View Full Version : Concealed carry vs. open carry

11-16-2005, 10:38 PM
I know there are quite a few CHL holders and police officers among us and I was wondering something. As a police officer, would you rather a citizen have a concealed weapon or one out in the open for you to see. I personally think it would be alot more effective to have an open carry law in Texas. I think criminals conceal weapons and law abiding, government approved citizens ought to be able to carry out it the open. Just my .02 and looking for some opinions...


11-16-2005, 10:53 PM
I am not a LEO, but as a citizen and CHL holder I can honestly say I would not carry open if I had a choice. Open carry or no carry? OK. Otherwise, no.
There is safety in anonymity.

11-17-2005, 01:04 AM
Open carry makes you a target, you are more likely to be playing catch up in a real world excercise:hammer: . Open carry would warrant body armor as folks would be shooting at you in advance or any warning. I always tell the cops I know to tie the vest to the badge, if you are going to carry one you better have the other as well.