC Lightning
08-30-2005, 11:23 PM
It isn't that large a deal, a few bucks in reality. There are so many other things that an average american can cut out of their spending that makes the difference in gas prices look miniscule.

If I cut out beer, then I probably could have alot more mods:cool:

08-30-2005, 11:32 PM
But what about availability? With 13 refineries and the LOOP down could we actually be forced into rationing?

08-30-2005, 11:35 PM
I guess I look at it from the point of view where my fuel bill is peaking 5-600 a month which is more than my truck payment and insurance combined:hammer: .

Tex Arcana
08-31-2005, 12:18 AM
What kills me about all this crap is that it's been orchestrated from the get-go. I mean, look at the history of the price rises: with the exception of a few rises that can be directly linked to OPEC raising prices, they have been going up like clockwork over the past 10-12 years, with a large 25-50 cent jack, usually followed by a reduction that ends up leaving the overall price 10-20 cents above what it was before. ANd this pattern has been accelerating over the past two years, to the point wherre we've been watching the prices rise precipitously over the last 6 months, for no real reason other than the oil companies just want to do it. :bs :bs :bs

Doug is right, except it's not just politics, it's pure unbridled greed drving this ship, and we are the ones suffering for it. And until we vote out those bastards who are in the pocket of the corporations that are destroying our government, it's not going to stop. :(

08-31-2005, 12:32 AM
If I cut out beer, then I probably could have alot more mods:cool:

The hell you say !!!!! :beer:

I was thinking something unnecessary, like food.........:beer:


08-31-2005, 12:35 AM
What kills me about all this crap is that it's been orchestrated from the get-go. I mean, look at the history of the price rises: with the exception of a few rises that can be directly linked to OPEC raising prices, they have been going up like clockwork over the past 10-12 years, with a large 25-50 cent jack, usually followed by a reduction that ends up leaving the overall price 10-20 cents above what it was before. ANd this pattern has been accelerating over the past two years, to the point wherre we've been watching the prices rise precipitously over the last 6 months, for no real reason other than the oil companies just want to do it. :bs :bs :bs

Doug is right, except it's not just politics, it's pure unbridled greed drving this ship, and we are the ones suffering for it. And until we vote out those bastards who are in the pocket of the corporations that are destroying our government, it's not going to stop. :(

Interesting read if nothing else.......:throw: (http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/Index.html)

It does make you wonder.....I did see a pretty cool self contained off the grid house featured on Travel channel the other day :hammer:


Tex Arcana
08-31-2005, 01:45 AM
Interesting read if nothing else.......:throw: (http://www.lifeaftertheoilcrash.net/Index.html)

It does make you wonder.....I did see a pretty cool self contained off the grid house featured on Travel channel the other day :hammer:

I've just been reading this, and it makes me both sad and madder'n hell. Sad, because it seems like we're giving up and just gonna let a complete collapse happen (tho, maybe it's time, this so-called "human race" has done a great job of f*cking thinks up); mad, because after 10,000 or so years of human history, we haven't seemed to learn to look beyond our own dicks and the ends of our noses, and actually do something that would actually benefit more than our own personal profit.

After reading that, however (scanning it, more like), I'm going to retract everything I just said in this thread, think about it a bit, and then reread the article again, in more depth; if just half of what was said there is true, we're ****ed, absolutely ****ed as a race; if his timing is correct, then I might be lucky enough to be dead before it gets to the worst. :crying:

08-31-2005, 12:51 PM
i just saw $3.05 here on cooper st in arlington for premium on my way back from lunch

08-31-2005, 03:01 PM
mad, because after 10,000 or so years of human history, we haven't seemed to learn to look beyond our own dicks and the ends of our noses, and actually do something that would actually benefit more than our own personal profit.

The fact is whether we want to believe it or not, this is one major by-product of capitalism, fueled by a political system that is inherently short-sighted b/c of the relatively short term-limits imposed (plenty of good reasons for that, no doubt). This trickles down to the capitalistic economy as well b/c leadership is typically only loyal to itself, and it knows it will be there for a finite amount of time.

Talk about being short-sighted... our use/abuse of fossil fuels is no more short-sighted than people building a large metropolis below sea-level on the coast of the Gulf where threats of flooding are constant.

