View Full Version : ffw / ennis

ken cryder
09-23-2002, 10:16 PM
just wanted to say thanks for the great weekend.
sure wish i could of hung around the tent more but running on a shoestring budget i was try to make some more money to spend on some of those neet goodies that jdm had to offer .what a class act they were! hope i didn't let down the club by not making it passed the second round . when i finally got ther sunday after a hour and half drive i found out i had to go against the #1 guy i was so nervse that i thought i would:vomit: well when i won i did go:vomit: couldn't beleive i ran the exact time i qualified on 12.833 against ducket #1 qaulifier . the second round i broke traction and lost by .3 tenths . sure wanted to help your club make a good showing . need to get a new set of tires that will hook up . my transmission guy and neighbor is doing better after having a heart attack at the track sat night . the doctors will be running a dye test tommorow to see how bad he damaged it and to see the blockage and if they will have to put in a stint or do surgery. hope he does good . he had three people running his trans at the track two in pro mod and me .
thanks ken cryder:twitch:

09-23-2002, 11:17 PM
Your friend is in my prayers. jw

J.D. Blackwell
09-24-2002, 08:14 AM
I am sorry to here about your friend also. Please keep us updated on his condition.

ken cryder
09-26-2002, 07:36 AM
thanks for the good wishes and prayers for my freind dave . he had several large blood clots at the bottom of his heart . they are using what he called suped up asprin to try to desolve them hopefully this will work and he will be out in a few days .
thanks ken