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View Full Version : iPod on the way - what now?

10-08-2005, 02:57 AM
As I mentioned in the other thread, I bit the bullet and ordered a 60gb iPod. I also ordered a 300gb HD and a copy of XP. Got the drive installed and I'm chillin with XP as we speak (iPod or not - that was a long overdue upgrade...much better than 98SE.)

I've got all that done, but I think I may still not be finished. Apple specifies you must have firewire or USB 2.0. I'm thinking 2.0 is probably different than the USB that I have on my almost 4 year old computer. Is the 2.0 a newer version than what I have now, meaning I still need to do another upgrade??

If so, what do ya'll recommend...USB 2.0 or Firewire?

10-08-2005, 09:28 AM
USB 1 will work its gonna be slow

Your 4 year old PC is likely USB 1 - If it is then when you plug in a USB 2 device, Windows will tell you you have a high speed device in a low speed port. It will work most times its just a lot slower.

You can get the adapter I got for $20

You can also get an adapter that does USB and firewire for more $$, but far fewer devices support firewire than USB ....

10-08-2005, 11:50 AM
OK...good deal. $20 I can handle. I hadn't looked yet, but naturally assumed I'd be looking at dropping another c-note. Thanks for the link, Doug.

10-09-2005, 10:16 AM
I didn't have firewire on my computer when I bought it either. I went to Best Buy and picked up a PCI firewire card for $18. I have had it in my machine for over 4 years now, no problems. I also have USB 2.0, but my camera required firewire. Either way, the speeds of Firewire and USB 2.0 are almost exactly the same. But the firewire card was crazy cheap