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View Full Version : Expedition Console Q's

10-16-2005, 12:47 PM
I asked this over on SVTPerformance (because that's where I found the How To, which is an amazing How To btw) but I've gotten no response so far. I was hoping someone over here would have some expertise on the matter.

I got my expedition console on ebay for $72 shipped to my door awhile ago. I just recently starting working on it, and getting it ready for the mod.

I did still have a couple questions though. First off, what was used to fill in the radio in the back of the console? I know the How To says that a piece of plastic was used, but I was curious to know exactly what it was, and where I can get something like that.

My second question is, did you guys put any kind of protective clear coat over the top once these things were painted? I have all my parts painted, but I noticed that the texture was kind of rough. I was also concerned about being able to scratch the paint off of the console. I don't know if I just need to let the paint cure or what, but I was concerned. I don't want the console to have a smooth, glossy look, but I want it to have a more factory look.

I know there are quite a few of you out there with expy consoles and was hoping some of you could help me out. Thanks for your help!

10-16-2005, 03:40 PM
My console is a pretty close match to the stock interior so I did not have to paint it. Concerning the radio area, I left my open. It is really hard to see the back of the console when it is installed and it is a great place to put a camera or anything else small that you want to keep out of sight. :cool:

