View Full Version : Should We Reconsider the Monthly Meeting Date?

09-08-2005, 10:19 AM
OK guys...the controversy is brewing over the failed meeting last night. Time to see if there is enough controversy to reconsider the day of the meetings for the remainder of the year or wait until we plan next year. My personal opinion is we just leave it as is and redo next year, but I want to see what the people think. So give me your opinions...the venues WILL NOT CHANGE regardless of the outcome here, so if we decide to look for another day, we will just change the day and go to the same venue. Next year we will explore other options as mentioned in one of the other threads, but for now I jsut want to know if we should explore the option of changing the day...

Also remember, we are never, ever, going to please everyone, so don't get pissy if things don't go your way. We are going to remain democratic here and go with the majority. If thing start getting out of hand, the monarchy will ensue and I will leave the decision to the "elders" and the decision will be brought down the mountain to be rammed down everyone's throats...:hammer:


09-08-2005, 10:23 AM
We've had some pretty good turn outs on Wednesdays so let's continue. I may not make the 10/5 meeting because I will be in Indiana finishing a software conversion that I've been working on since June. This project has consumed a great deal of my time but I know I'll make the Nov and Dec meetings.

09-08-2005, 10:27 AM
We've had some pretty good turn outs on Wednesdays so let's continue. I may not make the 10/5 meeting because I will be in Indiana finishing a software conversion that I've been working on since June. This project has consumed a great deal of my time but I know I'll make the Nov and Dec meetings.

I hear you Larry. I know I won't make the October meeting either, as I will be on my next world trip at that time. I'll be in Ottawa for that specific meeting if it stays on Wednesday, and if it moves to the Saturday I'll be in London, so I know I won't make the meeting in October for sure.


09-08-2005, 10:49 AM
I will not be able to make Wednesdays or Thursday.

Wednesdays - I play basketball.
Thursdays - I coach my son's soccer team.

Again, I haven't made many meetings so my vote should only count as a partial vote if any at all .... :)

But I will be at LF.

09-08-2005, 10:57 AM
I wasnt feeling great yesterday so the venue wouldnt have made any difference

But lets make sure that we are not making snap decsions based on the whining of a vocal minority. To me there is a big advantage in having a KNOWN pattern. I know I have spoken to people who stoped coming to meetings cause they never know when or where they are. The Idea of making a change the day before is INSANE. Not everyone is on the forum every day.

my $0.02

09-08-2005, 11:03 AM
I wasnt feeling great yesterday so the venue wouldnt have made any difference

But lets make sure that we are not making snap decsions based on the whining of a vocal minority. To me there is a big advantage in having a KNOWN pattern. I know I have spoken to people who stoped coming to meetings cause they never know when or where they are. The Idea of making a change the day before is INSANE. Not everyone is on the forum every day.

my $0.02

Understood. I just want to see what the majority say. My opinion is to leave it as is until the planning for next year commences. I hate going down this road again, but I want to make sure.


09-08-2005, 01:15 PM
Just as a follow up, I am going to leave this thread and poll up for a week or so and then it's in the history books. Vote now or forever hold your peace.


09-08-2005, 06:42 PM
i voted Piss off...I'm tired of this sh!t

mainly cause it was the best option for me lol... I never make them because of distance and work hours etc...If i get off early enought to get home and shower i try and come out but by then i just want to be a bum in some air conditioning

09-08-2005, 07:17 PM
Sometimes I think we are worse than a bunch of old spinsters complaining about stuff.. get over it.. just go to the darned meeting whereever it is,, they are fun to be at, not because of the day of the week or where it is but because of the company...
I cant freakin attend any of them anymore.. so I am really pissed.

09-08-2005, 07:25 PM
I wasnt feeling great yesterday so the venue wouldnt have made any difference

But lets make sure that we are not making snap decsions based on the whining of a vocal minority. To me there is a big advantage in having a KNOWN pattern. I know I have spoken to people who stoped coming to meetings cause they never know when or where they are. The Idea of making a change the day before is INSANE. Not everyone is on the forum every day.

my $0.02

I agree with the pattern issue. I didn't really notice anyone whining. I noticed that we had a weird scenario that put alot of folks in a can't go tonight situation. IMHO.....it wasn't the food, place or date.....it was just that sh!t happens. Somehow I did get caught off gaurd by the Wed. night meeting. I remember now reading or seeing something about it at one time, but I was so used to it being Thursday, I was on auto pilot. Of course I still could have gone, but it was looking like nobody else would be there, so I didn't want to drag my staff infection out of the house.

Anyway...........we may be over reacting a little. Most meetings have good turnout.


09-08-2005, 07:32 PM
I say we revisit this topic later in the year for a vote.

It's like hitting a moving-target, sometimes...

09-08-2005, 07:46 PM
I would like one time and one meeting place. I had two customers come by Wednesday that thought the meeting was Thursday nights. I told them we switched it to Wednesdays and to watch the events section.

BC Lightning
09-08-2005, 08:42 PM
My personal opinion is we just leave it as is and redo next year, but I want to see what the people think.

I think we should also go back to Bonedaddy's, something to think about next year. :tu:

Mark #2
09-08-2005, 08:51 PM
I think we should also go back to Bonedaddy's, something to think about next year. :tu:

I think my vote is very clear on this idea:tongue:

09-08-2005, 09:11 PM
I think we should also go back to Bonedaddy's, something to think about next year. :tu:

If there is a Bonedaddys in the loop 12 area we have the meetings at now....I wouldn't have a problem with that. But doing it in Richardson pretty much screws the fellers that live out west.

Tex Arcana
09-10-2005, 04:38 PM
Well, I for one do'nt mind either day, I got caught offguard by the change to Wednesday like most of the others did. As long as I know with enough lead time, I'll be there, weekend or weeknite. Personally, I would prefer weekend, but that's me.

Maybe we can try to organize things that have a weekend date as well, once a month. :rll: :beer:

09-12-2005, 11:27 AM
If memory server me correctly the monthly meeting before Lightningfest has always had a poor turnout. I am still used to the Thursday night meeting nights myself but I am up for whatever. It would be nice to see a Bonedaddys meet again one day. We always had big turnouts when we went there despite the non central location. It was koo! :)

09-12-2005, 08:00 PM
I too just got caught off guard by the Wednesday meeting, and didn't realize I had missed it until afterwards. The fact that I've been offline for the last couple of weeks during our move didn't help any either. Wednesdays or Thursdays are fine by me, unless something just happens to come up. Either night works.:tu:

09-15-2005, 10:19 PM
OK..the time has come to close this thing. Looks like we're keeping it Wednesday for the remainder of the year. We'll revisit in planning for next year.