View Full Version : Do you wonder what is in the Meal Ready-to- Eat "MRE"
David N
09-08-2005, 01:41 PM
As some of you might know the company i work for handled all the bus trips out of the Louisiana, we had at one time 1100 buses on the road..anyway the Drivers came back with some MRE today.. i going to have one for lunch today....
09-08-2005, 02:36 PM
the real question is it good or not
09-08-2005, 02:52 PM
the real question is it good or not
They used to be called c-rations and I lived on them for weeks at a time. Trust me, they are not good :vomit:
09-08-2005, 04:37 PM
They used to be called c-rations and I lived on them for weeks at a time. Trust me, they are not good :vomit:
Yep, they put that tabasco sauce in for a reason! Really helps cover the flavor! lol
Mark #2
09-08-2005, 04:54 PM
Nope not true, I got paid to eat these everyday, and they are good. I used to work here on Airdrop riggings.
09-08-2005, 04:59 PM
That seems like a lot of tabasco sauce for one meal.
Mark #2
09-08-2005, 06:36 PM
That seems like a lot of tabasco sauce for one meal.
Maybe that's what drove me to the south?
But think it was the women to be honest.;)
09-08-2005, 07:02 PM
MREs actually replaced C-Rations. C-Rations actually had cans and came with a can opener, although there was only one opener in about every 40 meals or so. C-Rations came with one of those little tablets that you could light with a match and heat up your food. I had those when I was in the Marines in early 1980. Not long after they changed to MREs.
The MREs came out and were all packaged in bags, just like the pics, and contained a very large amount of sugar. There was no prep at all and thus the name, Meal Ready-to-Eat.
To this day, I still have the can opener I got in bootcamp on my key ring.
09-08-2005, 07:23 PM
MREs actually replaced C-Rations. C-Rations actually had cans and came with a can opener, although there was only one opener in about every 40 meals or so. C-Rations came with one of those little tablets that you could light with a match and heat up your food. I had those when I was in the Marines in early 1980. Not long after they changed to MREs.
The MREs came out and were all packaged in bags, just like the pics, and contained a very large amount of sugar. There was no prep at all and thus the name, Meal Ready-to-Eat.
To this day, I still have the can opener I got in bootcamp on my key ring.
We called the can opener a P-38 for some reason and carried them on our dog tags. I remember for hot meals we had C-Ration delight which consisted of the cooks openeing all the cans of whatever was in them and combining them in one HUGE pot and feeding us that.
Mark #2
09-08-2005, 07:23 PM
FYI, MREs are irradiated food technology and I was on the testing board for these and this was considered very risky at the time 1980, but they paid me well. Maybe that explains some things.
I also tested(read Guinea pig) the OXY acne lotions and washes, read poor college student. Some people had extreme reactions to these especially at the 15% range, but my skin was never better. :d
09-08-2005, 07:50 PM
I love me an MRE:banana: . I have some well aged 93 units in safe keeping. Some are better than others. A lot of the pears and deserts are dehydrated so they are very dry and powdered like. But the heaters will make it HOT fast and make a good boom afterwards (hydrogen gas):evil .
09-08-2005, 10:50 PM
I love me an MRE:banana: . I have some well aged 93 units in safe keeping. Some are better than others. A lot of the pears and deserts are dehydrated so they are very dry and powdered like. But the heaters will make it HOT fast and make a good boom afterwards (hydrogen gas):evil .
Man...I can't count the # of MRE's I've consumed.
The heaters were at NTC that was our favorite pasttime. We liked to break them up, put them in a plastic gatorade bottle, add the water, shake em up and throw. They went boom soon there after.
That was almost as fun as getting the newbies to try to eat the crackers in 2 minutes with no liquid and watching them choke at about the one minute mark :throw:
TP Derrick D
09-08-2005, 11:45 PM
You guys make me think back and :rll: . I'm sure every one that served in the military got some stories. After 4 years in Germany out in Graf & Honfels and a lot of smaller sites, 3 years @ Ft Hood in 1st Cav living in the bushes and the desert @ NTC and Desert Shield/Storm I got mine also. The package use to be a darker brown tho. peaches were the best meal in c-rations.
chicken al' king was the worst MRE, as for the P-38, it was a must have in the field just don't let it open up in your pocket. :eek: :crying:
Wifey see them passing out MRE's and ask me about them, I got to go to a Army surplus and get some for her. :rll: I bet she :vomit: when she try to eat them.
09-08-2005, 11:57 PM
These are the original MRE's don't be fooled by imitators! Here is the OG dark brown MRE 4 main course is omlet with ham. Or course you gotta have the M9 bayonet with integrated wire cutter:tu:
09-09-2005, 12:15 AM
Gotta' love those Ka-Bars. I have one myself. Very handy.
Go here: and crank in "MRE" in the search field.
09-09-2005, 12:32 AM
I use them for backpacking or when we ride especially far into the desert on the dirtbikes. Some of them are really good....some of them are pretty bad. They all fill you up though. I've been told that they are slightly dehydrated and that they actually soak up a lot of body water. If you have ever had one they definitely fill you up. The crackers I could do without.
09-09-2005, 02:53 AM
I use them for backpacking or when we ride especially far into the desert on the dirtbikes. Some of them are really good....some of them are pretty bad. They all fill you up though. I've been told that they are slightly dehydrated and that they actually soak up a lot of body water. If you have ever had one they definitely fill you up. The crackers I could do without.
One MRE is designed to give you all the nutrients/daily allowance for a full day.
I was used to the dark brown ones. My faves were Beef Stew, chicekn and Rice and Spaghetti
Least favorite were Omelet and Ham, Corn Beef Hash and Ham Slice
TP Derrick D
09-09-2005, 07:13 AM
These are the original MRE's don't be fooled by imitators! Here is the OG dark brown MRE 4 main course is omlet with ham. Or course you gotta have the M9 bayonet with integrated wire cutter:tu:
NOW, you're talking !!! I did basic in 1981 with c-rations and got ET'd in 1992 and those are what I ate. I just thought maybe the package was changed to match the sand color so used now. For everyone that haven't ate these for 2-3 weeks in a row with nothing else, try that, sprinkle in a little sand , maybe some rain water and see if you still like them. ummm yum-yum. wish I still had my bayonet, could unscrew the top and put a small kit in there.
09-09-2005, 08:00 AM
They did change the color to light tan. Mine are old school:tu:
09-09-2005, 12:31 PM
They did change the color to light tan. Mine are old school:tu:
changed color, meals , there used to be 11 total, now I think there are like 20+
09-09-2005, 02:18 PM
The paper also showed pallets of SPAM being given to Katrina victims. Given a choice, I'd take an MRE any day over SPAM. I always thought MRE's were pretty good, all things considered. Nothing you'd order in a restaurant, but when you're hungry and in the field, not bad at all. :tu:
09-09-2005, 04:39 PM
I thought C-rats were better, but MRE'S are not that bad. We were issued 4 MR's a day and you could always get a few guys to mix a couple of the stews or beef patties and you get a pretty good meal. I never went on deployment without Tabasco, seasoned salt and pepper. Went I shipped out to Desert Shield/Storm I took 6-7 bottles of Tabasco and we had a bunch of FNG'S so my supply ran out pretty quick. First letter home to the wife was "Send more Tabasco". And there is nothing wrong with SPAM. Anything that has a whole museum dedicated to it has to be good.:rll:
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