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Thread: Lowes Home Improvements in Carrollton

  1. #1
    Webmaster - Torque Fan Silver_2000's Avatar
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    Carrollton, Texas

    Lowes Home Improvements in Carrollton

    Im in an on going disagreement with Lowes over warranty of a Door they sold and more importantly over the assurances the Manager Justin made

    I paid for a second door and was told that when the defective door was returned to the store I would get a refund - But that hasnt happened

    Its been months and Im getting this posted so that Google has a chance to index it in time for negotiations

    Im currently in email discussions with Allison M - Hopefully she will be able to cut through the BS

  2. #2
    TALON Sgt at Arms Moonshine's Avatar
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    Bump for Lowe's Carrollton.

  3. #3
    Participating User dboat's Avatar
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    Bastages, until they get you taken care of, you can bet they wont see my happy face in there spending my HARD EARNED money.

  4. #4
    TALON Supporting Member 98Cobra's Avatar
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    A door, like a bedroom door?

  5. #5
    Participating User Sandman's Avatar
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    Curious, what was wrong with the door? I bought one from them in the past couple of years and let them install it. It has since warped.

  6. #6
    Participating User mustgofaster's Avatar
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    I've all but Sworn off Lowes for good. I had an incredibly bad experience with them 2 years ago when I purchased a grill from them. I still cannot believe how bad the customer service was.

  7. #7
    Webmaster - Torque Fan Silver_2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sandman View Post
    Curious, what was wrong with the door? I bought one from them in the past couple of years and let them install it. It has since warped.
    It was an exterior door

    It had a mushroom growing out of the INSIDE

    IMO warping could simply be foundation settling. Mushroom means that water was some how getting inside the frame of the door

    one picture is the mushroom and the roots of it along the bottom of the door
    the second is the replacement door in place with TOO much spray insulation

    My issue isn't that the door may have been defective - that sucks and cost me the reinstall and the repaint costs - BUT what really gets me is the store manager Jason or Justin made a personal assurance that he would refund the old door if I bought another and had them install it .... He has since decided that he wont honor that ... I saw him last night, he made the error of coming up to me and asking if I needed help finding anything.. It took some restraint to not tell him what I thought of him and his character and the value of his word.

    BTW - I Love Google

    Search for Allison lowes carrollton and we are already on the first page ... ;-)

  8. #8
    Participating User PUMP's Avatar
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    If there was sufficient nutrient source and spores for musrooms to sprout. Then there is also a possibility of harmful black mold growth, which could have spread to the interior of the house. (Mushrooms spread by spores just as harmful mold does) If I were lowe's I'd settle this one quietly and quickly.

  9. #9
    Participating User dboat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PUMP View Post
    If there was sufficient nutrient source and spores for musrooms to sprout. Then there is also a possibility of harmful black mold growth, which could have spread to the interior of the house. (Mushrooms spread by spores just as harmful mold does) If I were lowe's I'd settle this one quietly and quickly.
    Good point.


  10. #10
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    Call corporate and demand to talk to the CEO. You won't ever get to him/her, but you will get transferred around until you get an empowered underling who will be willing to do quite a bit to "make a problem go away". They really don't want the big guy in the corner office to get wind of any problem they couldn't resolve, so they usually throw money at it when you get to that level. Web/written contacts can also be helpful, and store managers are often paid bonuses based on customer complaints/feedback, but it's usually faster to call and not get off the phone until you get help.

    If you bought the new door with a CC, you can always do a charge back, as you didn't get credit for a return as you were promised by the store. That qualifies you under the "I tried to work directly with the merchant" rule. Credit card companies typically side with the customer, so even though you don't have it in writing, you should be able to put the pressure on. Half the time, big companies don't bother to research the issue and respond in time, so you win by default.

    Finally, have you tried contacting the door mfg directly? I've had good luck with vendors by simply stating the problem and asking them if they can help, or if you should just take it off and return it to Lowes. Most vendors want to avoid returns to the store, as it can affect their performance ratings and cost them business. Some companies penalize vendors if they fail to meet performance goals, this company may be teetering on the edge of that (or may not, which indicates they take care of things). Often, they will choose to take care of you and keep the store out of the loop. They don't have to know you've already raised hell with the store....

    Good luck in getting them to stand up and do the right thing. Let us know if we all need to start emailing their corporate office! A sudden jump in the reports will often get noticed by upper-management.

  11. #11
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    Doug, great job on the Google thing. I would stick it up there A**, climb the corperate ladder, get all your money back & get the door for free.

  12. #12
    Webmaster - Torque Fan Silver_2000's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikelemoine View Post
    Call corporate and demand to talk to the CEO. You won't ever get to him/her, but you will get transferred around until you get an empowered underling who will be willing to do quite a bit to "make a problem go away". They really don't want the big guy in the corner office to get wind of any problem they couldn't resolve, so they usually throw money at it when you get to that level. Web/written contacts can also be helpful, and store managers are often paid bonuses based on customer complaints/feedback, but it's usually faster to call and not get off the phone until you get help.

    If you bought the new door with a CC, you can always do a charge back, as you didn't get credit for a return as you were promised by the store. That qualifies you under the "I tried to work directly with the merchant" rule. Credit card companies typically side with the customer, so even though you don't have it in writing, you should be able to put the pressure on. Half the time, big companies don't bother to research the issue and respond in time, so you win by default.

    Finally, have you tried contacting the door mfg directly? I've had good luck with vendors by simply stating the problem and asking them if they can help, or if you should just take it off and return it to Lowes. Most vendors want to avoid returns to the store, as it can affect their performance ratings and cost them business. Some companies penalize vendors if they fail to meet performance goals, this company may be teetering on the edge of that (or may not, which indicates they take care of things). Often, they will choose to take care of you and keep the store out of the loop. They don't have to know you've already raised hell with the store....

    Good luck in getting them to stand up and do the right thing. Let us know if we all need to start emailing their corporate office! A sudden jump in the reports will often get noticed by upper-management.
    The door was under manufacturer wtty
    the local manager Jason or Justin offered to save me the trouble of dealing with manufacturer ( which would have been a pain ) by refunding the door if I by a new one and they install it.

    What they have taught me is that the word of the manager at Lowes isnt worth anything ...

    I may use the CC route for the new door if need be BUT what do I tell them ? The old door was over a year ago - and the new one is still in ...

    The beauty of my plan will ne asking Justin and or Allison to search for Lowes Carrollton and their names ...

    If I dont hear by the end of the week - Ill escalate

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