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View Full Version : spark plug install

10-16-2005, 01:17 PM
Attempting to change my plugs today if anyone wants to help that would be great. Im over in Hurst got a 20 pack and prob about to grill something. I got the TR6's but someone told me they are about $60 for all 8 and i only paid $1.88 a peice and the guy was like what r these going in a bike? So did I get the wrong ones or is he just a dumb @$$. My cell is 817-966-4570 :beer:

10-16-2005, 01:18 PM
Also what do I need to put on the plugs? I heard do not use anti seize and do.

10-16-2005, 02:06 PM
If I was in state, or even close, Id help out. Nothing I love more than about 3 hours of banging knuckles and cussing 1/4" extensions and swivels. :D I didnt put any anti-seize on my plugs any of the times I have changed them. I think it all just depends on who your talking to. I dont think it matters either way really.

Mark #2
10-16-2005, 04:15 PM
Just make sure the truck sits for 12 hours so it is stone cold, a must for Al heads and use an inch-lbs torque wrench set at 160 in-lbs. IMHO.

10-16-2005, 04:36 PM
what???? sh*t ive been busting my a$$ on this wishing someone smarter than me was helping. i have hand tightened them and then about a 1/16 turn with the ratchet. its now about 5 beers into it and im getting pissed!!!!

10-16-2005, 05:18 PM
3 left and i have prob f----- everything up. only thing for sure i have broke is the connector on the coil pack so now i get to put some cool tape on it to keep it from coming off.... :hammer: :flaming:

Mark #2
10-16-2005, 05:29 PM
what???? sh*t ive been busting my a$$ on this wishing someone smarter than me was helping. i have hand tightened them and then about a 1/16 turn with the ratchet. its now about 5 beers into it and im getting pissed!!!!

You got it all wrong, at least a 6 pack before even starting to avoid getting pissed, and the bloody knuckles don't hurt that way. Proud of you for attempting yourself. Good luck, just relax.

10-16-2005, 05:29 PM
if you run into any problems call my cell. or swing by.

10-16-2005, 05:33 PM
swing by on what my bike??? ha im in hurst now i got all kinds of sh*t disconnected and all over the place. i got a new phone too so i dont have ur # anymore but i got 3 left still. trying to figure out how to get the pass side back one out, coil pack is off but now im 7 beers in and still thinking im not going to have a truck tomorrow. sucks too b/c i have no bright light for when it gets dark im in my driveway and been there for atleast 4+ hours now. o well learning experience just hope it does not turn expensive :vomit:

10-16-2005, 05:36 PM
swing by on what my bike??? ha im in hurst now i got all kinds of sh*t disconnected and all over the place. i got a new phone too so i dont have ur # anymore but i got 3 left still. trying to figure out how to get the pass side back one out, coil pack is off but now im 7 beers in and still thinking im not going to have a truck tomorrow. sucks too b/c i have no bright light for when it gets dark im in my driveway and been there for atleast 4+ hours now. o well learning experience just hope it does not turn expensive :vomit:

817-939-5924 pm me your addy and ill see if i can get away from helping around the house for a bit if you still need help

10-16-2005, 05:36 PM
man if anyone can stop by it would be greatly appreicated. im stuck. im still going at it but i guess all the wrong ways.

10-16-2005, 05:46 PM
calling to see if u need help-no answer

10-16-2005, 05:55 PM
steve-o and i are heading out there.:tu:

True Blue Aggie
10-16-2005, 06:07 PM
Gotta love Ford and their engine placement methods....:throw:

10-16-2005, 07:50 PM
Kyle, there is a blue L. @ a pizza place in flowermound @ Morris and 3040.You know this guy?I havent stopped in to say hi but he works there.Wonder if he delivers pizza in it:d .

