View Full Version : fuel filter change question

10-09-2005, 05:35 PM
It says to relieve the pressure in the fuel line before you change the filter. Is that just to keep the fuel from spewing out when you undo the clip? What if I just wrap a paper towel around it. If you have to relive it, what is the easiest way. I suppose it's more than just undoing the gas cap (as I was told to do). There is the valve on the fuel line, but I guess to do that you need some kind of tool, or something to catch the fule as you relieve it there?


10-09-2005, 05:37 PM
gas is going to come out no matter what. Also you need a special tool to remove the filter. Its pretty easy to do and i have the tool you can borrow.

10-09-2005, 06:30 PM
The fuel isn't really going to spew out. It is more like a dribble. As long as the truck has been sitting for an hour or so it won't be to bad. I just let it run onto some grease rags I lay on the floor. Just don't lay right under it...you will get wet.

What we are both telling you is, just go ahead and pull the fuel filter. No need to go to alot of trouble "relieving pressure".


10-09-2005, 06:34 PM
Im free pretty much anyday this week anytime of the day i can lend a hand.

10-09-2005, 06:39 PM

There is a Schrader valve on the passenger side fuel rail (on top under a black cap) toward the back that's supposed to relieve said fuel-pressure.

Just unscrew it and take a pointy-something to mash in there.

That's my understanding...


10-09-2005, 07:53 PM
Just don't lay right under it...you will get wet.


This is true! I was changing mine yesterday and some gas dripped off the frame right into my left nostril! :hammer: Cleared my sinuses right up!...

10-09-2005, 11:13 PM
thanks for teh advice. I have on eto change on mine, one on a sport track, and one on a Jetta. The Jetta filter looks almost as big as the car! they are huge!

I have the tool, just wasn't sure abou the pressure. Ford acts like the truck will blow up or you wil get drenched in gas if you don't do it! I didn't remember seeing Terry do it when he changed mine out before.

Hey Mike, I have a couple of other small repairs, that I may take you up on your offer to help with! I'll PM ya!
BTW - if you have to type or use your hands a lot, I recommend not letting the doc put pins in your finger. I just had it done. typing is much harder when your finger doesn't bend. (I also recommend not breaking them either, that way the pins aren't an option)

10-10-2005, 01:07 AM
Hey Mike, I have a couple of other small repairs, that I may take you up on your offer to help with! I'll PM ya!
BTW - if you have to type or use your hands a lot, I recommend not letting the doc put pins in your finger. I just had it done. typing is much harder when your finger doesn't bend. (I also recommend not breaking them either, that way the pins aren't an option)


Hope your finger(s) feel better.