View Full Version : Need intercooler!

09-29-2005, 09:12 PM
I need the front mounted intercooler radiator doo hickie! Stock one will work

Damn large plastic trash can decided to place itself in my lane after a few hits by other cars. I had no choice but nail it. It smacked dead center on the lower grill and put a nice hole in the intercooler radiator.

If anyone has a stock one i can borrow for a few weeks or buy one cheap ill owe you big time. I figured i might as well buy a larger one. Im low on cash do to the job change and wont get a paycheck till next week :hammer:

What a damn day :(

09-29-2005, 10:50 PM
You talking about the heat exchanger ? I've got a stock one you can borrow It can be reunited with my driveshaft :)


09-29-2005, 10:52 PM
yea the heat exchanger... Im tired as crap from the new job and realy didnt try hard to remeber the correct name for it.

But ill give you a call tomorow if i get off at a decent hour or saturday to pick it up... I drive in the morning and at nights when its cool so it shouldnt effect me to badly. But im going to order a larger one probly next week when i got some cash in the bank

09-29-2005, 10:53 PM
no worries, it's just sitting there


LS1 Eater
09-29-2005, 11:10 PM
If not I have the stock cooler you can have and I think the bracket to. Just siting in my floor taking up space.