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View Full Version : 2psi pulley installed...pings at the top of 2nd...need advice

10-03-2002, 04:33 PM
Hey guys,

Well I got the PSP 2psi pulley installed. It was simple and no surprises.

The thing makes well over 10psi now...and makes boost much earlier. Punch it at part-throttle through traffic and it definitely accelerates quicker.

On the 1-2 shift instead of just barely barking the tires, it blows 'em off a bit more.

However, at the top of 2nd gear at WOT I'm getting some detonation. Right ~5000rpm.

Here are the mods I have:

Old JL chip (I REALLY like this chip)
Trans-Go shift kit
PSP air inlet kit
90mm MAF and '01+ inlet elbow to TB
Borla cat-back

I was afraid this would happen and may just put the stock pulley back on. The JL chip (one of his original Superchips) is great. The shifting at part throttle and full throttle is excellent. It works great with the Trans-Go shift kit. I have a PSP chip that bangs WA 2 hard at all throttle positions, so I'm not running that one.

Now I am still running the STOCK heat range plugs. I had them changed by Ford when I had the intercooler recall done this last summer. But they are not NGK TR6 plugs. Having run forced induction for a long time on other vehicles, I would think going to a cooler plug will help.

However, I'm also afraid I will have to go with another chip and I just hate long-distance tuning. It becomes a nightmare with people shipping the darn chip back and forth. :crying:

But if I do go with another chip what would your recommendation be? Do you think I would still need to change the plugs (my gut is telling me yes)?

Anyone want to help with a plug swap? ;) Never done it on these before...I have heard and read that it is a PITA.


10-03-2002, 04:59 PM
You will likely pick up more power with a reburn. I can get it done if you wish. I have pretty good luck getting what the customer wants out of the "tuners":tu:

10-03-2002, 05:29 PM

make sure your issue isnt bad gas... Once you start putting on pullies you wil find that your truck is more finnicky as to the gas it will like...

Dont blame you for not wanting to change what works. Since you have a chip you like see if you can "borrow " one from one of the chip whores here to solve your problem. If it works great, trade chips or buy them a replacement, if not you lost nothing and can go back to stock with the program you like.

You might find a member with a spare chip or 2 at the meeting tonight at Pappas

Good Luck


10-03-2002, 06:31 PM
Cold plugs with a tighter gap should solve the problem, but if not a reburn is in order.

Tell Sal do drop the line presure back to stock since you have the transgo kit.
Hello Bro. ;)

10-03-2002, 07:09 PM
All good advice, guys. Thank you.

Andre...good to hear from you brother! Sal has not been as helpful as he was in the past...at least not with me, but I am never going to be a "big spender" with my truck.

Doug...yeah, this is why I was hesitant to do _anything_ to my truck. No, its not even close to being the fastest out there, but it runs consistent low-13s, hauls my work stuff, and is just a pleasure to drive with absolutely ZERO issues. I was hoping the pulley would be ok with the chip...guess not.

I would be more than happy to buy someone's chip off them if it worked, but then again, I won't know if its really giving me a performance gain...just b/c it doesn't ping obviously doesn't make it the "right" chip. ;) If you have to retard the timing a LOT b/c of the extra boost, then your net power gain could be ZERO or even _negative_...that's why a custom tune is really the best, IMHO...unless you just want to buy 5 chips (I know some guys do...I have two myself) and try them all.

L8 APEX...may need to take you up on that. Actually, I am willing to buy a new chip and keep this one. In fact, I'd almost rather do that. I have a combo that works with the stock pulley and works well. It's given me a lot of smiles over the years. If I hold onto this chip, I can always go back to it later if I want/need to. But if you've got a hookup, I'm all eyes/ears. :D

What would be perfect would be to have a chip tuner meet me at a dyno somewhere and have a custom chip burned. Problem is that I don't know any around here. :(

What I think I may do is pull the chip altogether and see what happens with the extra boost the thing is making now. If it doesn't ping at all, that tells me that its a timing/fuel issue...and not necessarily a spark plug heat-range issue. If it still pings, then the plugs have to come out. Arghh...I'm never one to shy away from some bloody knuckles, but I've just heard this is a bear to do.

Sorry I couldn't make it tonight guys, and keep the suggestions coming!

10-03-2002, 09:31 PM
Wes what I meant was borrow a chip from someone who has an extra get it burned to match your mods that way you dont lose the program you like so much by burning over it... But since you have 2 chips your covered there..


10-03-2002, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by Silver_2000_;)!
Wes what I meant was borrow a chip from someone who has an extra get it burned to match your mods that way you dont lose the program you like so much by burning over it... But since you have 2 chips your covered there..


Oh, ok. Now I understand. Makes sense, Doug.

Is there ANYONE here locally who is educated on burning chips for these trucks? Or are we still stuck with mail-order?

