View Full Version : Yet another reason to dislike the French

10-10-2005, 09:31 PM
Assuming it's true, this is heinous!:mad:

http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005450117,00.html (http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005450117,00.html)

10-10-2005, 09:37 PM
Assuming it's true, this is heinous!:mad:

http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005450117,00.html (http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2-2005450117,00.html)

That shiot better not be true. If there is one thing that I cant stand is cruelty to animals. Bitches!!

10-10-2005, 09:58 PM
Thats the meanest damn thing I've ever seen. They should take whomever did that and hook them by the nutts and use them as shark bait.:flaming:

10-11-2005, 12:59 AM
French people are some cowardly Mutha FOckers. I am wishing I hadn't clicked on that damned link.

So, they will suck a terrorists dick to keep from having to fight, but they have no problem abusing helpless animals. It figures...it just fricking figures.:flaming:


10-11-2005, 01:55 AM
I've got some guys from France in class this week. I'll punch them in the puss for ya! Fockin horrible that things like that happen....:flaming:


10-11-2005, 09:03 AM
Not that I'm a fan of the French, but according to snopes there's only a little truth in this. From snopes;

Based on a recent Réunion newspaper article (http://www.clicanoo.com/article.php3?id_article=113902) which acknowledged the practice and reported the recent prosecution of a deliveryman (and amateur fisherman) on that island over animal cruelty charges associated with the described activity, we'd have to say there is some truth to the shark-fishing claim, although the practice does not appear to be as widespread or horrific (or tolerated) as implied by recent news stories. Rather than describing hordes of shark fisherman impaling live dogs on hooks and dragging them behind boats as shark bait, the article notes that employing dogs in shark-fishing is largely the province of a small group of amateur fisherman rather than large numbers of professionals, that the dogs used are generally dead animals picked up from roadsides or culled from the island's large population of unwanted strays (estimated at 150,000), and that the no-longer-alive animals are attached to unattended buoyed "shark trap" platforms rather than dragged alive behind boats.

10-11-2005, 12:26 PM
Not that I'm a fan of the French, but according to snopes there's only a little truth in this. From snopes;

Not that I am a fan of :Bullshit stories, but this is the second time snopes has screwed up a potentially fun post..:evil .

10-11-2005, 12:39 PM
They obviously live in a different culture than we do. We can't all be candy asses and save all the stray pets or afford to euthanize and properly dispose of them all. It sounds like they are taking care of business over there. We can't impose our beliefs on the entire world though we are doing a pretty good job of it. The world needs a certain level of edge to keep things in balance.

10-11-2005, 01:44 PM

That's a surprisingly liberal and well rounded opinion....very logical. I, myself, would probably try to kill somebody for doing that to a dog. If I had more space, I'd have more dogs. For some reason I have a real soft spot for 'em. That is the sickest thing that I have heard of or seen in a long time.

10-11-2005, 02:00 PM
I still don't buy this. I can't believe it is real. Besides, isn't "the Sun" like a tabloid magaizine or something?

10-11-2005, 02:08 PM
I still don't buy this. I can't believe it is real. Besides, isn't "the Sun" like a tabloid magaizine or something?

Yeah, I was thinking the Sun was one of the tabloids, too.

Besides, the whole story just doesn't make sense. If you were going to troll for sharks with live bait wouldn't a cat work much better than a dog? Seems like a dog would try to swim after the boat, and the cats would be flopping all over the place like a big spinnerbait.

10-11-2005, 02:33 PM
the cats would be flopping all over the place like a big spinnerbait.

I almost spit my coke out when I read that. :rll:

10-11-2005, 05:23 PM
You have to put in in prospective and think what if it was you cat or dog that was lost and you saw a fisherman putting a big ass hook in his mouth. I think that it is safe to say that anyone on this board would kill that person. That includes certain German Shepard owners.

10-11-2005, 05:36 PM
Snip............ and the cats would be flopping all over the place like a big spinnerbait.

OMFG..........:rll: :rll: :rll: . I just split a gut.

Mark #2
10-11-2005, 07:45 PM
Go to Asia you can get cats, dogs, snakes, birds, sharks, shellfish, etc, etc, etc cooked, uncooked, alive, anyway you like. Just nail it to a board and enjoy.
I have tried most options.

However, I did politely not accept the live octopus, but I did eat some squirrel soup this weekend. :D

Mammals, reptiles, and fish are edible. So are people, but they haven’t gone there yet that I know of.

10-11-2005, 07:58 PM

Mammals, reptiles, and fish are edible. So are people, but they haven’t gone there yet that I know of.

I ate a girl once that smelled like fish. Does this make me a cannibal...or would this be considered sea food?

I too have eaten squirrel...also known as fur burger:D .

But what in the hell does this have to do with the French people needing a good ole fashion shotgun enema?


10-11-2005, 08:05 PM
Never a liberal:throw: . I just believe in respecting another persons culture and right to exist. Everyone can't go to the SPCA and drop a dog off, or go to Sams and buy 10lbs of steaks to feed their family. There are still a lot of third world countries out there that have to use their natural recources in more 'crude' ways. Like Mark#2 says domestic animals are a common meal in the East and other regions. There is a difference between a pet and unclaimed or over populated strays. Things are just handled differently over there and that is fine with me. To each his own. I am not going to circle the globe forcing my beliefs on cultures 10 times the age of ours:nono: .

