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View Full Version : Who is playing at On Track?

09-25-2002, 05:09 PM
Just wondering who to expect to see.. I know Steve White, Rob Pantin, old man Pantin in his perfect 93 gen1, Me, are signed up.. I will have a tent, cooler, and tool station set up for TALON:tu: Remember your chairs and Talk About radios!
There is supposed to be charity laps around the oval Sunday maybe you can drive up and run?

09-25-2002, 05:14 PM
Would I have to pay to hang out in the tent and laugh at people that drive into the wall? Seriously, I wouldn't laugh.......at first. :)

My dad will be out there. He doesn't drive SVT's, but sells them. Surely I'd have to make it if he does. :nono:

09-25-2002, 05:21 PM
Guess he wouldn't like my Bankston banner then would he:D You can hang out for free if you clean my wheels between runs:d I forgot about the take over of Lee Jarmon I guess you have a more direct line to SVT's now. No more trips to Westway:hammer:

09-25-2002, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
You can hang out for free if you clean my wheels between runs:d

No problem! I thought you were gonna ask for something impossible like gettin' you a date.
:beer: Cheers, buddy. :burnout:

09-25-2002, 06:42 PM

:p :p :p :beer:

09-25-2002, 08:54 PM
I posted this on another thread but I need help. I need the name and phone number or e-mail of who to talk to about this. I was there last year and I want to see if it is to late. Doug e-mailed me a link but it did not work.

Jerry Jordan

09-28-2002, 12:50 AM
The southern group is meeting at Hooters at 7am and leaving from there:tu:

09-28-2002, 04:25 PM
Stopped by the On Track event at TMS after lunch today and got a few pictures of three of the TALON boys at play.

09-28-2002, 04:44 PM
Had a great time watching today! Is there anyone that paid today and that isn't going tomorrow? Looking to defray some cost? I could always use a wristband. :D

I've never seen so many L's in one place. Terry outdrove a dude in a Cobra R for many, many laps. Awesome!:tu:

09-28-2002, 08:58 PM
Couple of more pics from today.

09-29-2002, 08:39 PM
Nice pic Dennis! Thanks for the props Laurence I figured most would not believe the R challenge. My film crew was packing up when they asked me to school I mean run with that 01 Cobra R fully caged w/ race tires and a SCCA Pro Solo driver, His name is Joe and all he does with this car is trailer it to track events in the region. It has 6K miles on it and upgraded Brembo brakes since he used to break the stock rotors:D I led him for 4 or 5 laps then let him pass to see if I was holding him back. Nope, after two more laps of riding his a$$ he wavied me back around:banana: The instructors bumped me to the "track hore" class after some concerns about too freaquent of passing:burnout: I think Bill got some pics of the CobraR training. Thanks for the support and company all weekend for those that came out. It was a nice surprise to see GoRila there I think I heard a hush fall over the crowd when he drove through. Here is a pic of the track hore.

09-29-2002, 09:11 PM
Yep, nice pics Sixpipes .......... Thanks :tu:

Congrats to Terry as well ........
The investment has paid off :D

09-30-2002, 08:13 AM
A great time was had this weekend at "On Track". It was not as well organized as last years event but was able to get a ton more track time over the two days.:D

Overall we had about six Talon members show up:confused: to run or just hang out.

Maybe everyone was scared of the new 03' Cobra's which there were plenty of (if you're scared say you're scared)??

Terry put on a "clinic" for the new Cobra's and the Cobra R on the road course- very impressive:tu:

I was able to drive the new 03 Cobra and 03 Focus plus a few 100 mph passes on the big oval:banana:

10-11-2002, 03:18 PM
It was a pretty cool event. I instructed in several of the Lightnings.

Your truck is very nice and runs well. However, don't misinterpret Joe's letting you by as a sign that either he or his car isn't capable.

Like I said, you have a great performing truck. No disrespect intended, but you wouldn't drive around him if he didn't want you to.

Take care.

99 Red
Old beater WC car

10-11-2002, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by Monroe
It was a pretty cool event. I instructed in several of the Lightnings.

Your truck is very nice and runs well. However, don't misinterpret Joe's letting you by as a sign that either he or his car isn't capable.

Like I said, you have a great performing truck. No disrespect intended, but you wouldn't drive around him if he didn't want you to.

Take care.

99 Red
Old beater WC car

Monroe ...
I wasnt there ... But have to ask
Does that mean that Joe saves his A game for the street ?? How does he know what he or his car is capable of if he doesnt test it.. What better chance than track time at TMS ??


10-11-2002, 03:55 PM
See, y'all get all defensive an ****.

Joe is an old guy and doesn't have the patience or the inclination to screw around on the street.

I won't be impolite to you guys. No reason for it. I just didn't want to let what I considered a dis to go without a counterpoint.

I have run with Joe at several tracks from Road America south to TWS.

