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10-18-2005, 08:44 PM
If you want to go fast-- IT TAKES A GEN 1:tu:

LS1 Eater
10-18-2005, 11:58 PM
Nope next year there are going to be some bad ass gen 2's out there.

10-19-2005, 07:47 AM
Why is it going to be different next year?

BC Lightning
10-19-2005, 10:51 AM
Nope next year there are going to be some bad ass gen 2's out there.

We both should have our turbos done, except Josh has a few more ideas :evil

10-19-2005, 05:34 PM
Go get em fellers.... We don't need no stinkin Gen 1's :evil . Gen 2's can do nines too.

10-19-2005, 07:17 PM
Go get em fellers.... We don't need no stinkin Gen 1's :evil . Gen 2's can do nines too.

If it weren't for the Gen 1's, then there wouldn't be a Gen 2.;)

10-20-2005, 09:43 AM
If it weren't for the Gen 1's, then there wouldn't be a Gen 2.;)

:D ...that's pretty good Rob. I suppose I never really thought about it that way.


10-20-2005, 10:27 AM
Go get em fellers.... We don't need no stinkin Gen 1's :evil . Gen 2's can do nines too.

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Gen1s HAVE gone into the 7s.:nana2

And if Paul Duckett had not redlighted, the world fastest Gen 2 would have been in 4th place. And if the turbo Gen 1 from Okla had not blown a head gasket, the world's fastes Gen 2 would have been in 5th. :cool:

10-20-2005, 06:04 PM
Gen IIs are very cool, but I don't think anyone in his right mind would argue that the Gen I has a lot more potential if you really want to go fast. I like both of mine for different reasons. The Gen I is great for errands around town and dusting an occasional "Hemi" from a light. But going to events like LightningFest and longer road trips; no comparison. :D

10-20-2005, 06:57 PM
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Gen1s HAVE gone into the 7s.:nana2

And if Paul Duckett had not redlighted, the world fastest Gen 2 would have been in 4th place. And if the turbo Gen 1 from Okla had not blown a head gasket, the world's fastes Gen 2 would have been in 5th. :cool:

You know what they say - If the Bull had tits it would be a cow... Or something like that...

10-20-2005, 08:40 PM
If it weren't for the Gen 1's, then there wouldn't be a Gen 2.;)
no, the Gen 2 would just be Gen 1.

10-20-2005, 08:58 PM
You know what they say - If the Bull had tits it would be a cow... Or something like that...

No, you have it wrong Doug. A bull does have tits. :rll: I think it is more like, if my aunt had a pecker, she'd be my uncle.

10-20-2005, 11:02 PM
How about.... if a cow had balls, it be a bull.

10-20-2005, 11:30 PM
Or as Dandy Don (Merideth) (or was it Howard Cosell) used to say on MNF, "If we had some cake, we could have some Cake & Ice-cream, if we had some ice-cream!!!

10-20-2005, 11:31 PM
I am seriously reconsidering my move to this state!!! Y'all are from here and are discussing bull's "tits" , cow's "balls, and your aunt's "pecker" (which is kinda scary if everything is bigger in texas :eek2: ).

Didn't you guys take AG class or join 4-H in school?

And I bet you make fun of us hillbillys from missouri (read misery). :D

10-21-2005, 10:57 AM
Gen IIs are very cool, but I don't think anyone in his right mind would argue that the Gen I has a lot more potential if you really want to go fast. I like both of mine for different reasons. The Gen I is great for errands around town and dusting an occasional "Hemi" from a light. But going to events like LightningFest and longer road trips; no comparison. :D

AS USUAL, what sixer said, I drove my Gen 2 to LFEST because of the comfort factor, and it is a much cooler truck.:D

Much more expensive to MOD with LESS results, but if I had to give up the Gen1 or the Gen2, it would be the Gen1 on the comfort factor alone, but the Gen1 makes a great farm truck:tu:

And NO, Silver2000 did not take anatomy classes:nono:

10-22-2005, 11:22 PM
no, the Gen 2 would just be Gen 1.

IF a frog had wings, it wouldn't bump his a$$ when he hops.:D

10-22-2005, 11:36 PM
It is better to have loved and lost than to never have lost at all. :cool:

10-23-2005, 10:59 PM
OK then.....................

Sh!t Rolls Downhill...:cool: