View Full Version : Wanna have some fun

09-26-2002, 05:41 PM
Go to svtperformace.com


They have a thread that has been copied all over createion about a cobra that was wrecked by a dealer. About 4 hours ago I was able to get it and the server had 800 people on the forum. 30 members and 750 guests. The thread had been viewed 40,000 times in 24 hours.. The traffic has brought the server to its knees...

Ironically the thread on SVTperf just points to a thread on Mustangworld... I havent been aboe to connect to MUstang world to see how many views it has... But I bet thier bandwidth bills are gonna be high this month....


09-26-2002, 07:10 PM
Doug, you may have to post what you know about the thread. Server is crawlin' .........

09-26-2002, 09:11 PM
Story 1 : 03 cobra gets rammed into cement post by dealer when foot slips off the clutch...

Story 2 : Demented tech from dealer posts that he road tested 03 cobra up to 125 mph or so and generally beat on it

Story 3: Lots of servers having trouble keeping up with the demand... Which is why I'm not posting it here ;)


