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Thread: Quickest TALON 1/4 Mile Times List

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  1. #1
    Slacker-Leave my user title alone Crawford's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Carrollton, TX

    Quickest TALON 1/4 Mile Times List

    9 Second club
    1. THogg----------------------1,47, 9.90 @ 138.40 (94, black) 1CIFTDEMKGHBNWJL*YPRR - stock suspension
    2. fuzzie----------------------- 1.433, 9.993 @ 135.56 (04,Silver) ABCDEFGHIKLMOPRSTVWXZ*^

    10 Second club
    1. wesman --------------- 1.772 10.892@126.03 2CFL6U3.5"TWDSEAMNKVGIHBORZ! (12-10-06) (00, Red)

    11 Second club
    1. ThunderBolt-----1.670, 11.309 @ 120.67 (00 white) 2CFLUDSEAKOPRVWZBH! (05-04-2007///HRP-FFW)
    2. Mark #2 --------------- 1.676, 11.593 @ 119.00 (00, Silver) 2CEFKL4MOSTUWZ (12-03-05)
    3. Bird-----------------------1.708, 11.82@115 (01, Red) 2BCDEFHL4MSTWZ!
    4. 03DSG#3399---------------1.66, 11.92 @ 115.6 (03 DSG) 2DEFKLNOSVW*
    5. Ohmsby----------------- 1.888, 11.946@ 117.03 (95 Red) !.*^+abcdefghijklmopstuvwxyz (9/22/07)
    6. sixpipes-----------------1.765 11.960 @ 117.29 (99 Black) 2ABCDEFGHIKLMOPSTUVWZ! (9/21/07) KCIR - LFest 5

    12 Second Club
    1. BC Lightning ----------- 1.703, 12.213 @ 112.65 (04, BLK) 2CDEFIKL#4MORTVW!(01-22-05)
    2. 02TrueBlu --------------- 1.679, 12.264 @ 109.33 (02, True Blue) 2ACDEFKL6OSV (02-04-07 ///HRP)
    3. True Blue Aggie -------- 1.698, 12.347 @ 109.67 (02, True Blue) 2CDEFKL6ORSVW! (03-26-06)
    4. ken cryder -------------- 1.764, 12.382 @ 103.65 (99, Black) 2CDEFKLMNPST (3-16-03)
    5. G'Lightning------------- 1.780, 12.415@ 110.52 (04 Black) CFL4STWDEKI! (10/21/2007)
    6. TX SVT LIGHTNING ----- 1.781, 12.466 @ 109.17 (04, White) 2 CL3WDSEKO (11-16-05)
    7. tliss --------------------1.851, 12.562 @ 108.85 (01, Black) 2CFL4TWDSEK*! (12-04-04)
    8. PUMP ----------------- 1.786, 12.569@106.62 (03 white) CDKL4MOSTV! (10/21/07)
    9. sonicbluetommy --------1.873, 12.604 @ 108.00 1/4,
    10. TXLIGHTNING----------------- 12.684 @ 108.68, 60ft 1.997, RT .545,(03 Black) 2CDEFIL4MSTZ! 5/9/08 Ennis
    11. 99WhiteBeast ----------- 1.901, 12.688 @ 108.30 (99, White) 2CEFL4K (12-04-04)
    12. Cpeapea -------------- 1.937, 12.768 @ 106.64 (01, Black) 2CDFL6ST (4-12-03)
    13. rexrenegade-------------1.864, 12.81 @ 108.88 (02, Black) 2CFL4DS (9-23-06)
    14. Winterhawk------------ 1.864, 12.812 @ 107.90 (00, Red) 2CFL (12-7-02)
    15. WA 2 FST ------------- 2.08, 12.819 @ 109.00 (04, DSG) 2CFKL4! (12-04-04) (Street tune)
    16. SpeedyBolt------------ 1.974 12.86@106.18 2CFDL#6VW! '01 Red (Warm tune)
    17. 02SVTKID-------------- 1.969, 12.940@106.34 (yr?/color?) 2CDEFL6R
    18. BlackLight--------------1.634, 12.98 @ 108.138 mph, (99, Black) 2ACEFGIL#MSTU#*!
    19. byrd35us----------------1.892, 12.984 @ 104.38 (01, Silver) 2CFEL4 (3-27-2004)

    13 Second Club
    1. 04SVTRACING-------------1.926 13.063 @ 106.01 (04,Silver) 2CDEFL#OS (9-23-06)
    2. LivinEZ---------------------1.938, 13.076 @ 105.69 (03 Grey) 2SAWCFL4EI (3-31-06)
    3. Tobbun ------------------- 1.806, 13.239 @ 97.88 (94, White) 1!*BDEFGHIKMPRRSVXYZ (10-24-04 in Bluto)
    4. Beaudee--------------------2.008,13.265@103.75 (04 DSG)2ACEFL4W
    5. nacklas---------------------2.046, 13.329, 103.39, 2000 Silver, 2CDEFL4MSTU2.76*, (4/01/09), Ennis
    6. Got_UR_# ----------------- 2.140, 13.445 @ 103.92 (02, Black) 2D (3-8-03)
    7. gagspa---------------------2.009, 13.469 @ 102.07 (04Black) 2E (4/23/05)
    8. SVTROKY---------------------1.921, 13.611, 94.48, 2004 Black, 2CDEFIL6T, (05/01/09) @ Ennis
    9. Tobbun ------------------- 1.970, 13.648 @ 99.40 (94, Red/Black) !+BEFKLSVYZ (9-24-05 in Brutus)
    10. Toddwaren-----------------2.136, 13.666 @ 100.55 (04 Tru Blue) C,K,L,#,M,Z

    14 Second Club
    1. harley/sc------------------------2.139, 14.375@95.54, (02 HD smoked grey) may1st 2009 @ ennis
    2. Ivanhoe farms --------- 2.164, 14.966 @ 87.97 (93, Red) FUEKZ+ (12-4-04) Hallsville

    15 Second Club
    1. sixpipes----------------2.160, 15.478 @ 84.49 (95, Black) Z (10/23/05) Ennis

    12 Second - F150 Club

    1. Flats Man-------1.882,12.463@110.38(98WhiteF150)CFLTWPDSEAMKVGIHBZ ! March 2005
    Last edited by Shiner1; 04-02-2010 at 10:02 AM.

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