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View Full Version : Need some Gen 1 help please.

09-14-2005, 02:23 PM
As many of you know, I insatlled a '95 Gen 1 5.8L Lightning engine in my car... well, I'm finally back around to working on it again (after the loss of my brother and a relocation back to East texas to be nearer my Mom...)

Anyway, during the swap, I think my dipsticks got mixed up.

The one I have now, which I suspect is actually from my previous engine (5.0L) is 23" from the bottom of the handle to the tip of the stick... It will not read any oil at all in the engine. Just cahnges the oil, 4 quarts in the pan, two in the dual filters... It also has a yellow, steel loop for the handle.

I suspect my real 5.8L dipstick... which is now mysteriously broken off just below the T-handle is the correct one, but the bottom 20" or so are gone? (funny how the shop that worked on it forgot to mention that huh?)

Will someone please measure your Gen 1 oil dipstick and tell me the dimensions so I can actually check my oil again.


Flats Man
09-14-2005, 04:09 PM
Wow, that is a wild looking set up on your motor! Where did you get that upper and what are the tubes running into it? I am in Tampa and my truck is in Texas so I can't give you a measurement but I am sure some of the Guys will be along shortly with a measurement for you.

09-14-2005, 04:50 PM
29.5 inches from the bottom of the handle to the tip of the stick. :cool:

09-14-2005, 06:22 PM
Very good... that's what I needed.
No wonder I couldn't get a reading on this short dipstick...

I'll order up a new part from Ford.

My upper intake was a fabbed up sheet metal part I did because of hood clearance and tall valve cover issues... it loooked cool, but like any open plenum intake, it lost some of the low end torque. I since put the GT40 upper back on the engine.

I'll post another pic so y'all can check it out.


Lightning Dude
09-18-2005, 09:18 PM
Just wanted to say that thats a nice looking mustang.