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11-14-2005, 09:58 PM
Delivering FEMA trailers

11-15-2005, 11:51 AM
Hmmm, OK, let's look at this.

According to Mapquest, Dallas to Wakarusa, In is 1053 miles and 16:09 driving time. Wakarusa, In to Selma, Al is another 720 miles and 12:22, and then back to Dallas from Selma is 598 miles and 9:30. So, for the trip you'd cover 2,371 miles. Figuring 17 MPG unloaded, and 11 MPG loaded, you'd burn 162.5 gallons of fuel. At $2.50 per gallon fuel cost for the trip would be $406.40. At top pay per loaded mile to the most distant delivery destination you'd get paid a gross $828 ($1.15 per loaded mile from Wakarusa to Selma, 720 miles = $828). So, we'll start by deducting the $406 in fuel costs from our gross pay of $828, leaving us with $422. However, let's look at a potential trip. Let's say we eat breakfast at home early on a Saturday morning, leaving at 6:00 AM for Wakarusa. We arrive in Wakarusa at 10:00 PM, having eaten two meals on the road. Figure $60 for a hotel room for the night, and then pick up the load early Sunday morning. Drive to Selma, another 3 meals on the road, and arrive in Selma at 8:00 PM. Drop the load, and immediately head for Dallas. Arrive back in Dallas at 5:30 AM Monday morning, having eaten 6 meals on the road and spent one night in a hotel. Figure an average of $10 per meal, so $60 for food/drinks + $60 for hotel means another $120 in expenses, leaving us with a total "profit" of $302. At this point we have 48 hours invested, from 6:00 AM Sat when we left Dallas, to 5:30 AM Monday when we get back to Dallas. $302 divided by 48 hours = an hourly rate of $6.29. And if you start looking at maintenance/wear on the truck it gets even worse. :nono:

Having an overabundance of vacation time, and a dearth of toy fund money I considered it just long enough to figure out that there are easier ways to make $6 an hour. Now then, if you could figure out how to tow 5 trailers at the same time without killing the fuel mileage it starts getting more promising. :rolleyes:

11-15-2005, 01:19 PM
Hmmm, OK, let's look at this.

According to Mapquest, Dallas to Wakarusa, In is 1053 miles and 16:09 driving time. Wakarusa, In to Selma, Al is another 720 miles and 12:22, and then back to Dallas from Selma is 598 miles and 9:30. So, for the trip you'd cover 2,371 miles. Figuring 17 MPG unloaded, and 11 MPG loaded, you'd burn 162.5 gallons of fuel. At $2.50 per gallon fuel cost for the trip would be $406.40. At top pay per loaded mile to the most distant delivery destination you'd get paid a gross $828 ($1.15 per loaded mile from Wakarusa to Selma, 720 miles = $828). So, we'll start by deducting the $406 in fuel costs from our gross pay of $828, leaving us with $422. However, let's look at a potential trip. Let's say we eat breakfast at home early on a Saturday morning, leaving at 6:00 AM for Wakarusa. We arrive in Wakarusa at 10:00 PM, having eaten two meals on the road. Figure $60 for a hotel room for the night, and then pick up the load early Sunday morning. Drive to Selma, another 3 meals on the road, and arrive in Selma at 8:00 PM. Drop the load, and immediately head for Dallas. Arrive back in Dallas at 5:30 AM Monday morning, having eaten 6 meals on the road and spent one night in a hotel. Figure an average of $10 per meal, so $60 for food/drinks + $60 for hotel means another $120 in expenses, leaving us with a total "profit" of $302. At this point we have 48 hours invested, from 6:00 AM Sat when we left Dallas, to 5:30 AM Monday when we get back to Dallas. $302 divided by 48 hours = an hourly rate of $6.29. And if you start looking at maintenance/wear on the truck it gets even worse. :nono:

Having an overabundance of vacation time, and a dearth of toy fund money I considered it just long enough to figure out that there are easier ways to make $6 an hour. Now then, if you could figure out how to tow 5 trailers at the same time without killing the fuel mileage it starts getting more promising. :rolleyes:

After reading the above, did anyone else feel like they were back in high school taking the ACT after a long night of drinking the night before. If a train leaves New Jersey at 9am traveling 60 mph, what time will it arrive in California and what will the weather be like when it gets there? :D

11-15-2005, 02:26 PM
If you don't eat and sleep in the truck that would help a little. :rll:

11-15-2005, 07:49 PM
:rll: That's exactly why i don't run my trucks otr anymore, all i was doing was this:burnout:

11-16-2005, 12:52 AM
You can't count sleeping for pay hours. We are in a sucky location to do this work. I thought there might be a haul to lower LA that would add another 200 or more paying miles. It would also be a better deal if you could haul warranty or exchange units between the the factory and receiving lots. Then you would get paid both ways. I am hoping to get a little Ford GT transporting business, pay is optional as long as I get a few miles behind the wheel of the GT:D