There is plenty of blame to throw around just about anywhere you want. I know I'm too short-sighted in decisions I make. That's because I am human and make mistakes and don't always consider all the perspectives (and even if I did, there isn't always a "perfect" solution to cause and effect).

I am glad I see this life as temporal, and not the _end_. Reading that article, it's depressing to the point where you could worry yourself to the point of paralysis. Just proves that putting our trust in men (not pointing fingers at any particular person or faction) will only lead to frustration and broken promises.

Ok... I digress... not trying to turn this into some sort of religious discussion. :)

08-31-2005, 04:23 PM
i just saw $3.05 here on cooper st in arlington for premium on my way back from lunch

I paid over $3.03 to fill up this morning

08-31-2005, 05:02 PM
Fox News just showed $5.57 for reg. unleaded in Atlanta. Granted, that was just one store...and they obviously do _not_ want their remaining supply to be purchased (pricing themselves out, in effect). But most places in Atlanta are already well over $3.75 for reg. unleaded.

To say gas/energy costs don't affect all of us in some way is wrong. Maybe some/most/all of us can afford $3.50-4.00/gal for gas in our Lightning. That's great. But it's gonna cost a lot more to heat/cool your home, buy groceries and goods due to higher transportation costs (if nothing else), etc. No matter where you sit on the financial totem pole, I am willing to bet most of our incomes will not go up in proportion to the costs of goods/services we need to operate in our day-to-day lives.

Get used to it!

TP Derrick D
08-31-2005, 07:18 PM
93 was $3.11 @ my #1 Chevron station on S. Cooper & 287 in Mansfield around 2pm today. It will probably be $3.25 before Labor Day.

08-31-2005, 07:57 PM
hmmm...nah..nothing constructive to say, so I won't say anything. Every time I pass a gas station I get pissed...leave it at that.


08-31-2005, 08:04 PM
ok everyone listen up!!!! rumors that a gas station is opening but i forgot where ill find out and post later tonight. gas is supposed to be very cheap like high dollar maybe 2 for 93 octane but it seems like i was told $1.71 for reg so who know ill get details and post tonight exactly where and how much

08-31-2005, 08:11 PM
I should have filled my drums up, today it is up to 2.70 from 2.45 yesterday. I saw 93 for 3.09...

08-31-2005, 10:09 PM
I watched the gas station by me go up 3 times today! For premium it was 2.91 this morning, 2.99 at lunch, and then 3.09 tonight! What is up with that?

08-31-2005, 10:24 PM
It's held at $2.99 so far here today. In speaking with the Shell clerk this morning, it's going to go even higher this weekend...

08-31-2005, 10:26 PM
dont forget that all food production and deleivery is oil based
from the fertilizer to the persticides to the tractor fuel to the refrisgerated trucks to the processing plant to the delievry trucks to the AC for the krogers...

We are in for a screwing...

Then think about where all the $$ is going - it didnt get more expensive to get or refine gas - the supply just went down - so someone - like the oil companies and the arabs are making a KILLING at our expense...
Thanks George ...


08-31-2005, 11:06 PM
I wouldn't blame it all on GWB. If we'd tapped into the vast supply we _know_ we have up in the arctic about 8-10 years ago (and yes it takes that kind of planning), this wouldn't be the issue it is today. We all know the greenie, liberals who were running around with their pants down in the oval office back then. ;)

Don't get me wrong... I'm not absolving the right-wingers of this type of mess, either.

08-31-2005, 11:38 PM
if anyone cares its at fina on marcathur and rochell from 3-6pm cheap ass gas. TOMORROW!!!!! im gonna try and make it i already quit my job but have till saturday to find out if i get let go or get a raise so screw it.

09-01-2005, 04:07 AM
My Piggy Bank After Filling My Car Up Today!!

09-01-2005, 09:08 AM
I just saw $3.10 for 93 octane at the local Shell and $3.05 at the Texaco across the street here in Arlington this morning.

09-01-2005, 09:11 AM
I wouldn't blame it all on GWB. If we'd tapped into the vast supply we _know_ we have up in the arctic about 8-10 years ago (and yes it takes that kind of planning), this wouldn't be the issue it is today. We all know the greenie, liberals who were running around with their pants down in the oval office back then. ;)

Don't get me wrong... I'm not absolving the right-wingers of this type of mess, either.

