DAMN the bad luck, guys!! a friggin shame!
glad everyone is safe. better luck with the do-overs.
John, glad to hear your doing alright today, considering what happened
It was a pretty scary sight to be able to see the underside of a Lightning in the air, I mean the car that hit John was moving pretty fast to lift it up in the air, if you look at the pics in the gallery you can see where the driver side rims/tires are messed up from where the truck landed and came back down, luckly it wasnt a taller truck or it would have rolled over, luckily we still had a good number of people and had Doug, Derrick and others to help block traffic
It was a good day though, thanks again Silky for the BBQ, the left over ribs made for a good lunch
Wes and I were making pretty good time getting to Jeff-ro's to watch the rest of the Cowboy game, if we knew how they were playing we might not have driven so fast
Had a great time at the fall classic. I hope everyone enjoyed the food.
John, Don't worry bro you can get another L. Very Very glad to hear you are OK! Let your Talon brothers know if we can help you out in any way.
I had a great time and it is always fun to see the faces and trucks.
Sorry to see Dennis go out so early...
Sorry to see the other L crunched...
Good to see we have a great group of guys willing to help out...
I was wandering why I didn't get passed on the way back... my Gen 1 with 140k miles doesn't like going 90 for long periods of time... so I was trying to get in front of the group in case anything happend on the way back.
I appreciate all the help along the way to the finals... not sure I actually had to beat anyone heads up until the Top Dawg race (which I lost). Everyone either broke out or red lighted I think.
Thanks to Dennis for all the work and effort that went into the event... I thought it was great... Wish we would have seen some of the OK boys there... I thought the facility was nice, although the 60' prep could have been a little better.
The BBQ was also great. Those sausages made you think twice before getting some more.
94 Gen I - Brutus
1/4 13.648
1/8 ?
Mods - 220, 221 whatever it takes...
Ignore the 1/4 mile times... just focus on the win...
BTW... Thanks to Doug for taking ton's of pictures.
94 Gen I - Brutus
1/4 13.648
1/8 ?
Mods - 220, 221 whatever it takes...
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