10-16-2005, 07:58 PM
THANKS to the man steve and mike for their greatly needed help!!!! steve is the plug master hands down :beer: but ya thanks again guys for coming by to help and no i dunno beau i dont know who that guy is and there is no way id deliver in my truck even though i thought about it :throw: well time to just chill now and wipe the blood off my arms. it was a good experience though now i think next time i may be a little under 6 hours! :beer:

10-16-2005, 08:44 PM
Way to go Steve and Mike! That was an awesome thing to do!:tu::bows

10-16-2005, 09:00 PM
I agree - good job Steve and Mike! The TALON-Arlington contingent rocks!knana

Way to go Steve and Mike! That was an awesome thing to do!:tu::bows

10-16-2005, 10:07 PM
smelling a lot of gas at wot but o well i guess its time for a dyno tune thanks again guys

10-16-2005, 10:12 PM
smelling a lot of gas at wot but o well i guess its time for a dyno tune thanks again guys

no problem... Steve brought all his tools and jumped right in. I brought what tools i could find in my messy tool box. Been messy since i bagged my friends truck. Steve is the plug master, has me beat in speed. Takes me about an hour if im not drinking.

10-17-2005, 10:31 AM
I paid terry to do the plugs. Not worth getting pissed over. Thats the ONLY thing I dont like doing myself on my truck.

10-17-2005, 11:23 AM
I paid terry to do the plugs. Not worth getting pissed over. Thats the ONLY thing I dont like doing myself on my truck.

you only get pissed once

10-17-2005, 02:07 PM
MISFIRING!!!!! i knew it was too good to be true. i guess when i get off ill go back and check them out. not what i had in mind for tonight. :rolleyes:

10-17-2005, 02:28 PM
MISFIRING!!!!! i knew it was too good to be true. i guess when i get off ill go back and check them out. not what i had in mind for tonight. :rolleyes:

Holy crap!!! I just read your post. I hope you don't take this wrong...but that is some funny stuff. I could just feel your excitement in the first post. I then could ride along as your excitement turned to total frustration. I would have recommended the smoker instead of the grill. Grilling takes attention...the first plug change in a Lightning always works best with long slow smoking ;) .

I wonder if that misfire is from the coil pack wire you spoke of comming off. Also on the torque wrench thing...MARK...........YOU ARE SUCH A NERD IT HURTS MY BRAIN!!!!! Next thing we hear will be about Mark indexing his plugs too. Snug em up by hand...then put about an 1/8th turn on them...NO MORE....NO LESS....:D .

Torque Wrench???? We don't need no stinking torque wrench...:eek: .


10-17-2005, 02:40 PM
kyle check that coil pack contector! i bet it came loose or is bouncing around.

10-17-2005, 07:11 PM
kyle check that coil pack contector! i bet it came loose or is bouncing around.

I'll second that. The connector you broke on the coil pack is most likely the issue.

10-17-2005, 07:21 PM
i dunno, it idles great i cant even tell its running. last night it drove great and this morn and afternoon it was fine but on my way to work from school it started acting up on the highway. i pulled off and stopped and it acted like it was going to die then id give it a little gas in park and it would be fine. if im driving and accelerate it does it pretty bad but i just got in it now and started it and idles great again. its too dark to check anything but i did look at that one connector and it was intact. tech at work is gonna hook it to a scan tool tomorrow so maybe that will tell me something. i do not ahve a check engine light on though so i dunno. :bs

10-17-2005, 08:57 PM
well got back in the truck tonight and took her for a spin. ran great no misfire at all that i could notice atleast. i did notice though the back 2 on the driver side one was broken and the other was not all the way on so while driving on 30 being so bumpy is what caused it. threw some elec tape on the for now till i find something better and ran great no spit or sputtering. :beer:

Mark #2
10-17-2005, 09:00 PM
..MARK...........YOU ARE SUCH A NERD IT HURTS MY BRAIN!!!!! Next thing we hear will be about Mark indexing his plugs too. Snug em up by hand...then put about an 1/8th turn on them...NO MORE....NO LESS....:D .
Torque Wrench???? We don't need no stinking torque wrench...:eek: .

Just a little FYI,

Q. How should spark plugs be tightened for best performance?
A. Bosch recommends when installing spark plugs to use a torque wrench and the correct torque in ft.-lbs.

NTK/NGK website:
Torque the spark plug until the specified torque
Excessive torque
Causes metal slieve rupture.
Insuficient torque
Causes over-heating.
Its essential to torque the spark plug until the specified torque. Torque the spark plug with the fingers first until the housing touches the breech and then torque it with the specified value

and what is wrong with indexing plugs common practice for at least 50 years?