Let be clear - Its NOT OIL supply - Its refining capacity - The most profitable companies in the world are oil companies and they are NOT building more refining capacity ......


09-01-2005, 09:51 AM
The gas price down the steet from my house at the Alberstons Express is $3.05 for premium and I think it's the same at the Quiktrip I go to. But some say will be as high as $4.00+

09-01-2005, 09:51 AM
My Piggy Bank After Filling My Car Up Today!!


09-01-2005, 09:56 AM
Fill up today - one of my friends' brother works for an Exxon distributor. The wholesale price is going up to $3.40 today or tomorrow.

09-01-2005, 10:18 AM
Fill up today - one of my friends' brother works for an Exxon distributor. The wholesale price is going up to $3.40 today or tomorrow.

F*cking rediclulous. I might as well stop getting ticked off and just accept the cornholing they're putting on us. What a bunch of total sh#t.


09-01-2005, 11:30 AM
Evidently, these are recent prices around Atlanta.:flaming:



09-01-2005, 11:34 AM
looks like all be peddling my @$$ everywhere if it reaches that :hammer:

09-01-2005, 11:52 AM
This is going to get crazy...

Driving around town visiting clients might have to slow down and bit and use the phone, web conferencing instead.

It was 3.19 for super at the Sam's 75/spring creek in Plano.

09-01-2005, 01:24 PM
Let be clear - Its NOT OIL supply - Its refining capacity - The most profitable companies in the world are oil companies and they are NOT building more refining capacity ......


And if this is the primary argument (and I agree with you here, too) then most of the blame can be placed on the tree hugging liberals. Big business (heck any business) in a capitalistic society will look at their profit margins. It would be up to the govt to assist (didn't say "make" or "force") in order to see more efficiency takes place beyond the short-term. But oh how the left-wing would scream if the govt assisted big business (especially those that are considered enviro-haters).

The US has enough supply and the ability to develop/build enough refineries to thumb our noses at the rest of the world. It may not be in the US oil companies best interest (bottom line) to do it, but we all know there are ways to "influence" them. Some would certainly argue that assisting large, profitable businesses is ridiculous when there are more needy people who need the $$. Uh well, when big business goes down, so do all the "little people"...at least that's one economic theory with respects to capitalism.

09-01-2005, 01:33 PM
Evidently, these are recent prices around Atlanta.:flaming:



The folks running those stations are going to get screwed before it is over with. I would be amazed if they don't get brought up on gouging law violations.

It wouldn't bother me one bit to see the owners of those stations tied to the pumps as they set the fockers on fire.

Total Bullsh!t...............

09-01-2005, 04:12 PM
Well the old man is a step ahead of me. He already has his 55gal drum and truck full. I wish I filled at least one drum up for a little security:hammer: .

09-01-2005, 04:44 PM
Warning... this is long!

Okay... time to get on my soapbox with the rest of y'all.

Granted it sucks... I have to drive to Austin tomorrow and I am not looking forward to paying for all the gas (should have flown... it be cheaper).

Tree huggers are largely to blame. No one wants a frigging refinery in his or her back yard. Can't blame them much but man we gotta do what we gotta do.

I have no idea how many formulations of gas there is but that is really part of the problem during the summer months and the price going up during the big holidays... we don't have the capacity to brew the stuff in 40 some odd flavors so supply dictates price. The good news… the feds as of yesterday relaxed the environmental requirements and are brewing reg, premium and super for the entire US, no more formulations for different parts of the country. Good move... let's hope it stays that way after this is over.

I'm for free enterprise... go Mobil/Exxon. But there is no proof that MTBE helped one tiny bit as a fuel additive and conversely it has cause all kinds of heath issues. So eliminating this stuff saves everyone from the 40+ brands and the supply shortages we experience.

Next thing we need to do is politely ask the UN to leave this country and bail out of it. You may have heard back in the 60's of the US seeding hurricanes. The intent was to lessen the strength of potentially dangerous storms in the gulf. Well... that little country below Florida complained to their constituents in the UN that the US was trying to wreak havoc and possibly destroy Cuba by controlling the weather. So... the UN put a ban on seeding and the result was seen this past week.