The problem I see (and have witnessed first-hand being in the Mustang aftermarket for over a decade) is that as you make more mods and deviate from stock, it HAS to become harder and harder for the tuner to really nail the programming from long distance. :(

I have a chip from Sal...I guess I could get him to reburn it for me...but I'm a bit frustrated with him at the moment as I've tried to contact him on several occassions with no luck. :confused:

I still think if you don't tune a particular vehicle on-site, then you are leaving some power on the table. I could just see someone sending me a program that pulls back the timing too much (which should very well stop the top-end pinging) only to negate the power gains of the 2lb increase in boost. If I get a net zero, then I should put the stock pulley back on.

10-03-2002, 10:06 PM
You have a basic setup that has been dynooed and programmed for many times. Just get a 4# pulley and we'll get it burned for that and you'll be smokin!:tu: I did one last night a 99 L 90mm upgrade, 4#, TR6's, Accufab TB, Bassani, trans mod. She rips!

10-03-2002, 10:48 PM

If your truck is pinging with just the addition of a 2# pulley, you had a very good tune on your JL chip. I would normally suggest that you send it back to the original tuner and have the timing backed off a wee bit and then you would be good to go. Problem is, JL is now with Diablo and a lot of stuff has happened since you had your chip originally burned. Since JDM uses the Super Chip platform, you might want to send it to him and have him back the timing down just a tad. That should still give you the characteristics you like without the ping problem. :cool:

10-03-2002, 10:55 PM

Unfortunately I dont trust the few people who have dynos and can burn chips... You are better off getting a mail order.

As Terry said your mods are pretty standard. What you could do is ask Jim if he can read your current Superchip and JUST change the 5000 rpm timing ( make it CLEAR that you love everything else ) ... Your call -


10-03-2002, 11:07 PM
All good advice guys.

L8APEX...I am not going to do a 4# chip right now...call me crazy to be this conservative, but I am. This truck needs to see 100k miles easily. I'm at 30k now. :)

Doug, thanks for the advice on local vs. mail-order. IMHO, with some of these tuners it is very hard to make it _crystal clear_ what I want/desire.

Sixpipes, you are right about JL...they no longer use Superchips and will now charge me full price for a Diablo chip, even though I already bought products from them. Go figure.

Can you guys highly recommend JDM?

What about you, L8APEX? Are you a distributor for a tuner? (sorry for my ignorance).

Sounds like I need to do the plugs no matter what (sigh). I am gonna drive around some more on it tomorrow. At some point I'm gonna pull the chip and see if it pings. Seems to me if it doesn't then I might be able to get away with just a slight decrease in timing at high rpm. The plugs in there are basically brand new, so it'd be a shame to pull 'em.

<---really just wimping out on the plug change...I have better things to do, and other car projects to work on. :p

10-03-2002, 11:32 PM
Plugs are more critical on 4# setups but a safety margin is nice when the chip is as close as yours. Platinum plugs should never be used in a blown or hosed motor:nono: I would reccomend a JDM tune. Sometimes I have better response out of JDM than walk up customers. Price is about the same so it is your call. Shipping next day is 16 bucks each way. JDM does not use USPS so shipping is high. Last two chips came UPS ground 11 bucks 5 days:rolleyes:

10-04-2002, 09:24 AM
Hey Wes:
Your neighbor here happend to have a chip burned from PSP that just might work...nothing lost if you plug it in and it doesn't preform up to snuff.
Right now it sits in my computer desk looking lonely...stop by and try it out, Terry had it burned for me by SAL, should work fine on your L.

Terry: can you see any reason my single program chip wouldn't work on his L?

Wes: 822 Weeping Willow...I work from home so am here almost all the time.

10-04-2002, 12:52 PM
Long as the computer code matches it should be fine. I thought yours was for a 4#? I had yours made mild street there may be a little more in it.

10-04-2002, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by andy_cain
Hey Wes:
Your neighbor here happend to have a chip burned from PSP that just might work...nothing lost if you plug it in and it doesn't preform up to snuff.
Right now it sits in my computer desk looking lonely...stop by and try it out, Terry had it burned for me by SAL, should work fine on your L.

Terry: can you see any reason my single program chip wouldn't work on his L?

Wes: 822 Weeping Willow...I work from home so am here almost all the time.

Hey Andy,

Mine is a '99, yours is an '00 right? My PCM code is CUX1. I'm betting yours is different.

Let me know if its not, and it would be worth a try...although as Terry said, it might have more in it since I'm only running a 2psi pulley.

I pulled the chip this AM and it doesn't ping at all. It's not quite as responsive now, of course, but it runs good.

Thanks guys!

10-04-2002, 02:23 PM
Mine is "99" also.
Let me know how the chip works...would be nice if it resolves your problem.:D
May want to pull the negative from the battery and turn the lights on for about 10 minutes before installing just to clear out anything that may be in memory.:tu: