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Thread: Quickest TALON 1/8 Mile Times List

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  1. #1
    Slacker-Leave my user title alone Crawford's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Carrollton, TX

    Quickest TALON 1/8 Mile Times List


    1. THogg - missing info
    2. Shiner--------1.59, 6.92 @ 100.69 (95-Red) IFUTDSEMKGHXBNWRLO*ZYRR!+ (11/6/09) NorthStar

    1. Wesman---------------------1.772 7.041@102.35 2CFL6U3.5"TWDSEAMNKVGIHBORZ! (12-10-06) (00, Red)
    2. Thunderbolt-------------------------------------1.568, 7.186 @ 96.98 (2000 White) 2CFLUDSEAKRVWZ
    3. Mark #2 ---------------------------------- 1.690, 7.358 @ 91.71 (00, Silver) 2ACDEFKL6MOSTU3"WZ (10-30-05)
    4. Bird---------------------------------------------1.708 - 7.563@91.97 (01-Red) 2BCDEFHL4MSTWZ!
    5. ken cryder -------------------------------------1.651, 7.630 @ 89.16 (99, Black) 2CFL5TPDSEKN (11-29-03)
    6. sixpipes----------------------------------------1.767, 7.656 @ 91.38 2abcdefghiklmopstuvwz! (9/07)
    7. 02TrueBlu ------------------------------- 1.679, 7.775 @ 88.30 (02, True Blue) 2ACDEFKL6OSV (02-04-07///HRP)
    8. vnmous93cobra----------------------1.78, 7.77, @ 89.43, (2002, Black), CFLUTSEAMKVHPZ (5/2/2008, Angleton)
    9. Parts Truck---------------------------------------1.712 ,7.783 @88.25 CFLUTWDSEAKVOZ (4-16-08, Kennedale)
    10. BC Lightning----------------------------1.768, 7.78 @ 89.65 (04, BLK) 2CDEFKU3.50L8#MORTPAIHBZVW! (6/10/07)
    11. True Blue Aggie -------------------------------- 1.670, 7.849 @ 86.26 (02, True Blue) 2CDEFKL6RSVW! (01-15-06)
    12. G'Lightning----------------------------------1.738, 7.862 @ 89.06 (04 black) CFL4STWDEKI! (kennedale 10/28/07)
    13. TX SVT LIGHTNING-----------------------------------1.781, 7.959 @ 87.18 (04, White) CL3WDSEKO (11-16-2005)
    14. Charlie-----------------------------------1.8721, 7.9615 @ 88.95, (99 red) CFL6TWDEMIHB*!, (05-03-08 Red line)