The seeding was successful in that it reduced the strength of the storm measurably. Not by 50% but more like 10% or thereabouts. Imagine if this storm had hit with 10% less strength.

Somewhere the US needs to stop listening to naysayers and start doing what is in our best interest. Maybe there was intension on controlling the weather over Cuba but would we have used it? We got the bomb and could use it but don't and that’s a good thing. I don't want anyone hurt for political gain but our adversaries over in Iraq and the rest of the Eastern region are celebrating over our travesty.

As for the web page on oil from Matt Savinar, I have a tough time swallowing anything from anyone that attended school in California. I know we have attorneys on this board and I respect their credentials, but California plus an attorney. J

Oh yeah… my trip to Austin tomorrow is to buy a used Honda Accord from a buddy of mine. I can change my driving habits like everyone else.

Y’all can skip over this next part if you want to. I was at St. Kitts in the Caribbean a few years back on a mission trip (if you’re going to do missions this is the place to be). Took a hiking trip through the rain forest and our guide said he wanted to come and visit us in the states. He loves the US. His reason… I don’t recall the name of the hurricane that hit them but it pretty much leveled St. Kitts and neighboring island Nevis. He told me about the deaths and the injured people. No food or water and no hope. All was lost until a ship appeared off the coast. It was an American ship with supplies, doctors and construction crews. We were the only ones that showed.

We will get through this.

09-01-2005, 07:37 PM
....All was lost until a ship appeared off the coast. It was an American ship with supplies, doctors and construction crews. We were the only ones that showed.

We will get through this.

Yes we will, and it is time the US starts thinking about the US and let everyone else handle their own sh!t. How many countries have made offers to aid us with the aftermath of this hurricane? I bet they are lined up just waiting to help us out...

I say it's time we take care of ourselves and let the rest of the world handle it's own problems. I'm sick of being the country that gives and gives and gives and gets nothing but hate in return.


09-01-2005, 08:01 PM
I say it's time we take care of ourselves and let the rest of the world handle it's own problems. I'm sick of being the country that gives and gives and gives and gets nothing but hate in return.Tom Thats Right!! :flaming:

09-01-2005, 08:21 PM
Yes we will, and it is time the US starts thinking about the US and let everyone else handle their own sh!t. How many countries have made offers to aid us with the aftermath of this hurricane? I bet they are lined up just waiting to help us out...

I say it's time we take care of ourselves and let the rest of the world handle it's own problems. I'm sick of being the country that gives and gives and gives and gets nothing but hate in return.


The sad thing is that in reality they couldn't help us out substantially even if they wanted to do b/c they have piss-ant sized economies that are a drop in the bucket compared to what we might really need/be able to use.

I agree with taking care of ourselves, but we have only ourselves to blame for entangling ourselves in world matters, and this has to do as much with keeping our own economy going as anything else. We are too late to become isolationists (although, I agree with a lot of that ideology). We have developed an economy that is dependent upon foreigners buying/using our goods/services (even though the trade deficit remains quite high), and thus we have a vested interest in expanding world markets, which no matter what anyone will say is a big reason for Afghanistan and Iraq. If we don't clean up everyone else's mess, then we have less of a chance (actually no chance) to market our goods/services there, and build up their economy so that they can _afford_ our goods/services (we're a long way to go on this in many cases).

All I know is that we better get our due economic reparations for our work/effort/fight for the freedom of Iraqis. It had better come in more oil/refined gasoline than we could ever want/need. That country has a chance to become very wealthy, and we better get a huge kick-back that is unprecedented. Otherwise, its time to become imperialists, like the English used to be. ;)

09-01-2005, 09:58 PM
Y'all don't take my comments as not wanting to support other countries in humanitarian efforts. We need to do that because that is what has made this country great.

Today's world economy is one of the biggest reasons or should I say deterrents to war with other countries. Take China... their biggest customer today is the good ole USA. So I wouldn't give too much thought to Taiwan issues.

This example holds true for world powers but when you take into consideration third world countries it changes. These guys are the idiots that will cause the trouble. That have nothing to lose and they are very ticked off about what we have especially our value system.

I've been to about 17 countries on mission trips. Get down in the trenches with these people and you can begin to see that the rank and file people are pretty good folks. It's the extremists that cause the crap. Yep… it’s largely political and envy that drives those that hate the US.

We need to protect our boarders, economy and resources. The UN is not in our best interest anymore since the third world countries have learned that this is their platform for getting to us. Yes, we out vote them, but for how long. My son was in Iraq and it looks like he’s going back again. I can’t imagine if the US would have agreed to the international court for war crimes. Who do you think would file the charges… some far and impartial country. And then have the UN arbitrate it.

We have got to get a grip.

09-01-2005, 11:41 PM
Here is a truck stop today. I also saw a Shell station 2.99, 3.09, 3.19. I have 500 miles of fuel left in the tank. I will try to make it to next week and hopefully it will come back down after the traveling holiday.

I am babying it as much as I can even pissing off folks for going slow I bet. I just turned 15K miles as well.

09-02-2005, 12:21 AM
Y’all can skip over this next part if you want to. I was at St. Kitts in the Caribbean a few years back on a mission trip (if you’re going to do missions this is the place to be). Took a hiking trip through the rain forest and our guide said he wanted to come and visit us in the states. He loves the US. His reason… I don’t recall the name of the hurricane that hit them but it pretty much leveled St. Kitts and neighboring island Nevis. He told me about the deaths and the injured people. No food or water and no hope. All was lost until a ship appeared off the coast. It was an American ship with supplies, doctors and construction crews. We were the only ones that showed.

We will get through this.

Wasnt this Andrew? or Hugo?
Been to St Kitts myself and what a beautiful place.. went into town (the capital) they have the prisoners from the local jail painting the curbs and such... thought it was a great idea...
We stayed at the Royal St. Kitts hotel.

09-02-2005, 12:25 AM
yep, this is about right..

09-03-2005, 11:17 PM
Hmm, I may fill up my two 55gallon drums tomorrow if it is still low anywhere. Watching the new it looks like it is going UP for a long time to come. The news reported 13 refineries out of commission on the coast which equates to over a million barrels a day.

BUT, is it worth it? If it goes up another 20 cents it is worth 20 bucks savings for 100 gallons. But that is a LOT of pumping with the rotary transfer pump... I am also thinking of the chances fuel gets scarce or hard to buy in the coming months...

Whasup? http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif I paid 2.50-3.00 a gallon in 1973, Hahn AB, Germany drivin' around in a 1969 2002tii with 2 Weber sidedrafts w/4 chromed velocity stacks doing 140 down the a-bahn (bling). Bootlegged cartons of cigarettes to the Germans, paid 2.50 per ctn, sold for 10.00 bucks. http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/devil.gif I won't mention other contraband...to keep up with expenses, focking Germans wit da bier http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/beerchug.gif .....my solution is below: 30 + mpg, ULEV rated. Wish I woulda kept the SVT Focus, but coorelation to rice fart cans, makes me puke http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/nono.gif The Lightning, I due miss truly. http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/cool.gif Oh well, back to germanic roots... 30+ mpg/ULEV.

09-04-2005, 01:32 AM
Whasup? http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/biggrin.gif I paid 2.50=3.00 a gallon in 1973, Hahn AB, Germany drivin' around in a 1969 2002tii with 2 Weber sidedrafts w/4 chromed velocity stacks doing 140 down the a-bahn (bling). Bootlegged cartons of cigarettes to the Germans, paid 2.50 per ctn, sold for 10.00 bucks. http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/devil.gif I won't mention other contraband...to keep up with expenses, focking Germans wit da bier http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/beerchug.gif .....my solution is below: 30 + mpg, ULEV rated. Wish I woulda kept the SVT Focus, but coorelation to rice fart cans, makes me puke http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/nono.gif The Lightning, I due miss truly. http://www.talonclub.com/forum/images/smilies/cool.gif Oh well, back to germanic roots... 30+ mpg/ULEV.

Is half of that even English ??? :confused:


09-04-2005, 04:01 AM
Is half of that even English ??? :confused:


broken german :D a-bahn, autobahn etc.