10-11-2005, 08:16 PM
Never a liberal:throw: . I just believe in respecting another persons culture and right to exist. Everyone can't go to the SPCA and drop a dog off, or go to Sams and buy 10lbs of steaks to feed their family. There are still a lot of third world countries out there that have to use their natural recources in more 'crude' ways. Like Mark#2 says domestic animals are a common meal in the East and other regions. There is a difference between a pet and unclaimed or over populated strays. Things are just handled differently over there and that is fine with me. To each his own. I am not going to circle the globe forcing my beliefs on cultures 10 times the age of ours:nono: .

That is gay, Terry. Man up a bit, will ya? Jezzus fricking christ, you have one single deliverance moment out in the boonies of Ennis...and it turns you into a pablum puker.


10-11-2005, 08:27 PM
Okay Rocks, you fly over to China and tell them to stop eating cats and build more shelters for strays:rolleyes: . What is so wrong with letting a two thousand year old culture do as they see fit? The good old USA is only 200 years young, we are the adolecents of the world not the parents. I will leave the granolas to it..

Mark #2
10-11-2005, 08:34 PM
I ate a girl once that smelled like fish. Does this make me a cannibal...or would this be considered sea food?

I too have eaten squirrel...also known as fur burger:D .

But what in the hell does this have to do with the French people needing a good ole fashion shotgun enema?


Actually nothing, I spent some time in France and the American and French stereotypes are very true. The French are wimp A-holes and the Americans are kicking A A-holes. So we are both A-holes.
Most of the workers in France are just like us, overly taxed, it is the government.
Trolling with dogs is just not correct, cats would be so much better as someone stated.

10-11-2005, 08:36 PM
Okay Rocks, you fly over to China and tell them to stop eating cats and build more shelters for strays:rolleyes: . What is so wrong with letting a two thousand year old culture do as they see fit? The good old USA is only 200 years young, we are the adolecents of the world not the parents. I will leave the granolas to it..

Uhhhhh...Chinese???? I thought we where hating on the French for using cute little puppies as fish bate.

By the way.....what if that 2000 year old culture believes that having female offspring is a hinderance, so they wack out female babies. Does this fit in with the live and let live theory?

10-11-2005, 08:39 PM
Actually nothing, I spent some time in France and the American and French stereotypes are very true. The French are wimp A-holes and the Americans are kicking A A-holes. So we are both A-holes.
Most of the workers in France are just like us, overly taxed, it is the government.
Trolling with dogs is just not correct, cats would be so much better as someone stated.

I would have to agree...French men are wimpy little fags and using cats for shark trolling would make more sense:D .

Mark #2
10-11-2005, 08:49 PM
Uhhhhh...Chinese???? I thought we where hating on the French for using cute little puppies as fish bate.

By the way.....what if that 2000 year old culture believes that having female offspring is a hinderance, so they wack out female babies. Does this fit in with the live and let live theory?
No but I think they might be trolling with them too.:evil

10-11-2005, 08:50 PM
Uhhhhh...Chinese???? I thought we where hating on the French for using cute little puppies as fish bate.

By the way.....what if that 2000 year old culture believes that having female offspring is a hinderance, so they wack out female babies. Does this fit in with the live and let live theory?
It follows in the category of let a man run his house/country the way he sees fit, variety is the spice of life. I was commenting on Marks post about the eaasterners eating domestic animals as a necessity. As for trolling with dogs it is sad and if it hapened here we would handle in the good ol' USA way.

10-11-2005, 09:03 PM
Here ya go Terry....my Chinese neighbors invited me over for a buffet dinner the other night. I decided I wasn't hungry, but I told them you would love to come over for some left overs. I took some pics for you.



10-12-2005, 09:36 AM
Here ya go Terry....my Chinese neighbors invited me over for a buffet dinner the other night. I decided I wasn't hungry, but I told them you would love to come over for some left overs. I took some pics for you.



OK, now it's my turn to spit my Coke all over the monitor and bust a gut laughing. :evil :evil :evil

10-12-2005, 10:47 AM

I never called you a liberal, I just meant that your opinion was very open minded and rational. I do disagree about the Chinese and and their dog/cat eating habbits. They eat those much like we eat cows. It's a little different than dragging them behind a boat live with a giant hook going through their snouts. Anyway, I'm not calling you a democrat or anything.

10-12-2005, 12:34 PM
Go to Asia you can get cats, dogs, snakes, birds, sharks, shellfish, etc, etc, etc cooked, uncooked, alive, anyway you like. Just nail it to a board and enjoy.
I have tried most options.

However, I did politely not accept the live octopus, but I did eat some squirrel soup this weekend. :D

Mammals, reptiles, and fish are edible. So are people, but they haven’t gone there yet that I know of.


Any recommendations on the menu? I'll be in Beijing Friday night. Sharks, snakes and squirrel sound like a mighty fine way to enjoy my stay there.


Mark #2
10-12-2005, 12:58 PM

Any recommendations on the menu? I'll be in Beijing Friday night. Sharks, snakes and squirrel sound like a mighty fine way to enjoy my stay there.


Been to Shanghai and Hong Kong, not Beijing yet. I usually eat spicy Chinese food when in China, imagine that.:D
Most of the raw and alive stuff has been in Japan.

10-12-2005, 09:14 PM
Do NOT try the pigs blood soup. The square red floaty things are just what you think they are.....congealed pigs blood!!!

Never been to China, just Chinatown in S.F.....you can get a just about anything you want there.


Any recommendations on the menu? I'll be in Beijing Friday night. Sharks, snakes and squirrel sound like a mighty fine way to enjoy my stay there.