      8 Second Club
    15. tliss -----------------------------1.851, 8.046 @ 86.96 (01, Black) 2CFL4TWDSEK*! (12-04-04)
    16. pump----------------------------------------------- 1.8039, 8.047@85.26 (03 white) CDKL4MOSTV! (03-30-2008)
    17. sonicbluetommy ---------------------------------------1.873, 8.062 @ 86.73 (04 S Blue) 2CFEDKW*L4 (12-04-04)
    18. Avalanche -------------------------------------------- 1.739, 8.103 @ 83.41 (01, White) CFULDEV (3/13/05)
    19. 99WhiteBeast(Gen2)------------------------------------ 1.901, 8.155 @ 87.02 (99, White) 2CEFL4K (12-04-04)
    20. bluesvt------------------------------------------------1.815, 8.174 @ 83.43 (03, Blue) 2CFLDE (12-18-05)
    21. SpeedyBolt---------------------------------------------1.89, 8.184 @ 84.53 (01, Red) 2CFL4EK (11-11-04)
    22. gpz 750-------------------------------------------2.02,8.18@89(93 red)IFTDEKVHXBL*PRR!+(8/29/09) NorthStar
    23. Winterhawk --------------------------------------------1.864, 8.206 @ 85.91 (00, Red) 2CFL (12-7-02)
    24. SILVER2000SVT ---------------------------------------1.933, 8.221 @ 85.52 (00, Silver) 2CFL4TWDEAK (1-25-04)
    25. boostaholic -------------------------- 1.84 60", 8.227 @ 83.65, ( 2001, silver),CFLUWSEAR,(11-09-08),(kennedale)
    26. meogi26------------------------------------------------1.79, 8.25 @ 83.99 (2003 White) 2CFLTDE (11-20-05)
    27. LivinEZ------------------------------------------------1.859, 8.253 @ 84.5 (03 Grey) 2SAWCFL4EI (2-26-06)
    28. Tobbun----------------------------------------------- 8.276 @ 81.48 (94, White) 1FDSMKVGHXBZYRR!(10-24-04)
    29. RexRenegade--------------------------------------------1.955,8.279,85.64 (02, Black)2CFL4D (1-15-2006)
    30. byrd35us-----------------------------------------------1.892, 8.285 @ 84.30 (01, Silver) 2CFEL4 (3-27-2001)
    31. ND4SPD-------------------------------------------------1.9269, 8.307 @ 84.05 (02, White) 2CFL6EVG (2-27-04)
    32. Wa 2 Fst ----------------------------------------------2.08, 8.357 @ 86.76 (04, Dsg) 2cfkl4! (12-4-04)
    33. Svtroky--------------------------------------------1.862, 8.338 @82.67 (04,black) 2cfltdeamki, (03-5-10)@kd
    34. Got_UR_# ----------------------------------------------2.022, 8.359 @ 84.22 (02, Black) 2CLD (3-13-03)
    35. slick-svt--------------------------------------------1.921, 8.45 @ 80.88 (03 black) LDCTEFI (3-31-10 Kennadale)
    36. Lenard_hester------------------------------------------1.9585, 8.4835 @ 82.48 (99, White) 2CFL4 (9-10-04)
    37. RSVT-----------------------------------------------1.920,8.489@80.98(2000,RED)2CFLTEID(4-5-07)@kennedale
    38. F150freak ---------------------------------------------1.93, 8.49 @ 81.74 (02, Blue) 2CFTSEA (03-13-05)
    39. smbony9------------------------------------------------1.97, 8.56@82.53 (02 black) lek02-09-08cedarcreek
    40. slick-svt------------------------------------------1.947 , 8.575@81.56mph (03 black) 2CFEM 10-21-05 kennedale
    41. QIK KAT----------------------------------------------- 1.978, 8.577@81.93(01 black) 2CF (4/2/05)
    42. Chris94L------------------------------------------ 1.941, 8.583 @ 81.40 (94, White) FUTENOZ (4/18/09) Redline
    43. nacklas-------------------------------2.046, 8.593, @ 84.05, (2000 Silver), CFL4U2.76TDSEMO*, (4/01/09), Ennis
    44. 02BOLT(Gen1)---------------------------1.899, 8.601@78.31(93 Red) 1CUDEKVHXJLO^PRR!+(11/20/05) Kennedale
    45. N2Otorious------------------------------------- 2.020 60',8.625@82.969,(00,White),FE,(01-29-09),Seven Points
    46. BradOcean--------------------------------------------1.97, 8.633@ 80.99(02 Red) CFLE (3-21-09) Denton
    47. gagspa-------------------------------------------------2.009, 8.659 @ 81.96 (04Black) 2E (4/23/05)
    48. SVTROKY-----------------------------------------1.921, 8.671 @80.21 (04,BLACK) 2CDEFIL6T, (05-01-09)@Ennis
    49. LocoLightning02----------------------------------------1.9742, 8.680 @ 80.94 (Black 02) CFLDSEN! ( 9-21-2007)
    50. Tobbun ---------------------------------- 1.970, 8.710 @ 79.67 (94, Red/Black) !+BEFKLSVYZ (9-24-05 in Brutus)
    51. UUDLOSE -----------------------------------------------2.071, 8.843 @ 80.22 (01, Black) 2CE (3-21-04)
    52. Sparkchaser271 ----------------------------------------2.029, 8.85 @79.53 (03,White) F (9-22-07)
    53. FRDRCING -------------------------------------2.23, 8.870 @ 82.9 (99, Black) FLTDEAMKVGR* (12-04-04) Denton

      9 Second Club
    54. Tex aka John ------------------------------------- 2.205, 9.230 @ 78.01 (01, Black) 2E (6-20-4)
    55. harley/sc---------------------------------------------2.139, 9.263 @77.13 (02 harley smoked grey) CFUE, (5-01-09) ennis
    56. Ivanhoe Farms -------------------------------------- 2.164, 9.509 @ 72.83 (93, Red) FUEKZ+ (12-04-04) Hallsville
    57. 99WhiteBeast(Gen1)--------------------------------- 2.328 9.708 @ 72.50 (95, Red) FUEKOZ (3-13-04) Kennedale
    58. sixpipes(Gen1)-----------------------------------------2.160 9.770 @ 70.25 (95, Black) Z (10/23/05) Ennis
    59. 1993_mullet12 --------------------------------------- 2.276, 9.907, @ 96.73, ( 1993, Red) ,F,E,L,O,Z,! (9,29,10 / Kennedale)
    60. slick-svt----------------------------------------------2.288, 9.98, @ 69.62 (94 red) F U (3-31-10 Kennadale)

    7 Sec F150 Club
    1. Flats Man----------------------------------------------7.642,1.642@88.24(98WhiteF150)CFLTWPDSEAMKVGIHBZ! Feb 2006
    Last edited by Shiner1; 10-11-2010 at 12:22 PM.

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