Tex Arcana
09-06-2005, 12:54 AM
I've been to about 17 countries on mission trips. Get down in the trenches with these people and you can begin to see that the rank and file people are pretty good folks. It's the PSYCHOPATHSthat cause the crap. Yep… it’s largely political and envy that drives those that hate the US..
FIXED. :flaming:

I've got to find that link again, but the man who invented the psychopath test has been doing some research, and is now advocating using the test on all people, including the jackasses in the upper management ranks in any corporation. Why? Because, according to his research, he's found that over 50% (iirc) of those in charge in major corporations are flaming psychopaths, and he estimates that the numbers of those in government and politics is even higher.

And we wonder why things are so screwed up??

Anothr note: I saw an article the other nite (yet another one I need to find and post) from Bloomberg, iirc, where the author was reminding everyone that he had predicted this back when the Bush admin was making good on their promised tax "rebates"; and that those rebates would amount to naught because the price of gas would skyrocket before the end of the year, pulling all those "rebates" out of our hands and right into the hands of the oil companies. But that wasn't what caught my eye (because that's not really suprising): it was his assertion that the prices are artificial because the government and oil companies are NOT buying oil from the newest readily-available source: Asia. China's got oil they want to sell, and so does Russia, and those sources would help bring prices down considerably. He also mentioned that average profit per barrel is around $15-$16, the highest it's ever been.

So, with that information, what conclusions can be drawn? Either way, it's a sad state of affairs. :(

BC Lightning
09-06-2005, 02:10 PM
Last night I paid 3.29 a gallon

22.734 gallons and $75.00 :eek:

09-07-2005, 09:03 PM
Gas is down from $3.59 for super to 3.29 here as of today.. :nana2
Lets hope it keeps going that way.

09-07-2005, 09:16 PM
I've been seeing Shell 93 down to $3.13 - $3.19 from $3.29 today around town.

Keep going....:cool:

09-07-2005, 11:40 PM
FIXED. :flaming:

I've got to find that link again, but the man who invented the psychopath test has been doing some research, and is now advocating using the test on all people, including the jackasses in the upper management ranks in any corporation. Why? Because, according to his research, he's found that over 50% (iirc) of those in charge in major corporations are flaming psychopaths, and he estimates that the numbers of those in government and politics is even higher.

And we wonder why things are so screwed up??

Anothr note: I saw an article the other nite (yet another one I need to find and post) from Bloomberg, iirc, where the author was reminding everyone that he had predicted this back when the Bush admin was making good on their promised tax "rebates"; and that those rebates would amount to naught because the price of gas would skyrocket before the end of the year, pulling all those "rebates" out of our hands and right into the hands of the oil companies. But that wasn't what caught my eye (because that's not really suprising): it was his assertion that the prices are artificial because the government and oil companies are NOT buying oil from the newest readily-available source: Asia. China's got oil they want to sell, and so does Russia, and those sources would help bring prices down considerably. He also mentioned that average profit per barrel is around $15-$16, the highest it's ever been.

So, with that information, what conclusions can be drawn? Either way, it's a sad state of affairs. :(
It is really funny how people rarely learn from history.
Adjusted for inflation, the current price of +/- $3.10, is equivilent to $.90 in 1979 dollars. Check the link below and you will see that prices where higher, adjusted for inflation, in the period 1979 to 1984. And we still had to wait in line due to low supply. Also notice the URL name.

09-16-2005, 06:07 PM
Driving home from work today, saw premium for $2.99 per gallon.. supposed to drop another 20 cents in the next couple of weeks.. but I hear that natural gas is going to be 50% higher since there was damage from Katrina.

09-16-2005, 06:38 PM
I almost ran off the road this afternoon when I saw Conoco 93 going for $2.89 in Plano off of Legacy.knana

Driving home from work today, saw premium for $2.99 per gallon.. supposed to drop another 20 cents in the next couple of weeks.. but I hear that natural gas is going to be 50% higher since there was damage from Katrina.

09-16-2005, 07:25 PM
I almost ran off the road this afternoon when I saw Conoco 93 going for $2.89 in Plano off of Legacy.knana

$2.73 and dropping out here in the sticks !!


TP Derrick D
09-17-2005, 10:22 PM
$2.78 @ my fav-o-right Chevron in Mansfield (287 & Cooper)