L2's are great trucks, but they aren't gonna pass a track prepped R (even a highly modified one like Terry's) unless the R driver lets him/her by.

Like I said above. No disrespect to L2 owners (hell I am one), lets just be realistic.


10-11-2002, 04:02 PM
I don't know who you are but that is a crappy post. I respect Joe and his car he came over and shook my hand after that little run and told me that is the fastest truck he ever saw on a track. He and I have traded Emails and have developed a business and personal relationship. I pulled him in some parts of the track which he admits and he pulled me in others it was pretty even. I let him pass as I said to see if I was holding him up. Two laps later after ( I was still on his arse) seeing his car start to dance around a little he waived me back around. It was not a timed race just friends pushing their cars as fast as they wanted. His car is a factory built race prepped car even with aftermarket Brembo's since he kept breaking the stock one's. I feel good enough knowing a 25 year old guy with no formal driver training (me), in a 4800lb pickup truck. Held it bumper to bumper for MANY laps with a Cobra R fully prepped (Hoosiers and race pads), with a senior, highly experienced, professionally trained SCCA driver behind the wheel. We were flying by everyone in group 4 passing two at a time. David Wilks (one of the instructors) drove my truck and remarked how it was 15mph faster than his track car (the super Focus) through the S's, another instructor with the built 5 liter remarked how it out stopped his car with Baer brakes or such.:banana: I am cool with Joe he is a great new friend and calls me to travel and compete the events he is going to. All I am saying in this thread is this pickup truck ran with the best car on track that day. It was witnessed by many members:twitch:

10-11-2002, 04:21 PM
Sounds like someone is

10-11-2002, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by L8 APEX
I don't know who you are but that is a crappy post.

Didn't intend it to make you mad. You have my apology.

I respect Joe and his car he came over and shook my hand after that little run and told me that is the fastest truck he ever saw on a track.

Of course he did. He's a class act.

Why don't you come out to some more varied OT events. You'll have a good time and I'm sure your truck will catch a lot of folks by surprise.

If ya want a real test, pony up for the Open Track Challenge next April. I think your truck would make a real splash.


10-11-2002, 04:30 PM
Monroe my apologies as well. Please try to see it from our angle. Hoping that you will become a valued poster at TALON, the fact still remains that you have a minute amount of posts. Post count is far from a standard of which to judge someone's intent, but many people register merely to bad mouth, flame, and/or challenge others. I'm sure you can understand. Again, my apologies.

10-11-2002, 04:42 PM
Hey, no sweat guys. It is hard to judge tone by chrs typed on a screen.

I know a few folks here, already. I don't post much because I don't have much to add.

Hope to see you guys at more events.

FWIW, I instructed in a couple of 03 Cobras. It would take a talented driver in it to outrun a stock L2 on a short track. It has redefined the term PushStang.

See y'all on track.


10-12-2002, 10:08 AM
Originally posted by Monroe
L2's are great trucks, but they aren't gonna pass a track prepped R (even a highly modified one like Terry's) unless the R driver lets him/her by.
Agreed. I have been noticeably silent on the subject, but know our members and allow them their little spot in the sun. :tongue:

I was at the track on Saturday and watched the Cobra R being followed by a little red Focus SVT. I guess the Focus driver could post that he "held his own" with the Cobra on sections of the track (mostly braking obviously), but my observation was the Cobra driver was enjoying the track and had nothing to prove by squashing a Focus SVT that could have been swatted away like some peskey gnat at a moments notice.

Anybody that has familiarity with the Cobra R knows that it is a first class track vehicle. Put your average soccer mom in it and I could probably beat it with my Lightning on a road course. I've got to believe that Joe is considerably better at driving his car than most soccer moms. Terry has done a nice job setting his truck up for the track, but I seriously doubt it would be even remotely competitive with a race prepped Cobra R in any SCCA type event. Having said that, members of this forum can post all kinds of crap without fear of condemnation. Hell, I do it all the time. :cool:

I just did.:D

10-12-2002, 10:14 AM
Since when did TALON guys give a hoot about turns anyway? :D

10-12-2002, 10:20 AM
While Im pretty sure Ill get condemned for it here is my crap on the subject:

[soapbox on]

The point I was trying to make is there are 2 or more parts to a contest. The car and the driver. Both have to be in it to win it.

To go to a race event and NOT race at near your or your cars capacity ( for what ever reason ) then to say - We'll me and my car could have beat ya... We werent trying. Thats BS .

On that day, at that time you were owned... Its no different than the V6 mustang driver that complains that his 4.10 gears arent meshing correctly or his K&N panel filter is clogged after he gets flogged at the track by a SVT Contour...

Everything else is bench racing... Stay on the couch and talk about how great your car could be or should be or was....
[/soapbox off]

10-12-2002, 10:31 AM
Agreed. Here ya go Doug. :)